Indiana Code 2-1-9-7. Resolution of inconsistent inclusions in house or senate districts
(1) is contiguous to the part; and
Terms Used In Indiana Code 2-1-9-7
- district: refers to a district described in IC 2-1-12 or IC 2-1-13. See Indiana Code 2-1-9-2
- Population: has the meaning set forth in Indiana Code 1-1-4-5
- senate district: refers to a district of the senate of the general assembly described in:
Indiana Code 2-1-9-6
(b) If any part of Indiana is described as being in more than one (1) house or senate district, the part is included within the house or senate district that:
(1) is one (1) of the house or senate districts in which the part is listed in:
(A) IC 2-1-12 or IC 2-1-13, before November 8, 2022, whichever is applicable; or
(B) IC 2-1-14 or IC 2-1-15, after November 7, 2022, whichever is applicable;
(2) is contiguous to the part; and
(3) contains the least population according to the 2020 decennial census of Indiana.
(c) If any part of Indiana:
(1) is described in:
(A) IC 2-1-12 or IC 2-1-13, before November 8, 2022, whichever is applicable; or
(B) IC 2-1-14 or IC 2-1-15, after November 7, 2022, whichever is applicable;
as being in one (1) house or senate district; and
(2) entirely surrounded by another house or senate district;
the part shall be incorporated into the house or senate district that surrounds the part.
(d) If any part of Indiana:
(1) is described as being in one (1) house or senate district; and
(2) is not contiguous to another part of the house or senate district that contains the majority of the population in the house or senate district;
the part is included with the contiguous house or senate district that contains the least population according to the 2020 decennial census of Indiana.
As added by P.L.212-2001, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.214-2011, SEC.5; P.L.221-2021, SEC.7.