| lading. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 810 ILCS 5/7-102Carrier: means any motor carrier or rail carrier other than a private carrier. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 625 ILCS 5/18c-1104Case law: The law as laid down in cases that have been decided in the decisions of the courts.Caucus: From the Algonquian Indian language, a caucus meant "to meet together." An informal organization of members of the legislature that exists to discuss issues of mutual concern and possibly to perform legislative research and policy planning for its members. There are regional, political or ideological, ethnic, and economic-based caucuses.Certificate: means a certificate of public convenience and necessity issued under this Chapter to common carriers of household goods. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 625 ILCS 5/18c-1104Chambers: A judge's office.Charity: An agency, institution, or organization in existence and operating for the benefit of an indefinite number of persons and conducted for educational, religious, scientific, medical, or other beneficent purposes.Chief judge: The judge who has primary responsibility for the administration of a court but also decides cases; chief judges are determined by seniority.Circuit clerk: means clerk of the circuit court. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 5 ILCS 70/1.26Civil forfeiture: The loss of ownership of property used to conduct illegal activity.Clerk of court: An officer appointed by the court to work with the chief judge in overseeing the court's administration, especially to assist in managing the flow of cases through the court and to maintain court records.Codicil: An addition, change, or supplement to a will executed with the same formalities required for the will itself.Commission: means the Illinois Commerce Commission. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 625 ILCS 5/18c-1104Commission regulations and orders: means rules and regulations adopted and orders or decisions issued by the Commission pursuant to this Chapter; any certificate, permit, broker's license or other license or registration issued pursuant to such rules, regulations, orders and decisions; and all terms, conditions, or limitations thereof. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 625 ILCS 5/18c-1104Committee membership: Legislators are assigned to specific committees by their party. Seniority, regional balance, and political philosophy are the most prominent factors in the committee assignment process.Common law: The legal system that originated in England and is now in use in the United States. It is based on judicial decisions rather than legislative action.Complaint: A written statement by the plaintiff stating the wrongs allegedly committed by the defendant.Consignee: means a person named in a bill of | | | | lading as the person from which the goods have been received for shipment. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 810 ILCS 5/7-102Continuance: Putting off of a hearing ot trial until a later time.Contract for sale: includes both a present sale of goods and a contract to sell goods at a future time. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 810 ILCS 5/2-106control or management: when used in this Article, shall be construed to include the power to exercise control or management. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 625 ILCS 5/18c-4307Conviction: A judgement of guilt against a criminal defendant.Counterclaim: A claim that a defendant makes against a plaintiff.Credit report: A detailed report of an individual's credit history prepared by a credit bureau and used by a lender in determining a loan applicant's creditworthiness. Source: OCCDecedent: A deceased person.deception: means knowingly to: (a) Create or confirm another's impression which is false and which the offender does not believe to be true; or (b) Fail to correct a false impression which the offender previously has created or confirmed; or (c) Prevent another from acquiring information pertinent to the disposition of the property involved; or (d) Sell or otherwise transfer or encumber property, failing to disclose a lien, adverse claim, or other legal impediment to the enjoyment of the property, whether such impediment is or is not valid, or is or is not a matter of official record; or (e) Promise performance which the offender does not intend to perform or knows will not be performed. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 720 ILCS 5/15-4decree: is synonymous with the word "judgment". See Illinois Compiled Statutes 5 ILCS 70/1.24Defense attorney: Represent defendants in criminal matters.Delivery order: means a record that contains an | | order to deliver goods directed to a warehouse, carrier, or other person that in the ordinary course of business issues warehouse receipts or bills of lading. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 810 ILCS 5/7-102Delivery system: means the design and construction approach used to develop and construct a project. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 65 ILCS 5/11-39.2-10Department: means the Department of Children and Family Services. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 20 ILCS 510/510-5Dependent: A person dependent for support upon another.Deposition: An oral statement made before an officer authorized by law to administer oaths. Such statements are often taken to examine potential witnesses, to obtain discovery, or to be used later in trial.Design professional: means any individual, sole proprietorship, firm, partnership, joint venture, corporation, professional corporation, or other entity that offers services under the Illinois Architecture Practice Act of 1989, the Professional Engineering Practice Act of 1989, the Structural Engineering Practice Act of 1989, or the Illinois Professional Land Surveyor Act of 1989. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 65 ILCS 5/11-135.5-7Design professional: means an individual, sole proprietorship, firm, partnership, joint venture, corporation, professional corporation, or other entity that offers services under the Illinois Architecture Practice Act of 1989, the Professional Engineering Practice Act of 1989, the Structural Engineering Practice Act of 1989, or the Illinois Professional Land Surveyor Act of 1989. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 65 ILCS 5/11-39.2-10Design-build: means a delivery system that provides responsibility within a single contract for the furnishing of architecture, engineering, land surveying, and related services as required and the labor, materials, equipment, and other construction services for the project. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 65 ILCS 5/11-135.5-7Design-build: means a delivery system that provides responsibility within a single contract for the furnishing of architecture, engineering, land surveying, and related services, as required, and the labor, materials, equipment, and other construction services for the project. