Indiana Code 6-8.1-9.5-3.5. Clearinghouse for claimant agencies that are political subdivisions; purposes; registration; agreement
Terms Used In Indiana Code 6-8.1-9.5-3.5
- Contract: A legal written agreement that becomes binding when signed.
(1) To compile and consolidate debts of claimant agencies in a format that is consistent with the department’s requirements for the set off of tax refunds under this chapter.
(2) To act as an intermediary on behalf of a claimant agency with respect to the department for purposes of this chapter.
(3) To submit an application for the set off of tax refunds with the department on behalf of a claimant agency under section 3(b) of this chapter.
(4) To provide any other assistance to a claimant agency or the department that the department considers appropriate. Assistance under this subdivision may include authorization for the clearinghouse to establish and maintain a toll free telephone number that enables a debtor to make inquiries concerning a tax refund set off under this chapter.
(c) A clearinghouse must register with the department. The department may recognize only one (1) clearinghouse to represent political subdivisions at any given time.
(d) A political subdivision may enter into an agreement with a clearinghouse registered under subsection (c) to carry out activities on behalf of the political subdivision as authorized in the agreement.
(e) The department may adopt rules under IC 4-22-2 that set forth the procedures and format requirements that must be included in an agreement entered into under subsection (d).
As added by P.L.239-2017, SEC.26. Amended by P.L.117-2018, SEC.7.