Attorney's Note

Under the Iowa Code, punishments for crimes depend on the classification. In the case of this section:
Serious misdemeanorup to 1 yearbetween $430 and $2,560
For details, see Iowa Code§ 903.1

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Terms Used In Iowa Code 721.10

  • person: means individual, corporation, limited liability company, government or governmental subdivision or agency, business trust, estate, trust, partnership or association, or any other legal entity. See Iowa Code 4.1
721.10 Misuse of public records and files.
A public officer or employee who, by reason of the officer’s or employee’s employment,
has access to any public record, or to any file, dossier, or accumulation of information of any kind, and who gives or transfers to any person, in exchange for anything of value other than fees authorized by law, any such record, file, dossier, or accumulation of information, or any part thereof, or who imparts to any person any information contained therein, in exchange for anything of value other than fees authorized by law, commits a serious misdemeanor.
[C79, 81, §721.10]
Referred to in §901C.3