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 65 ILCS 5/11-39.2-10Design-build contract: means a contract for a public project under this Division between a commission and a design-build entity to furnish: architecture, engineering, land surveying, public art or interpretive exhibits, and related services, as required; and the labor, materials, equipment, and other construction services for the project. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 65 ILCS 5/11-135.5-7Design-build contract: means a contract for a public project under this Division between a municipality and a design-build entity to furnish: architecture, engineering, land surveying, public art or interpretive exhibits, and related services, as required, and the labor, materials, equipment, and other construction services for the project. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 65 ILCS 5/11-39.2-10Design-build entity: means any individual, sole proprietorship, firm, partnership, joint venture, corporation, professional corporation, or other entity that proposes to design and construct any public project under this Division. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 65 ILCS 5/11-135.5-7Design-build entity: means an individual, sole proprietorship, firm, partnership, joint venture, corporation, professional corporation, or other entity that proposes to design and construct any public project under this Division. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 65 ILCS 5/11-39.2-10Devise: To gift property by will.Discovery: Lawyers' examination, before trial, of facts and documents in possession of the opponents to help the lawyers prepare for trial.Discrimination: means undue discrimination in the context of the particular mode of transportation involved. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 625 ILCS 5/18c-1104Dismissal: The dropping of a case by the judge without further consideration or hearing. Source: Docket: A log containing brief entries of court proceedings.Donor: The person who makes a gift.Electronic funds transfer: The transfer of money between accounts by consumer electronic systems-such as automated teller machines (ATMs) and electronic payment of bills-rather than by check or cash. (Wire transfers, checks, drafts, and paper instruments do not fall into this category.) Source: OCCEmbezzlement: In most states, embezzlement is defined as theft/larceny of assets (money or property) by a person in a position of trust or responsibility over those assets. Embezzlement typically occurs in the employment and corporate settings. Source: OCCEnterprise: includes : (1) any partnership, corporation, association, | | business or charitable trust, or other legal entity; and |
| (2) any group of individuals or other legal entities, | | or any combination thereof, associated in fact although not itself a legal entity. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 720 ILCS 5/33G-3Entitlement: A Federal program or provision of law that requires payments to any person or unit of government that meets the eligibility criteria established by law. Entitlements constitute a binding obligation on the part of the Federal Government, and eligible recipients have legal recourse if the obligation is not fulfilled. Social Security and veterans' compensation and pensions are examples of entitlement programs.Equitable: Pertaining to civil suits in "equity" rather than in "law." In English legal history, the courts of "law" could order the payment of damages and could afford no other remedy. See damages. A separate court of "equity" could order someone to do something or to cease to do something. See, e.g., injunction. In American jurisprudence, the federal courts have both legal and equitable power, but the distinction is still an important one. For example, a trial by jury is normally available in "law" cases but not in "equity" cases. Source: U.S. CourtsEscheat: Reversion of real or personal property to the state when 1) a person dies without leaving a will and has no heirs, or 2) when the property (such as a bank account) has been inactive for a certain period of time. Source: OCCEscrow: Money given to a third party to be held for payment until certain conditions are met.Evaluation criteria: means the requirements for the separate phases of the selection process as defined in this Division and may include the specialized experience, technical qualifications and competence, capacity to perform, past performance, experience with similar projects, assignment of personnel to the project, and other appropriate factors. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 65 ILCS 5/11-135.5-7Evaluation criteria: means the requirements for the separate phases of the selection process as defined in this Division and may include the specialized experience, technical qualifications and competence, capacity to perform, past performance, experience with similar projects, assignment of personnel to the project, and other appropriate factors. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 65 ILCS 5/11-39.2-10Ex officio: Literally, by virtue of one's office.Executor: A male person named in a will to carry out the decedentExtradition: The formal process of delivering an accused or convicted person from authorities in one state to authorities in another state.Fair Credit Reporting Act: A federal law, established in 1971 and revised in 1997, that gives consumers the right to see their credit records and correct any mistakes. Source: OCCFair market value: The price at which an asset would change hands in a transaction between a willing, informed buyer and a willing, informed seller.Federal agency: means the United States of America, the President of the United States of America, or such agency or agencies of the United States of America as may be designated or created to make loans or grants or both. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 110 ILCS 661/6-5Federal agency: means the United States of America, the President of the United States of America, or such agency or agencies of the United States of America as may be designated or created to make loans or grants or both. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 110 ILCS 666/11-5Federal agency: means the United States of America, the President of the United States of America, or such agency or agencies of the United States of America as may be designated or created to make loans or grants or both. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 110 ILCS 671/16-5Federal agency: means the United States of America, the President of the United States of America, or such agency or agencies of the United States of America as may be designated or created to make loans or grants or both. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 110 ILCS 676/21-5Federal agency: means the United States of America, the President of the United States of America, or such agency or agencies of the United States of America as may be designated or created to make loans or grants or both. