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Terms Used In Iowa Code 185C.28

  • Corn: means and includes all kinds of varieties of corn marketed or sold as corn by the producer but shall not include sweet corn or popcorn or seed corn. See Iowa Code 185C.1
  • Fund: means the grain depositors and sellers indemnity fund created in section 203D. See Iowa Code 203D.1
  • Payment: means the actual payment or tender of payment by a grain dealer to a seller of the agreed purchase price, or in the case of disputes as to sales of grain, the undisputed portion of the purchase price without reduction for any separate claim of the grain dealer against the seller. See Iowa Code 203.8
 Moneys deposited in the corn promotion fund and transferred to the board as provided in section 185C.26, including federal moneys to the extent permitted by federal law, are appropriated and shall be used for the administration of this chapter and for the payment of claims based upon obligations incurred in the performance of activities and functions provided in this chapter.