Iowa Code 166D.7 – Noninfected herds
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In administering the pseudorabies eradication program, the department shall regulate noninfected herds as follows:
1. A qualified negative herd must be certified, recertified, and maintained as follows:
a. The herd shall be certified when all breeding swine have reacted negatively to a test. The herd must have been free from infection for thirty days prior to testing. At least ninety percent of swine in the herd must have been on the premises as a part of the herd for at least sixty days prior to testing, or swine in the herd must have been moved or relocated directly from another qualified negative herd. To remain certified, the herd must be retested and recertified each month as provided by the department. The herd shall be recertified when the greater of five head of swine or at least ten percent of the herd’s breeding swine react negatively to a test.
b. Before being added to the herd, new swine, including swine returning to the herd after contact with nonherd swine, shall be isolated until the new swine react negatively to a test conducted thirty days or more after the swine has been placed in isolation. Swine from a herd of unknown status must react negatively to a test not more than thirty days prior to movement from the herd of unknown status and retested in isolation at least thirty days after movement onto the premises where the qualified negative herd is located.
c. Swine from another qualified negative herd may be added without isolation or testing.
d. The owner shall make a request to the department for approval or reapproval of a qualified negative herd when the required tests are completed. Upon satisfactory proof that all requirements have been met, the herd shall be recertified by the department.
Terms Used In Iowa Code 166D.7
- Breeding swine: means swine over six months of age. See Iowa Code 166D.2
- Department: means the department of environmental quality in a reference to a time before July 1, 1983, the department of water, air and waste management in a reference to a time on or after July 1, 1983, and through June 30, 1986, and the department of natural resources on or after July 1, 1986, and includes any officer or agency within that department. See Iowa Code 172D.1
- Differentiable vaccine: means a vaccine which has a licensed companion differentiable test, and includes a modified-live differentiable vaccine. See Iowa Code 166D.2
- Herd: means a group of swine as established by departmental rule. See Iowa Code 166D.2
- Herd of unknown status: means all swine except swine which are part of a known infected herd, swine known to have been exposed to pseudorabies, or swine which are part of a noninfected herd. See Iowa Code 166D.2
- Isolation: means separation of swine within a physical barrier in a manner to prevent swine from gaining access to swine outside the barrier, including excrement or discharges from swine outside the barrier. See Iowa Code 166D.2
- Monitored herd: means a herd of swine, including a feeder swine herd, which has been determined within the past twelve months not to be infected, according to a statistical sampling. See Iowa Code 166D.2
- month: means a calendar month, and the word "year" and the abbreviation "A. See Iowa Code 4.1
- movement: means the same as defined in section 163. See Iowa Code 166D.2
- Noninfected herd: means a herd which is one of the following:a. See Iowa Code 166D.2
- Owner: shall mean the person holding record title to real estate to include both legal and equitable interests under recorded real estate contracts. See Iowa Code 172D.1
- Pseudorabies: means the contagious, infectious, and communicable disease of livestock and other animals known as Aujeszky's disease, mad itch, or infectious bulbar paralysis. See Iowa Code 166D.2
- Qualified differentiable negative herd: means a herd in which one hundred percent of the herd's breeding swine have been vaccinated and have reacted negatively to a differentiable test and which have been retested, as provided in this chapter. See Iowa Code 166D.2
- Qualified negative herd: means a herd in which one hundred percent of the herd's breeding swine have reacted negatively to a test, and have not been vaccinated, and which is retested as provided in this chapter. See Iowa Code 166D.2
- Statistical sampling: means a test based on at least a ninety percent probability of detecting at least a ten percent incidence of positive reaction within a herd. See Iowa Code 166D.2
- Test: means a serum neutralization (SN) test, virus isolation test, ELISA test, or other test approved by the department and performed by a laboratory approved by the department. See Iowa Code 166D.2
2. A monitored herd shall be initially certified, recertified, and maintained as follows:
a. The herd shall be certified when a statistical sampling of the herd is determined to be noninfected.
b. In order to remain certified the herd must be retested and recertified as provided by the department. The herd must be recertified annually. The herd shall be recertified when a statistical sampling of the herd is determined to be noninfected within twelve months from initial certification or the most recent recertification.
c. A monitored herd shall not be certified or recertified, if the herd is located within a county which is designated by the department as in stage II of the national pseudorabies eradication program, unless the herd is vaccinated with a modified-live differentiable vaccine pursuant to section 166D.11 and as required by the department.
d. A monitored herd may receive new swine into the herd from a noninfected herd.
3. A qualified differentiable negative herd shall be certified, recertified, and maintained as follows:
a. The herd shall be certified when one hundred percent of breeding swine have reacted negatively to a test. The herd must have been free from infection for thirty days prior to testing. At least ninety percent of swine in the herd must have been on the premises as a part of the herd for at least sixty days prior to testing, or swine in the herd must have been directly moved or relocated from a qualified negative herd or qualified differentiable negative herd. A differentiable vaccine must be administered at intervals in accordance with the package insert for that vaccine. To remain certified, the herd must be retested and recertified as provided by the department. The herd shall be recertified when each month at least ten percent of the herd’s breeding swine react negatively to a test.
b. Before adding to the herd new swine, including swine returning to the herd after contact with nonherd swine, the herd shall be isolated until the new swine react negatively to a test conducted thirty days or more after the swine have been placed in isolation. Swine from a herd of unknown status must react negatively to a test not more than fifteen days prior to movement from the herd of unknown status and retested in isolation at least thirty days after movement onto the premises where the qualified differentiable negative herd is located.
c. Swine from a qualified negative or qualified differentiable negative herd may be added without isolation or testing.
d. The owner shall make a request to the department for certification or recertification of a qualified differentiable negative herd when the required tests are completed. Upon satisfactory proof that all requirements have been met, the herd shall be recertified by the department.