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 110 ILCS 681/26-5Federal agency: means the United States of America, the President of the United States of America, or such agency or agencies of the United States of America as may be designated or created to make loans or grants or both. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 110 ILCS 686/31-5Federal Reserve System: The central bank of the United States. The Fed, as it is commonly called, regulates the U.S. monetary and financial system. The Federal Reserve System is composed of a central governmental agency in Washington, D.C. (the Board of Governors) and twelve regional Federal Reserve Banks in major cities throughout the United States. Source: OCCFee simple: Absolute title to property with no limitations or restrictions regarding the person who may inherit it.Fiduciary: A trustee, executor, or administrator.Finance charge: The total cost of credit a customer must pay on a consumer loan, including interest. The Truth in Lending Act requires disclosure of the finance charge. Source: OCCFixed Rate: Having a "fixed" rate means that the APR doesn't change based on fluctuations of some external rate (such as the "Prime Rate"). In other words, a fixed rate is a rate that is not a variable rate. A fixed APR can change over time, in several circumstances: - You are late making a payment or commit some other default, triggering an increase to a penalty rate
- The bank changes the terms of your account and you do not reject the change.
- The rate expires (if the rate was fixed for only a certain period of time).
For-hire: means for compensation or hire, regardless of the form of compensation and whether compensation is direct or indirect. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 625 ILCS 5/18c-1104Forgery: The fraudulent signing or alteration of another's name to an instrument such as a deed, mortgage, or check. The intent of the forgery is to deceive or defraud. Source: OCCFraud: Intentional deception resulting in injury to another.Freedom of Information Act: A federal law that mandates that all the records created and kept by federal agencies in the executive branch of government must be open for public inspection and copying. The only exceptions are those records that fall into one of nine exempted categories listed in the statute. Source: OCCGarnishment: Generally, garnishment is a court proceeding in which a creditor asks a court to order a third party who owes money to the debtor or otherwise holds assets belonging to the debtor to turn over to the creditor any of the debtorGeneral Revenue Law of Illinois: or any equivalent expression, when used with reference to revenue, shall be deemed to refer to the Property Tax Code and all existing and future amendments thereto and modifications thereof, and all rules now or hereafter adopted pursuant thereto. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 5 ILCS 70/1.23Germane: On the subject of the pending bill or other business; a strict standard of relevance.Gift: A voluntary transfer or conveyance of property without consideration, or for less than full and adequate consideration based on fair market value.Good faith: means honesty in fact and the | | | | movable for the purposes of a contract for storage or transportation. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 810 ILCS 5/7-102Grace period: The number of days you'll have to pay your bill for purchases in full without triggering a finance charge. Source: Federal ReserveGrand jury: agreement providing that a lender will delay exercising its rights (in the case of a mortgage,Guarantor: A party who agrees to be responsible for the payment of another party's debts should that party default. Source: OCCGuardian: A person legally empowered and charged with the duty of taking care of and managing the property of another person who because of age, intellect, or health, is incapable of managing his (her) own affairs.Habeas corpus: A writ that is usually used to bring a prisoner before the court to determine the legality of his imprisonment. It may also be used to bring a person in custody before the court to give testimony, or to be prosecuted.Hazardous material: means any substance or material in a quantity and form determined by the federal Office of Hazardous Materials and the Federal Railroad Administration to be capable of posing an unreasonable risk to health, safety, or property when transported in commerce. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 625 ILCS 5/18c-1104Household goods: means : (A) Personal effects and property used or to be used | | in a dwelling when a part of the equipment or supply of such dwelling; except that this subdivision (13. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 625 ILCS 5/18c-1104Household goods carrier: means a motor carrier of property authorized to transport household goods. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 625 ILCS 5/18c-1104Household goods common carrier: means any household goods carrier engaged in transportation for the general public over regular or irregular routes. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 625 ILCS 5/18c-1104Household goods contract carrier: means any household goods carrier engaged in transportation under contract with a limited number of shippers (that shall not be freight forwarders, shippers' agents or brokers) that either (a) assigns motor vehicles for a continuing period of time to the exclusive use of the shipper or shippers served, or (b) furnishes transportation service designed to meet the distinct need of the shipper or shippers served. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 625 ILCS 5/18c-1104Impeachment: (1) The process of calling something into question, as in "impeaching the testimony of a witness." (2) The constitutional process whereby the House of Representatives may "impeach" (accuse of misconduct) high officers of the federal government for trial in the Senate.Indemnification: In general, a collateral contract or assurance under which one person agrees to secure another person against either anticipated financial losses or potential adverse legal consequences. Source: FDICIndictment: The formal charge issued by a grand jury stating that there is enough evidence that the defendant committed the crime to justify having a trial; it is used primarily for felonies.Intangible property: Property that has no intrinsic value, but is merely the evidence of value such as stock certificates, bonds, and promissory notes.Interrogatories: Written questions asked by one party of an opposing party, who must answer them in writing under oath; a discovery device in a lawsuit.Interstate carrier: means any person engaged in the for-hire transportation of persons or property in interstate or foreign commerce in this State, whether or not such transportation is pursuant to authority issued to it by the Interstate Commerce Commission. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 625 ILCS 5/18c-1104interstate carrier: includes any private carrier that is required to register under federal law. