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Terms Used In Iowa Code 185.27

  • assessment: means an excise tax on each bushel of soybeans marketed in this state which is imposed pursuant to a promotional order as provided in this chapter. See Iowa Code 185.1
  • Board: means the Iowa grain indemnity fund board created in section 203D. See Iowa Code 203D.1
  • Board: means the Iowa soybean association board of directors established by this chapter. See Iowa Code 185.1
  • First purchaser: means a person, public or private corporation, governmental subdivision, association, cooperative, partnership, commercial buyer, dealer, or processor who purchases soybeans from a producer for the first time for any purpose except to feed it to the purchaser's livestock or to manufacture a product from the soybeans purchased for the purchaser's personal consumption. See Iowa Code 185.1
  • Producer: means a person engaged in this state in the business of producing and marketing in the person's name at least two hundred fifty bushels of soybeans in the previous year. See Iowa Code 185.1
  • purchase: includes but is not limited to the pledge or other encumbrance of soybeans as security for a loan extended under a federal price support loan program. See Iowa Code 185.1
  • Soybeans: means and includes all kinds of varieties of soybeans marketed or sold as soybeans by the producer. See Iowa Code 185.1
  • state: when applied to the different parts of the United States, includes the District of Columbia and the territories, and the words "United States" may include the said district and territories. See Iowa Code 4.1
 A producer who has sold soybeans and had the state assessment deducted from the sale price may, by application in writing to the board, secure a refund in the amount deducted. The refund shall be payable only when the application is made to the board within sixty days after the deduction. Application forms shall be given by the board to each first purchaser when requested and the first purchaser shall make the applications available to any producer. Each application for refund by a producer shall have attached thereto proof of assessment deducted. The proof of assessment may be in the form of a duplicate or certified copy of the purchase invoice by the first purchaser. The board shall have thirty days from the date the application for refund is received to remit the refund to the producer.