Sec. 6. (a) Except as provided in section 4(d) of this chapter, a collaborating physician may delegate authority to a physician assistant to prescribe:

(1) legend drugs except as provided in section 4(c) of this chapter; and

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(2) medical devices (except ophthalmic devices, including glasses, contact lenses, and low vision devices).

     (b) A physician assistant who is delegated the authority to prescribe legend drugs or medical devices must do the following:

(1) Enter the following on each prescription form that the physician assistant uses to prescribe a legend drug or medical device:

(A) The signature of the physician assistant.

(B) The initials indicating the credentials awarded to the physician assistant by the NCCPA.

(C) The physician assistant’s state license number.

(2) Comply with all applicable state and federal laws concerning prescriptions for legend drugs and medical devices.

     (c) A collaborating physician may delegate to a physician assistant the authority to prescribe only legend drugs and medical devices that are within the scope of practice of the licensed collaborating physician or the physician designee.

     (d) A physician assistant who is delegated the authority to prescribe controlled substances under subsection (a) and in accordance with the limitations specified in section 4(c) of this chapter must do the following:

(1) Obtain an Indiana controlled substance registration and a federal Drug Enforcement Administration registration.

(2) Enter the following on each prescription form that the physician assistant uses to prescribe a controlled substance:

(A) The signature of the physician assistant.

(B) The initials indicating the credentials awarded to the physician assistant by the NCCPA.

(C) The physician assistant’s state license number.

(D) The physician assistant’s federal Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) number.

(3) Comply with all applicable state and federal laws concerning prescriptions for controlled substances.

     (e) A collaborating physician may only delegate to a physician assistant the authority to prescribe controlled substances:

(1) that may be prescribed within the scope of practice of the licensed collaborating physician or the physician designee; and

(2) in accordance with the limitations set forth in section 4(c) of this chapter.

     (f) Unless the pharmacist has specific knowledge that filling the prescription written by a physician assistant will violate a collaborative agreement or is illegal, a pharmacist shall fill a prescription written by a physician assistant without requiring to see the physician assistant’s collaborative agreement.

     (g) A prescription written by a physician assistant that complies with this chapter does not require a cosignature from the collaborative physician or physician designee.

As added by P.L.90-2007, SEC.27. Amended by P.L.197-2011, SEC.122; P.L.102-2013, SEC.3; P.L.135-2015, SEC.2; P.L.247-2019, SEC.16.