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 625 ILCS 5/18c-4401Interstate commerce: means commerce between a point in the State of Illinois and a point outside the State of Illinois, or between points outside the State of Illinois when such commerce moves through Illinois, or between points in Illinois moving through another state in a bona fide operation that is either exempt from federal regulation or moves under a certificate or permit issued by the Interstate Commerce Commission authorizing interstate transportation, whether such commerce moves wholly by motor vehicle or partly by motor vehicle and partly by any other regulated means of transportation where the commodity does not come to rest or change its identity during the movement, and includes commerce originating or terminating in a foreign country moving through the State of Illinois. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 625 ILCS 5/18c-1104Intestate: Dying without leaving a will.Intrastate carrier: means any person engaged in the for-hire transportation of persons or property in intrastate commerce in this State. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 625 ILCS 5/18c-1104Intrastate commerce: means commerce moving wholly between points within the State of Illinois, whether such commerce moves wholly by one transportation mode or partly by one mode and partly by any other mode of transportation. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 625 ILCS 5/18c-1104Irrevocable trust: A trust arrangement that cannot be revoked, rescinded, or repealed by the grantor.Issuer: means a bailee that issues a document of | | title or, in the case of an unaccepted delivery order, the person that orders the possessor of goods to deliver. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 810 ILCS 5/7-102Joint committee: Committees including membership from both houses of teh legislature. Joint committees are usually established with narrow jurisdictions and normally lack authority to report legislation.Joint resolution: A legislative measure which requires the approval of both chambers.Joint session: When both chambers of a legislature adopt a concurrent resolution to meet together.Joint tenancy: A form of property ownership in which two or more parties hold an undivided interest in the same property that was conveyed under the same instrument at the same time. A joint tenant can sell his (her) interest but not dispose of it by will. Upon the death of a joint tenant, his (her) undivided interest is distributed among the surviving joint tenants.Jurisprudence: The study of law and the structure of the legal system.Juror: A person who is on the jury.Jury instructions: A judge's directions to the jury before it begins deliberations regarding the factual questions it must answer and the legal rules that it must apply. Source: U.S. CourtsLabor organization: includes any organization, labor union, craft union, or any voluntary unincorporated association designed to further the cause of the rights of union labor that is constituted for the purpose, in whole or in part, of collective bargaining or of dealing with employers concerning grievances, terms or conditions of employment, or apprenticeships or applications for apprenticeships, or of other mutual aid or protection in connection with employment, including apprenticeships or applications for apprenticeships. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 720 ILCS 5/33G-3Lawsuit: A legal action started by a plaintiff against a defendant based on a complaint that the defendant failed to perform a legal duty, resulting in harm to the plaintiff.Lease: A contract transferring the use of property or occupancy of land, space, structures, or equipment in consideration of a payment (e.g., rent). Source: OCCLegacy: A gift of property made by will.Legatee: A beneficiary of a decedentLegislative session: That part of a chamber's daily session in which it considers legislative business (bills, resolutions, and actions related thereto).Liabilities: The aggregate of all debts and other legal obligations of a particular person or legal entity.License: means any certificate, permit, broker's license, or other license issued under this Chapter. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 625 ILCS 5/18c-1104Life estate: A property interest limited in duration to the life of the individual holding the interest (life tenant).Litigation: A case, controversy, or lawsuit. Participants (plaintiffs and defendants) in lawsuits are called litigants.Marital deduction: The deduction(s) that can be taken in the determination of gift and estate tax liabilities because of the existence of a marriage or marital relationship.Material support or resources: means currency or other financial securities, financial services, lodging, training, safe houses, false documentation or identification, communications equipment, facilities, weapons, lethal substances, explosives, personnel, transportation, any other kind of physical assets or intangible property, and expert services or expert assistance. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 720 ILCS 5/29D-10Metropolitan area: means all that territory in the State of Illinois lying within the corporate boundaries of the City of Carbondale. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 70 ILCS 200/40-5Metropolitan area: means all that territory in the State of Illinois lying within DuPage County, except for those portions lying within municipalities which have a civic center authority within the corporate limits of such municipalities, and except for those portions within the metropolitan area of the Illinois-Michigan Canal National Heritage Corridor Civic Center Authority. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 70 ILCS 200/80-5Minimum finance charge: The minimum, or fixed, finance charge that will be imposed during a billing cycle. A minimum finance charge usually applies only when a finance charge is imposed, that is, when you carry over a balance. Source: Federal ReserveMinority leader: See Floor LeadersMonth: means a calendar month, and the word "year" a calendar year unless otherwise expressed; and the word "year" alone, is equivalent to the expression "year of our Lord. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 5 ILCS 70/1.10Mortgagee: The person to whom property is mortgaged and who has loaned the money.Mortgagor: The person who pledges property to a creditor as collateral for a loan and who receives the money.Motor carrier: means any person engaged in the transportation of property or passengers, or both, for hire, over the public roads of this State, by motor vehicle. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 625 ILCS 5/18c-1104Motor vehicle: means any vehicle, truck, trucktractor, trailer or semitrailer propelled or drawn by mechanical power and used upon the highways of the State in the transportation of property or passengers. