Sec. 30. (a) The board may defer enforcing the collection of unpaid fees and penalties assessed under this chapter until the unpaid fees and penalties have been due and unpaid for at least ninety (90) days. However, in the case of property that is occupied by someone other than the owner, this subsection does not relieve the department of its duty under section 29(d) of this chapter to notify the owner not later than twenty (20) days after the time user fees become sixty (60) days delinquent.

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Terms Used In Indiana Code 8-1.5-5-30

  • board: means the following:

    Indiana Code 8-1.5-5-2

  • department: means the following:

    Indiana Code 8-1.5-5-3

  • district: means the special taxing district established by section 5 of this chapter. See Indiana Code 8-1.5-5-3.5
  • Lien: A claim against real or personal property in satisfaction of a debt.
  • Property: includes personal and real property. See Indiana Code 1-1-4-5
  • Real property: Land, and all immovable fixtures erected on, growing on, or affixed to the land.
  • real property: include lands, tenements, and hereditaments. See Indiana Code 1-1-4-5
  • Settlement: Parties to a lawsuit resolve their difference without having a trial. Settlements often involve the payment of compensation by one party in satisfaction of the other party's claims.
  • User fees: Fees charged to users of goods or services provided by the government. In levying or authorizing these fees, the legislature determines whether the revenue should go into the treasury or should be available to the agency providing the goods or services.
  • Verified: when applied to pleadings, means supported by oath or affirmation in writing. See Indiana Code 1-1-4-5
  • Year: means a calendar year, unless otherwise expressed. See Indiana Code 1-1-4-5
     (b) Except as provided in subsection (k), the board shall enforce payment of fees imposed under this chapter. As often as the board determines necessary in a calendar year, the board shall prepare either of the following:

(1) A list of the delinquent fees and penalties that are enforceable under this section. The list must include the following:

(A) The name of the owner of each lot or parcel of real property on which fees are delinquent.

(B) A description of the premises, as shown by the records of the county auditor.

(C) The amount of the delinquent fees, together with the penalty.

(2) An individual instrument for each lot or parcel of real property on which the fees are delinquent.

     (c) An officer of the board shall record a copy of each list or each individual instrument with the county recorder who shall charge a fee for recording the list or each individual instrument in accordance with the fee schedule established in IC 36-2-7-10. The officer shall mail by certified mail, or by another delivery service providing proof of delivery, to each property owner on the list or on an individual instrument a notice stating that a lien against the owner’s property has been recorded. A service charge of five dollars ($5), which is in addition to the recording fee charged under this subsection and under subsection (e), shall be added to each delinquent fee that is recorded.

     (d) Using the lists and instruments prepared under subsection (b) and recorded under subsection (c), the board shall, not later than ten (10) days after the list or each individual instrument is recorded under subsection (c), certify to the county auditor a list of the unpaid liens for collection with the next May installment of property taxes. The county and its officers and employees are not liable for any material error in the information on this list.

     (e) The board shall release any recorded lien when the delinquent fees, penalties, service charges, and recording fees have been fully paid. The county recorder shall charge a fee for releasing the lien in accordance with IC 36-2-7-10.

     (f) Upon receipt of the list under subsection (c), the county auditor of each county shall add a fifteen dollar ($15) certification fee for each lot or parcel of real property on which fees are delinquent. The fee is in addition to all other fees and charges. The county auditor shall immediately enter on the tax duplicate for the district the delinquent fees, penalties, service charges, recording fees, and certification fees, which are due not later than the due date of the next May installment of property taxes. The county treasurer shall include any unpaid charges for the delinquent fee, penalty, service charge, recording fee, and certification fee to the owner or owners of each lot or parcel of property, at the time the next cycle’s property tax installment is billed.

     (g) After certification of liens under subsection (d), the board may not collect or accept delinquent fees, penalties, service charges, recording fees, or certification fees from property owners whose property has been certified to the county auditor.

     (h) If a delinquent fee, penalty, service charge, recording fee, and certification fee are not paid, they shall be collected by the county treasurer in the same way that delinquent property taxes are collected.

     (i) At the time of each semiannual tax settlement, the county treasurer shall certify to the county auditor all fees, charges, and penalties that have been collected. The county auditor shall deduct the service charges and certification fees collected by the county treasurer and pay over to the officer the remaining fees and penalties due the district. The county treasurer shall retain the service charges and certification fees that have been collected and shall deposit them in the county general fund.

     (j) Fees, penalties, and service charges that were not recorded before a recorded conveyance shall be removed from the tax roll for a purchaser who, in the manner prescribed by section 29(e) of this chapter, files a verified demand with the county auditor.

     (k) A board may write off a fee or penalty under subsection (a) that is less than forty dollars ($40).

As added by P.L.131-2005, SEC.2. Amended by P.L.196-2014, SEC.2.