Indiana Code 8-16-1-16. Duty to fix, maintain, and collect tolls for use of bridges
Terms Used In Indiana Code 8-16-1-16
- Authority: refers to the Indiana finance authority established by Indiana Code 8-16-1-0.1
- Year: means a calendar year, unless otherwise expressed. See Indiana Code 1-1-4-5
(1) pay the cost of maintaining, repairing, and operating such bridge, including a prorated share of the expenses of the authority based upon the gross receipts from all bridges constructed or acquired by purchase by the authority under the provisions of this chapter;
(2) pay the principal of and the interest on all bonds in accordance with the terms thereof payable from the revenues of such bridge;
(3) reimburse each year the Indiana interstate bridge fund or any other funds of the state for expenditures made for the construction, acquisition, enlargement, extension, or improvement of such bridge in an amount equal to four percent (4%) of:
(A) the original amount of such expenditures; less
(B) any part of such amount reimbursed to such fund or funds by the issuance of bonds pursuant to section 20 of this chapter; and
(4) pay interest on amounts so expended from any such funds at such rate as may be deemed proper by the authority.
Formerly: Acts 1939, c.79, s.11; Acts 1955, c.323, s.2. As amended by Acts 1980, P.L.74, SEC.272; P.L.109-1983, SEC.43; P.L.386-1987(ss), SEC.14.