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 625 ILCS 5/18c-1104National Bank: A bank that is subject to the supervision of the Comptroller of the Currency. The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency is a bureau of the U.S. Treasury Department. A national bank can be recognized because it must have "national" or "national association" in its name. Source: OCCNolo contendere: No contest-has the same effect as a plea of guilty, as far as the criminal sentence is concerned, but may not be considered as an admission of guilt for any other purpose.Notice: means with regard to all proceedings except enforcement proceedings instituted on the motion of the Commission, and except for interstate motor carrier registrations, public notice by publication in the official state newspaper, unless otherwise provided in this Chapter. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 625 ILCS 5/18c-1104Oath: A promise to tell the truth.oath: shall be deemed to include an affirmation, and the word "sworn" shall be construed to include the word "affirmed. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 5 ILCS 70/1.12obtain: means : (a) In relation to property, to bring about a transfer of interest or possession, whether to the offender or to another, and (b) In relation to labor or services, to secure the performance thereof. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 720 ILCS 5/15-7Official state newspaper: means the newspaper designated and certified to the Commission annually by the Director of Central Management Services of the State of Illinois, or, if said Director fails to certify to the Commission the name and address of the official newspaper selected by the Director prior to expiration of the previous certification, the newspaper designated in the most recent certification. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 625 ILCS 5/18c-1104Open-end credit: A credit agreement (typically a credit card) that allows a customer to borrow against a preapproved credit line when purchasing goods and services. The borrower is only billed for the amount that is actually borrowed plus any interest due. (Also called a charge account or revolving credit.) Source: OCCOperation or management: means directing or carrying out the enterprise's affairs and is limited to any person who knowingly serves as a leader, organizer, operator, manager, director, supervisor, financier, advisor, recruiter, supplier, or enforcer of an enterprise in violation of this Article. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 720 ILCS 5/33G-3Oral argument: An opportunity for lawyers to summarize their position before the court and also to answer the judges' questions.owner: means a person, other than the offender, who has possession of or any other interest in the property involved, even though such interest or possession is unlawful, and without whose consent the offender has no authority to exert control over the property. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 720 ILCS 5/15-2Party: means any person admitted as a party to a Commission proceeding or seeking and entitled as a matter of right to admission as a party to a Commission proceeding. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 625 ILCS 5/18c-1104Pattern of predicate activity: means : (1) at least 3 occurrences of predicate activity that | | are in some way related to each other and that have continuity between them, and that are separate acts. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 720 ILCS 5/33G-3Permit: means a permit issued under this Chapter to contract carriers of property by motor vehicle. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 625 ILCS 5/18c-1104Person: means any natural person or legal entity, whether such entity is a proprietorship, partnership, corporation, association, or other entity, and, where a provision concerns the acts or omissions of a person, includes the partners, officers, employees, and agents of the person, as well as any trustees, assignees, receivers, or personal representatives of the person. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 625 ILCS 5/18c-1104Person: has the meaning given in Section 2-15 of this Code and, in addition to that meaning, includes, without limitation, any charitable organization, whether incorporated or unincorporated, any professional fund raiser, professional solicitor, limited liability company, association, joint stock company, association, trust, trustee, or any group of people formally or informally affiliated or associated for a common purpose, and any officer, director, partner, member, or agent of any person. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 720 ILCS 5/29D-10Person under legal disability: means a person 18 years or older who (a) because of mental deterioration or physical incapacity is not fully able to manage his or her person or estate, or (b) is a person with mental illness or is a person with developmental disabilities and who because of his or her mental illness or developmental disability is not fully able to manage his or her person or estate, or (c) because of gambling, idleness, debauchery or excessive use of intoxicants or drugs, so spends or wastes his or her estate as to expose himself or herself or his or her family to want or suffering. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 5 ILCS 70/1.06Personal property: All property that is not real property.Plaintiff: The person who files the complaint in a civil lawsuit.Plea: In a criminal case, the defendant's statement pleading "guilty" or "not guilty" in answer to the charges, a declaration made in open court.Plea agreement: An arrangement between the prosecutor, the defense attorney, and the defendant in which the defendant agrees to plead guilty in exchange for special considerations. Source: Pleadings: Written statements of the parties in a civil case of their positions. In the federal courts, the principal pleadings are the complaint and the answer.Point of order: A claim made by a legislator from the floor that a rule of the legislature is being violated. If the Chair sustains the point of order, the action in violation of the rule is not permitted.police force: shall be construed to include such persons in the employ of a municipality as members of the department of police, who are or shall hereafter be appointed and sworn as policemen. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 5 ILCS 70/1.20Power of attorney: A written instrument which authorizes one person to act as another's agent or attorney. The power of attorney may be for a definite, specific act, or it may be general in nature. The terms of the written power of attorney may specify when it will expire. If not, the power of attorney usually expires when the person granting it dies. Source: OCCPrecedent: A court decision in an earlier case with facts and law similar to a dispute currently before a court. Precedent will ordinarily govern the decision of a later similar case, unless a party can show that it was wrongly decided or that it differed in some significant way.Predicate activity: means any act that is a Class 2 felony or higher and constitutes a violation or violations of any of the following provisions of the laws of the State of Illinois (as amended or revised as of the date the activity occurred or, in the instance of a continuing offense, the date that charges under this Article are filed in a particular matter in the State of Illinois) or any act under the law of another jurisdiction for an offense that could be charged as a Class 2 felony or higher in this State: (1) under the Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal | | Code of 2012: 8-1. