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Terms Used In Kansas Statutes 44-830

  • Agricultural employee: means any individual employed to perform agricultural work, including any individual whose work has ceased as a consequence of, or in connection with, any current labor dispute or because of any prohibited labor practice, who has not obtained any other substantially equivalent employment. See Kansas Statutes 44-819
  • Agricultural employer: shall mean any employer engaged in cultivating the soil or in raising or harvesting any agricultural or horticultural commodity including custom harvesting operators operating wholly within the state of Kansas, and employers engaged in operating stock, dairy, poultry, fruit, furbearing animal, wildlife and truck farms, plantations, ranches, feedlots, ranges, orchards, or other similar agricultural enterprises and who employed six or more employees for 20 or more days of any calendar month in the six months preceding the filing for recognition by such employees as an employee organization as provided for in Kan. See Kansas Statutes 44-819
  • Damages: Money paid by defendants to successful plaintiffs in civil cases to compensate the plaintiffs for their injuries.
  • Employee organization: means any organization which includes employees of an agricultural employer and which has as one of its primary purposes representing such employees in dealings with that agricultural employer over conditions of employment and grievances. See Kansas Statutes 44-819
  • Lockout: means action taken by the employer to provoke interruptions or to prevent the continuity of work normally and usually performed by the employees for the purpose of coercing the employees into relinquishing rights guaranteed by this act. See Kansas Statutes 44-819
  • Secondary boycott: means to encourage, coerce, contract or conspire with any person where the object of such action is to force or persuade any person, not a party to the labor dispute, to refuse to use, sell, handle or transport any agricultural commodity, or where the object of such action is to require any agriculture employer to recognize, bargain with or resolve any dispute with a labor organization. See Kansas Statutes 44-819
  • strike: includes concerted action resulting in: (1) failure to report for duty; (2) the willful absence from one's position; (3) the stoppage of work; or (4) the abstinence in whole or in part from the full, faithful and proper performance of the duties of employment by an agricultural employee, for the purpose of inducing, influencing or coercing a change in the conditions, or compensation, or the rights, privileges or obligations of employment. See Kansas Statutes 44-819

Any agricultural employer, agricultural employee or employee organization may sue for damages resulting from a lockout, strike or secondary boycott as defined by this act.