Indiana Code 4-35-4-1. Administration, regulation, and enforcement of slot machine wagering at racetracks
Terms Used In Indiana Code 4-35-4-1
(1) All powers and duties specified in this article.
(2) All powers necessary and proper to fully and effectively execute this article.
(3) Jurisdiction and supervision over the following:
(A) All gambling game operations in Indiana.
(B) All persons at racetracks where gambling games are conducted.
(4) The power to investigate and reinvestigate applicants and licensees and determine the eligibility of applicants for licenses.
(5) The power to take appropriate administrative enforcement or disciplinary action against a licensee.
(6) The power to investigate alleged violations of this article.
(7) The power to conduct hearings.
(8) The power to issue subpoenas for the attendance of witnesses and subpoenas duces tecum for the production of books, records, and other relevant documents.
(9) The power to administer oaths and affirmations to the witnesses.
(10) The power to prescribe forms to be used by licensees.
(11) The power to revoke, suspend, or renew licenses issued under this article.
(12) The power to hire employees to gather information, conduct investigations, and carry out other tasks under this article. The employees hired by the commission under this article may be the same as the commission’s employees hired under IC 4-32.3 or IC 4-33.
(13) The power to take any reasonable or appropriate action to enforce this article.
(c) The commission may by resolution assign to the executive director any duty imposed upon the commission by this article.
(d) The executive director shall perform the duties assigned to the executive director by the commission. The executive director may exercise any power conferred upon the commission by this article that is consistent with the duties assigned to the executive director under subsection (c).
As added by P.L.233-2007, SEC.21. Amended by P.L.58-2019, SEC.11.