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 720 ILCS 5/33G-3Preliminary hearing: A hearing where the judge decides whether there is enough evidence to make the defendant have a trial.Presentence report: A report prepared by a court's probation officer, after a person has been convicted of an offense, summarizing for the court the background information needed to determine the appropriate sentence. Source: U.S. CourtsPretrial services officers: Screen applicants for pretrial release and monitor convicted offenders released under court supervision.Probable cause: A reasonable ground for belief that the offender violated a specific law.Probate: Proving a willProbation: A sentencing alternative to imprisonment in which the court releases convicted defendants under supervision as long as certain conditions are observed.Probation officers: Screen applicants for pretrial release and monitor convicted offenders released under court supervision.Project: means and includes revenue producing buildings, structures and facilities which, as determined by the Board, are required by, or necessary for the use or benefit of, such University, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, student residence halls; apartments; staff housing facilities; dormitories; health, hospital or medical facilities; dining halls; student union buildings; field houses; stadiums; physical education installations and facilities; auditoriums; facilities for student or staff services; any facility or building leased to the United States of America; off-street parking facilities; heretofore, or as may be hereafter, acquired, with all equipment and appurtenant facilities; or any one, or more than one, or all, of the foregoing, or any combination thereof, for such University. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 110 ILCS 661/6-5Project: means and includes revenue producing buildings, structures and facilities which, as determined by the Board, are required by, or necessary for the use or benefit of, such University, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, student residence halls; apartments; staff housing facilities; dormitories; health, hospital or medical facilities; dining halls; student union buildings; field houses; stadiums; physical education installations and facilities; auditoriums; facilities for student or staff services; any facility or building leased to the United States of America; off-street parking facilities; heretofore, or as may be hereafter, acquired, with all equipment and appurtenant facilities; or any one, or more than one, or all, of the foregoing, or any combination thereof, for such University. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 110 ILCS 666/11-5Project: means and includes revenue producing buildings, structures and facilities which, as determined by the Board, are required by, or necessary for the use or benefit of, such University, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, student residence halls; apartments; staff housing facilities; dormitories; health, hospital or medical facilities; dining halls; student union buildings; field houses; stadiums; physical education installations and facilities; auditoriums; facilities for student or staff services; any facility or building leased to the United States of America; off-street parking facilities; heretofore, or as may be hereafter, acquired, with all equipment and appurtenant facilities; or any one, or more than one, or all, of the foregoing, or any combination thereof, for such University. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 110 ILCS 671/16-5Project: means and includes revenue producing buildings, structures and facilities which, as determined by the Board, are required by, or necessary for the use or benefit of, such University, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, student residence halls; apartments; staff housing facilities; dormitories; health, hospital or medical facilities; dining halls; student union buildings; field houses; stadiums; physical education installations and facilities; auditoriums; facilities for student or staff services; any facility or building leased to the United States of America; off-street parking facilities; heretofore, or as may be hereafter, acquired, with all equipment and appurtenant facilities; or any one, or more than one, or all, of the foregoing, or any combination thereof, for such University. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 110 ILCS 676/21-5Project: means and includes revenue producing buildings, structures and facilities which, as determined by the Board, are required by, or necessary for the use or benefit of, such University, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, student residence halls; apartments; staff housing facilities; dormitories; health, hospital or medical facilities; dining halls; student union buildings; field houses; stadiums; physical education installations and facilities; auditoriums; facilities for student or staff services; any facility or building leased to the United States of America; off-street parking facilities; heretofore, or as may be hereafter, acquired, with all equipment and appurtenant facilities; or any one, or more than one, or all, of the foregoing, or any combination thereof, for such University. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 110 ILCS 681/26-5Project: means and includes revenue producing buildings, structures and facilities which, as determined by the Board, are required by, or necessary for the use or benefit of, such University, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, student residence halls; apartments; staff housing facilities; dormitories; health, hospital or medical facilities; dining halls; student union buildings; field houses; stadiums; physical education installations and facilities; auditoriums; facilities for student or staff services; any facility or building leased to the United States of America; off-street parking facilities; heretofore, or as may be hereafter, acquired, with all equipment and appurtenant facilities; or any one, or more than one, or all, of the foregoing, or any combination thereof, for such University. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 110 ILCS 686/31-5property: means anything of value. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 720 ILCS 5/15-1Proposal: means the offer to enter into a design-build contract as submitted by a design-build entity in accordance with this Division. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 65 ILCS 5/11-135.5-7Proposal: means the offer to enter into a design-build contract as submitted by a design-build entity in accordance with this Division. