(a) The state historical society shall serve as the official state archives and shall assist state and local agencies in the preservation of government records with enduring value.

(b) Any state or local agency may transfer to the state archives any noncurrent government records accepted by the state archivist and all state agencies shall transfer to the state archives any noncurrent government records when directed to do so by the state records board. With the approval of the state archivist, noncurrent legislative and judicial records also may be deposited in the state archives for preservation.

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Terms Used In Kansas Statutes 45-405

  • Board: means the state records board established pursuant to Kan. See Kansas Statutes 45-402
  • Government records: means all volumes, documents, reports, maps, drawings, charts, indexes, plans, memoranda, sound recordings, microfilms, photographic records and other data, information or documentary material, regardless of physical form or characteristics, storage media or condition of use, made or received by an agency in pursuance of law or in connection with the transaction of official business or bearing upon the official activities and functions of any governmental agency. See Kansas Statutes 45-402
  • Local agency: means any department, board, commission, officer or authority of a county, city, township, school district or other tax-supported governmental subdivision of the state. See Kansas Statutes 45-402
  • Noncurrent government records: means all government records which no longer are necessary for the handling of ordinary official public business by the agency and which are not required by law to be retained in the immediate custody of the agency for a longer period of time. See Kansas Statutes 45-402
  • State: when applied to the different parts of the United States, includes the District of Columbia and the territories. See Kansas Statutes 77-201
  • Statute: A law passed by a legislature.

(c) The secretary of state shall not be prevented by any statute from depositing in the state archives any noncurrent government records accepted by the state archivist.

(d) The provisions of this act shall not prohibit discarding or otherwise disposing of extraneous, worthless or duplicate material found in government records when processed by the state archives staff. Any records placed in the state archives may be disposed of in any manner approved by the board and the state archivist upon a determination that such records no longer have enduring value.