Indiana Code 16-39-5-3. Provider’s use of records; confidentiality; violations
Terms Used In Indiana Code 16-39-5-3
- Litigation: A case, controversy, or lawsuit. Participants (plaintiffs and defendants) in lawsuits are called litigants.
- Property: includes personal and real property. See Indiana Code 1-1-4-5
- Statute: A law passed by a legislature.
(c) Except as provided in IC 16-39-4-5, the original health record of the patient is the property of the provider and as such may be used by the provider without specific written authorization for legitimate business purposes, including the following:
(1) Submission of claims for payment from third parties.
(2) Collection of accounts.
(3) Litigation defense.
(4) Quality assurance.
(5) Peer review.
(6) Scientific, statistical, and educational purposes.
(d) In use under subsection (c), the provider shall at all times protect the confidentiality of the health record and may disclose the identity of the patient only when disclosure is essential to the provider’s business use or to quality assurance and peer review.
(e) A provider or the Indiana archives and records administration may disclose a health record to another provider or to a nonprofit research organization to be used in connection with a scientific, statistical, or educational project. Each party that receives information from a health record in connection with the joint project shall protect the confidentiality of the health record and may not disclose the patient’s identity except as allowed under this article.
(f) A provider may disclose a health record or information obtained from a health record to the association for use in connection with a data aggregation project undertaken by the association. However, the provider may disclose the identity of a patient to the association only when the disclosure is essential to the project. The association may disclose the information it receives from a provider under this subsection to the state department to be used in connection with a public health activity or data aggregation of inpatient and outpatient discharge information submitted under IC 16-21-6-6. The information disclosed by:
(1) a provider to the association; or
(2) the association to the state department;
under this subsection is confidential.
(g) Information contained in final results obtained by the state department for a public health activity that:
(1) is based on information disclosed under subsection (f); and
(2) identifies or could be used to determine the identity of a patient;
is confidential. All other information contained in the final results is not confidential.
(h) Information that is:
(1) advisory or deliberative material of a speculative nature; or
(2) an expression of opinion;
including preliminary reports produced in connection with a public health activity using information disclosed under subsection (f), is confidential and may only be disclosed by the state department to the association and to the provider who disclosed the information to the association.
(i) The association shall, upon the request of a provider that contracts with the association to perform data aggregation, make available information contained in the final results of data aggregation activities performed by the association in compliance with subsection (f).
(j) A person who recklessly violates or fails to comply with subsections (e) through (h) commits a Class C infraction. Each day a violation continues constitutes a separate offense.
(k) This chapter does not do any of the following:
(1) Repeal, modify, or amend any statute requiring or authorizing the disclosure of information about any person.
(2) Prevent disclosure or confirmation of information about patients involved in incidents that are reported or required to be reported to governmental agencies and not required to be kept confidential by the governmental agencies.
[Pre-1993 Recodification Citation: 16-4-8-8.]
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.22. Amended by P.L.102-1994, SEC.7; P.L.103-1994, SEC.1; P.L.2-1995, SEC.73; P.L.231-1999, SEC.15; P.L.44-2002, SEC.5; P.L.78-2004, SEC.23; P.L.45-2020, SEC.9.