Kansas Statutes 12-1799. Same; dissolution of district, when; withdrawal of dissolution, when
Terms Used In Kansas Statutes 12-1799
- City: means any city in Kansas. See Kansas Statutes 12-1795
- District: means a self-supported municipal improvement district which may be created and the property taxed in accordance with this act and which is:
(1) Comprised of contiguous property wholly within the boundaries of the central business district of the city as such boundaries are determined by resolution adopted by the governing body of the city and none of which property is zoned for any use other than commercial or industrial;
(2) comprised, at a minimum, of an area equivalent to four square blocks excluding any public streets and rights-of-way; and
(3) given a descriptive name containing the words "self-supported municipal improvement district. See Kansas Statutes 12-1795
- Governing body: means the governing body of any municipality. See Kansas Statutes 12-17,115
- Property: includes personal and real property. See Kansas Statutes 77-201
Subject to the provisions of Kan. Stat. Ann. § 12-17,103, a district may be dissolved by the governing body of the city by rescinding the ordinance creating the district. At any time prior to the governing body rescinding the ordinance creating the district, the entire matter of dissolving a district shall be withdrawn from consideration if a petition is filed with the city clerk containing the signatures of at least 51% of all owners of property which together represent ownership of 51% or more of the assessed value of all property within the district.