Iowa Code 142A.4 – Commission duties
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The commission shall do all of the following:
1. Develop and implement the comprehensive tobacco use prevention and control initiative as provided in this chapter.
Terms Used In Iowa Code 142A.4
- Child: includes child by adoption. See Iowa Code 4.1
- Commission: means the commission on tobacco use prevention and control established in this chapter. See Iowa Code 142A.2
- Community partnership: means a public agency or nonprofit organization implementing the tobacco use prevention and control initiative in a local area in accordance with this chapter. See Iowa Code 142A.2
- Department: means the department of inspections, appeals, and licensing. See Iowa Code 154A.1
- Department: means the department of health and human services. See Iowa Code 142A.2
- Director: means the director of health and human services. See Iowa Code 142A.2
- Fiscal year: The fiscal year is the accounting period for the government. For the federal government, this begins on October 1 and ends on September 30. The fiscal year is designated by the calendar year in which it ends; for example, fiscal year 2006 begins on October 1, 2005 and ends on September 30, 2006.
- following: when used by way of reference to a chapter or other part of a statute mean the next preceding or next following chapter or other part. See Iowa Code 4.1
- Gift: A voluntary transfer or conveyance of property without consideration, or for less than full and adequate consideration based on fair market value.
- Initiative: means the comprehensive tobacco use prevention and control initiative established in this chapter. See Iowa Code 142A.2
- Manufacturer: means manufacturer as defined in section 453A. See Iowa Code 142A.2
- Oversight: Committee review of the activities of a Federal agency or program.
- Partnership: A voluntary contract between two or more persons to pool some or all of their assets into a business, with the agreement that there will be a proportional sharing of profits and losses.
- property: includes personal and real property. See Iowa Code 4.1
- State: means a state, territory, or possession of the United States, the District of Columbia, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. See Iowa Code 152E.3
- Tobacco: means both cigarettes and tobacco products as defined in section 453A. See Iowa Code 142A.2
- year: means twelve consecutive months. See Iowa Code 4.1
- Youth: means a person who is five through twenty-four years of age. See Iowa Code 142A.2
2. Provide a forum for the discussion, development, and recommendation of public policy alternatives in the field of tobacco use prevention and control.
3. Develop an educational component of the initiative. Educational efforts provided through the school system shall be developed in conjunction with the department of education.
4. Develop a plan for implementation of the initiative in accordance with the purpose and intent specified in section 142A.1.
5. Provide for technical assistance, training, and other support under the initiative.
6. Take actions to develop and implement a statewide system for the initiative programs that are delivered through community partnerships.
7. Manage and coordinate the provision of funding and other moneys available to the initiative by combining all or portions of appropriations or other revenues as authorized by law.
8. Assist with the linkage of the initiative with child welfare and juvenile justice decategorization projects, education programming, early childhood Iowa areas, and other programs and services directed to youth at the state and community level.
9. a. Coordinate and respond to any requests from a community partnership relating to any of the following:
(1) Removal of barriers to community partnership efforts.
(2) Pooling and redirecting of existing federal, state, or other public or private funds available for purposes that are consistent with the initiative.
(3) Seeking of federal waivers to assist community partnership efforts.
b. In coordinating and responding to the requests, the commission shall work with state agencies, the governor, and the general assembly as necessary to address requests deemed appropriate by the commission.
10. Adopt rules pursuant to chapter 17A as necessary for the designation, governance, and oversight of the initiative and the implementation of this chapter. The commission shall provide for community partnership and youth program input in the rules adoption process. The rules shall include but are not limited to all of the following:
a. Performance indicators for initiative programs, community partnerships, and the services provided under the auspices of community partnerships. The performance indicators shall be developed with input from communities.
b. Minimum standards to further the provision of equal access to services.
11. Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of performance measures utilized under the initiative.
12. Submit a report to the governor and the general assembly on an annual basis regarding the initiative, including demonstrated progress based on performance indicators. The commission shall report more frequently if requested by the joint appropriations subcommittee that makes recommendations concerning the commission’s budget.
13. Represented by the chairperson of the commission, annually appear before the joint appropriations subcommittee that makes recommendations concerning the commission’s budget to report on budget expenditures and department operations relative to the prior fiscal year and the current fiscal year.
14. Prioritize funding needs and the allocation of moneys appropriated and other resources available for the programs and activities of the initiative.
15. Review fiscal needs of the initiative and make recommendations to the director in the development of budget requests.
16. Solicit and accept any gift of money or property, including any grant of money, services, or property from the federal government, the state, a political subdivision, or a private source that is consistent with the goals of the initiative. The commission shall adopt rules prohibiting the acceptance of gifts from a manufacturer of tobacco products.
17. Advise and make recommendations to the governor, the general assembly, and the director, relative to tobacco use, treatment, intervention, prevention, control, and education programs in the state.
18. Evaluate the work of the department relating to the initiative. For this purpose, the commission shall have access to any relevant department records and documents, and other information reasonably obtainable by the department.
19. Develop the structure for the statewide youth summit to be held annually.
20. Approve the content of any materials distributed by the youth program pursuant to section 142A.9, prior to distribution of the materials.