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 65 ILCS 5/11-39.2-10Prosecute: To charge someone with a crime. A prosecutor tries a criminal case on behalf of the government.Public art designer: means an individual, sole proprietorship, firm, partnership, joint venture, corporation, professional corporation, or other entity that has demonstrated experience with the design and fabrication of public art, including any media that has been planned and executed with the intention of being staged in the physical public domain outside and accessible to all or any art which is exhibited in a public space, including publicly accessible buildings, or interpretive exhibits, including communication media that is designed to engage, excite, inform, relate, or reveal the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of a topic or story being presented. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 65 ILCS 5/11-39.2-10Public carrier: means a motor carrier of property, other than a household goods carrier. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 625 ILCS 5/18c-1104Public convenience and necessity: shall be construed to have the same meaning under this Chapter as it was construed by the courts to have under the Illinois Motor Carrier of Property Law, with respect to motor carriers of property, and the Public Utilities Act with respect to motor carriers of passengers and rail carriers. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 625 ILCS 5/18c-1104Public defender: Represent defendants who can't afford an attorney in criminal matters.Public interest: shall be construed to have the same meaning under this Chapter as it was construed by the courts to have under the Illinois Motor Carrier of Property Law. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 625 ILCS 5/18c-1104Public law: A public bill or joint resolution that has passed both chambers and been enacted into law. Public laws have general applicability nationwide.Quorum: The number of legislators that must be present to do business.Rail carrier: means any person engaged in the transportation of property or passengers for hire by railroad, together with all employees or agents of such person or entity, and all property used, controlled, or owned by such person or entity. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 625 ILCS 5/18c-1104Railroad: means track and associated structures, including bridges, tunnels, switches, spurs, terminals and other facilities, and equipment, including engines, freight cars, passenger cars, cabooses, and other equipment, used in the transportation of property or passengers by rail. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 625 ILCS 5/18c-1104Rate: means every individual or joint rate, fare, toll, or charge of any carrier or carriers, any provisions relating to application thereof, and any tariff or schedule containing rates and provisions. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 625 ILCS 5/18c-1104Record: means information that is inscribed on | | a tangible medium or that is stored in an electronic or other medium and is retrievable in perceivable form. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 810 ILCS 5/7-102Recourse: An arrangement in which a bank retains, in form or in substance, any credit risk directly or indirectly associated with an asset it has sold (in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles) that exceeds a pro rata share of the bank's claim on the asset. If a bank has no claim on an asset it has sold, then the retention of any credit risk is recourse. Source: FDICRegistration: means a registration issued to an interstate carrier. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 625 ILCS 5/18c-1104Remainderman: One entitled to the remainder of an estate after a particular reserved right or interest, such as a life tenancy, has expired.Remand: When an appellate court sends a case back to a lower court for further proceedings.Reporter: Makes a record of court proceedings and prepares a transcript, and also publishes the court's opinions or decisions (in the courts of appeals).Request for proposal: means the document used by the commission to solicit proposals for a design-build contract. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 65 ILCS 5/11-135.5-7Request for proposal: means the document used by the municipality to solicit proposals for a design-build contract. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 65 ILCS 5/11-39.2-10Rescission: The cancellation of budget authority previously provided by Congress. The Impoundment Control Act of 1974 specifies that the President may propose to Congress that funds be rescinded. If both Houses have not approved a rescission proposal (by passing legislation) within 45 days of continuous session, any funds being withheld must be made available for obligation.Restitution: The court-ordered payment of money by the defendant to the victim for damages caused by the criminal action.Revolving credit: A credit agreement (typically a credit card) that allows a customer to borrow against a preapproved credit line when purchasing goods and services. The borrower is only billed for the amount that is actually borrowed plus any interest due. (Also called a charge account or open-end credit.) Source: OCCRight of rescission: Right to cancel, within three business days, a contract that uses the home of a person as collateral, except in the case of a first mortgage loan. There is no fee to the borrower, who receives a full refund of all fees paid. The right of rescission is guaranteed by the Truth in Lending Act (TILA). Source: OCCschedule: refers to a publication or document containing motor contract carrier rates and provisions. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 625 ILCS 5/18c-1104Scope and performance criteria: means the requirements for the commission project, including, but not limited to, the intended usage, capacity, size, scope, quality and performance standards, life-cycle costs, and other programmatic criteria that are expressed in performance-oriented and quantifiable specifications and drawings that can be reasonably inferred and are suited to allow a design-build entity to develop a proposal. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 65 ILCS 5/11-135.5-7Scope and performance criteria: means the requirements for the public project, such as the intended usage, capacity, size, scope, quality and performance standards, life-cycle costs, and other programmatic criteria that are expressed in performance-oriented and quantifiable specifications and drawings that can be reasonably inferred and are suited to allow a design-build entity to develop a proposal. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 65 ILCS 5/11-39.2-10Seller: means a person who sells or contracts to | | | | contract of transportation with a carrier. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 810 ILCS 5/7-102Shipper: means the consignor or consignee. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 625 ILCS 5/18c-1104Statute of limitations: A law that sets the time within which parties must take action to enforce their rights.Subpoena: A command to a witness to appear and give testimony.Subpoena duces tecum: A command to a witness to produce documents.Substantial damage: means monetary damage greater than $100,000. