(a) The governing body of a city may establish an increment in ad valorem taxes using the procedure set forth in subsection (b) for projects that are initiated upon a finding that the area is a blighted area as defined under Kan. Stat. Ann. § 12-1770a, and amendments thereto, when the following conditions exist:

(1) A majority of the property in the proposed district has been identified by a Kansas licensed professional engineer and the United States federal emergency management agency as existing in the 100-year flood-plain; and

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Terms Used In Kansas Statutes 12-1771e

  • Appeal: A request made after a trial, asking another court (usually the court of appeals) to decide whether the trial was conducted properly. To make such a request is "to appeal" or "to take an appeal." One who appeals is called the appellant.
  • Blighted area: means an area which:

    (1) Because of the presence of a majority of the following factors, substantially impairs or arrests the development and growth of the municipality or constitutes an economic or social liability or is a menace to the public health, safety, morals or welfare in its present condition and use:

    (A) A substantial number of deteriorated or deteriorating structures;

    (B) predominance of defective or inadequate street layout;

    (C) unsanitary or unsafe conditions;

    (D) deterioration of site improvements;

    (E) tax or special assessment delinquency exceeding the fair market value of the real property;

    (F) defective or unusual conditions of title including, but not limited to, cloudy or defective titles, multiple or unknown ownership interests to the property;

    (G) improper subdivision or obsolete platting or land uses;

    (H) the existence of conditions which endanger life or property by fire or other causes; or

    (I) conditions which create economic obsolescence;

    (2) has been identified by any state or federal environmental agency as being environmentally contaminated to an extent that requires a remedial investigation; feasibility study and remediation or other similar state or federal action;

    (3) a majority of the property is a 100-year floodplain area; or

    (4) previously was found by resolution of the governing body to be a slum or a blighted area under Kan. See Kansas Statutes 12-1770a

  • City: means any city in Kansas. See Kansas Statutes 12-1795
  • Cost: means : (1) Expenditures made for construction, engineering, architectural, technical and legal services, reports, property valuations, estimates, plans, specifications, notices, acquisition of real and personal property, consequential damages, easements, rights-of-way, supervision, inspection, testing, publications, printing and sale of bonds, interest on temporary notes, and provisions for land use planning, administrative expense and contingencies of the district; (2) maintenance expenses of improvements as defined in subsection (c) or (d); and (3) service as defined in subsection (e). See Kansas Statutes 12-1795
  • District: means a self-supported municipal improvement district which may be created and the property taxed in accordance with this act and which is:

    (1) Comprised of contiguous property wholly within the boundaries of the central business district of the city as such boundaries are determined by resolution adopted by the governing body of the city and none of which property is zoned for any use other than commercial or industrial;

    (2) comprised, at a minimum, of an area equivalent to four square blocks excluding any public streets and rights-of-way; and

    (3) given a descriptive name containing the words "self-supported municipal improvement district. See Kansas Statutes 12-1795

  • Fair market value: The price at which an asset would change hands in a transaction between a willing, informed buyer and a willing, informed seller.
  • Governing body: means the governing body of any municipality. See Kansas Statutes 12-17,115
  • Increment: means , except for any taxes levied by school districts pursuant to Kan. See Kansas Statutes 12-17,115
  • Obligation: An order placed, contract awarded, service received, or similar transaction during a given period that will require payments during the same or a future period.
  • Property: includes personal and real property. See Kansas Statutes 77-201
  • Real property: Land, and all immovable fixtures erected on, growing on, or affixed to the land.
  • real property: include lands, tenements and hereditaments, and all rights to them and interest in them, equitable as well as legal. See Kansas Statutes 77-201
  • Redevelopment district: means the specific area declared to be an eligible area in which the city may develop one or more redevelopment projects. See Kansas Statutes 12-1770a
  • Tax increment: means that amount of real property taxes collected from real property located within the redevelopment district that is in excess of the amount of real property taxes which is collected from the base year assessed valuation. See Kansas Statutes 12-1770a
  • Taxing subdivision: means the county, city, unified school district and any other taxing subdivision levying real property taxes, the territory or jurisdiction of which includes any currently existing or subsequently created redevelopment district including a bioscience development district. See Kansas Statutes 12-1770a
  • Taxpayer: means a person, corporation, limited liability company, S corporation, partnership, registered limited liability partnership, foundation, association, nonprofit entity, sole proprietorship, business trust, group or other entity that is subject to the Kansas income tax act, Kan. See Kansas Statutes 12-1770a

(2) the city intends to establish a redevelopment district pursuant to Kan. Stat. Ann. § 12-1771, and amendments thereto, to wholly finance or partially finance the investigation and remediation of a flood-plain within such a district.

(b) A flood-plain increment, established after a city has found that the conditions described in subsection (c) of Kan. Stat. Ann. § 12-1770a, and amendments thereto, exist, shall be set on a yearly basis. For purposes of this section, a yearly basis shall be a calendar year. Each year’s increment shall be an amount sufficient to pay the direct cost of investigation and remediation of the flood-plain condition anticipated to be incurred that year including principal and interest due on any special obligation bonds or full faith and credit tax increment bonds issued to finance in whole or in part the remediation and investigation, costs relating to remediation investigation and feasibility studies, operation and maintenance expenses and other expenses relating directly to the investigation of flooding. Each year’s flood-plain increment shall not exceed 20% of the amount of taxes that are produced by all taxing subdivisions within any currently existing or subsequently created redevelopment district area in the year the redevelopment district is first established, notwithstanding that such subdivision was not required to receive notice of the establishment of the district.

(c) The budget that established the yearly flood-plain increment shall be certified by the city to the county clerk and county treasurer no later than August 15th, preceding the calendar year for which the budget is being set. Funds derived from a flood-plain increment established by this section and interest on all funds derived from a flood-plain increment established by this section may be used only for projects involving the investigation and remediation of the flood-plain in the district.

(d) The real property taxes produced by the flood-plain increment established under subsection (b) from a redevelopment district established under the provisions of Kan. Stat. Ann. § 12-1771, and amendments thereto, and this section shall be allocated and paid by the county treasurer to the treasurer of the city and deposited in a special separate fund of the city to pay the direct cost of investigation and remediation of flooding in the redevelopment district.

(e) A redevelopment district created under the provisions of this section shall constitute a separate taxing district. If all costs for such investigation and remediation of flooding in the redevelopment district have been paid and moneys remain in the special fund, such moneys shall be remitted to each taxing subdivision which paid moneys into the special fund on the basis of the proportion which the total amount of moneys paid by such taxing subdivision into the special fund bears to the total amount of all moneys paid by all taxing subdivisions into the fund.

(f) Nothing in this section shall prevent any city from establishing a redevelopment district for other purposes pursuant to Kan. Stat. Ann. § 12-1770 et seq., and amendments thereto, which may include part or all of the real property included in the district established under this section.

(g) Redevelopment projects relating to flooding investigation and remediation under this section, shall be completed within 20 years.

(h) Nothing in this section shall be construed to affect the obligations of the county to annually review the fair market value of property in accordance with procedures set by law or to affect the right of any taxpayer to protest and appeal the appraised or reappraised value of their property in accordance with procedures set forth by law.

(i) For the purposes of this act, the governing body of a city may pledge increments receivable in future years to pay costs directly relating to the investigation and remediation of flood-plain areas. The provisions in such contracts pertaining to pledging increments in future years shall not be subject to Kan. Stat. Ann. § 10-1101 et seq. or 79-2925 et seq., and amendments thereto.

(j) The provisions of this section shall be effective on and after July 1, 2004.