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Terms Used In Iowa Code 199.12

  • Agricultural seed: means grass, forage, cereal, oil, fiber, and any other kind of crop seed commonly recognized within this state as agricultural seed, lawn seed, vegetable seed, or seed mixtures. See Iowa Code 199.1
  • Conditioning: means cleaning to remove chaff, sterile florets, immature seed, weed seed, inert matter, and other crop seed; scarifying; blending to obtain uniform quality; or any other operation which may change the purity or germination of the seed and require retesting to determine the quality of the seed. See Iowa Code 199.1
  • Jurisdiction: (1) The legal authority of a court to hear and decide a case. Concurrent jurisdiction exists when two courts have simultaneous responsibility for the same case. (2) The geographic area over which the court has authority to decide cases.
 Upon the recommendation of the secretary or the secretary’s duly authorized agents, the court of competent jurisdiction in the area in which the seed is located shall cause the seizure and subsequent denaturing, conditioning, or destruction to prevent the use for sowing purposes of any lot of agricultural seed found to be prohibited from sale as set forth in section 199.8, provided that in no instance shall the denaturing, conditioning, or destruction be ordered without first having given the claimant of the seed an opportunity to apply to the court for the release of the seed.