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 720 ILCS 5/29D-10Summons: Another word for subpoena used by the criminal justice system.Supplemental appropriation: Budget authority provided in an appropriations act in addition to regular or continuing appropriations already provided. Supplemental appropriations generally are made to cover emergencies, such as disaster relief, or other needs deemed too urgent to be postponed until the enactment of next year's regular appropriations act.Surviving spouse: means "widow" or "widower" as the case may be. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 5 ILCS 70/1.32sworn: shall be construed to include the word "affirmed. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 5 ILCS 70/1.12tariff: refers to a publication or document containing motor common carrier rates and provisions or rates and provisions applicable via rail carrier under contracts established pursuant to 49 U. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 625 ILCS 5/18c-1104Temporary restraining order: Prohibits a person from an action that is likely to cause irreparable harm. This differs from an injunction in that it may be granted immediately, without notice to the opposing party, and without a hearing. It is intended to last only until a hearing can be held.Tenancy by the entirety: A type of joint tenancy between husband and wife that is recognized in some States. Neither party can sever the joint tenancy relationship; when a spouse dies, the survivor acquires full title to the property.Tenancy in common: A type of property ownership in which two or more individuals have an undivided interest in property. At the death of one tenant in common, his (her) fractional percentage of ownership in the property passes to the decedentTerminal area: means , in addition to the area within the corporate boundary of an incorporated city, village, municipality, or community center, the area (whether incorporated or unincorporated) within 10 air miles of the corporate limits of the base city, village, municipality, or community center, including all of any city, village or municipality which lies within such area. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 625 ILCS 5/18c-1104Testator: A male person who leaves a will at death.Testify: Answer questions in court.Towing: means the pushing, towing, or drawing of wheeled property by means of a crane, hoist, towbar, towline, or auxiliary axle. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 625 ILCS 5/18c-1104Transcript: A written, word-for-word record of what was said, either in a proceeding such as a trial or during some other conversation, as in a transcript of a hearing or oral deposition.Transfer: means the sale, lease, consolidation, merger, acquisition or change of control, or other transfer of a license, in whole or in part. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 625 ILCS 5/18c-1104Transportation: means the actual movement of property or passengers by motor vehicle (without regard to ownership of vehicles or equipment used in providing transportation service) or rail together with loading, unloading, and any other accessorial or ancillary service provided by the carrier in connection with movement by motor vehicle or rail, which is performed by or on behalf of the carriers, its employees or agents, or under the authority or direction of the carrier or under the apparent authority or direction and with the knowledge of the carrier. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 625 ILCS 5/18c-1104Trial: A hearing that takes place when the defendant pleads "not guilty" and witnesses are required to come to court to give evidence.Trust account: A general term that covers all types of accounts in a trust department, such as estates, guardianships, and agencies. Source: OCCTruth in Lending Act: The Truth in Lending Act is a federal law that requires lenders to provide standardized information so that borrowers can compare loan terms. In general, lenders must provide information on Source: OCCUnits of local government: has the meaning established in Section 1 of Article VII of the Constitution of the State of Illinois of 1970. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 5 ILCS 70/1.28University: means and includes Chicago State University, located at Chicago, Illinois, and its branches. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 110 ILCS 661/6-5University: means and includes Eastern Illinois University, located at Charleston, Illinois, and its branches. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 110 ILCS 666/11-5University: means and includes Governors State University, located at University Park, Illinois, and its branches. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 110 ILCS 671/16-5University: means and includes Illinois State University, located at Normal, Illinois, and its branches. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 110 ILCS 676/21-5University: means and includes Northeastern Illinois University, located at Chicago, Illinois, and its branches. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 110 ILCS 681/26-5University: means and includes Northern Illinois University, located at DeKalb, Illinois, and its branches. See Illinois Compiled Statutes 110 ILCS 686/31-5Unlawful death: includes the following offenses: under the Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012: Sections 9-1 (first degree murder) or 9-2 (second degree murder). See Illinois Compiled Statutes 720 ILCS 5/33G-3User fees: Fees charged to users of goods or services provided by the government. In levying or authorizing these fees, the legislature determines whether the revenue should go into the treasury or should be available to the agency providing the goods or services.Variable Rate: Having a "variable" rate means that the APR changes from time to time based on fluctuations in an external rate, normally the Prime Rate. This external rate is known as the "index." If the index changes, the variable rate normally changes. Also see Fixed Rate.Venue: The geographical location in which a case is tried.Verdict: The decision of a petit jury or a judge.Veto: The procedure established under the Constitution by which the President/Governor refuses to approve a bill or joint resolution and thus prevents its enactment into law. A regular veto occurs when the President/Governor returns the legislation to the house in which it originated. The President/Governor usually returns a vetoed bill with a message indicating his reasons for rejecting the measure. In Congress, the veto can be overridden only by a two-thirds vote in both the Senate and the House.Victim advocate: work with prosecutors and assist the victims of a crime.Victim Impact Statement: A written or spoken statement by the victim or his or her representative about the physical, emotional, and financial impact of a crime on the victim. The statement is given to the court before sentencing.Warehouse: means a person engaged in the | |