Sec. 7. (a) The state department shall prepare a form for a patient to use to request administration of chymopapain. The form must be substantially in the following form:


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Patient’s name _______________________________

Address _____________________________________

Age ___________ Sex ____________

Name and address of administering physician


Physical condition diagnosed for medical treatment by chymopapain



My physician has explained the following to me:

(1) That the manufacture and distribution of chymopapain has been banned by the federal Food and Drug Administration.

(2) That there are alternative recognized treatments for the back ailment from which I suffer that my physician has offered to provide for me, including the following: (Here describe)



Notwithstanding this explanation, I request the administration of chymopapain in the medical treatment of the back ailment from which I suffer.


Patient or person signing for patient



     Prescribing physician

     (b) A copy of the request form shall be sent immediately after execution to the state department.

[Pre-1993 Recodification Citation: 16-8-10-5.]

As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.25.