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Terms Used In Kansas Statutes 48-1601

  • Disposal of low-level radioactive waste: means the isolation of such waste from the biosphere. See Kansas Statutes 48-1603
  • Low-level radioactive waste: means radioactive waste not classified as:

    (1) NORM waste or TENORM waste at concentrations and from sources established in rules and regulations adopted by the secretary on or before July 1, 2016;

    (2) high-level radioactive waste;

    (3) transuranic waste;

    (4) spent nuclear fuel; or

    (5) by-product material as defined in subsection (a)(2). See Kansas Statutes 48-1603

  • Radiation: means : (1) Ionizing radiation including gamma rays, X-rays, alpha particles, beta particles, and including neutrons; (2) any electromagnetic radiation other than ionizing radiation which is generated during the operation of an electronic product; or (3) any sonic, ultrasonic, or infrasonic wave which is emitted from an electronic product as a result of the operation of an electronic circuit in such product. See Kansas Statutes 48-1603
  • Sources of radiation: means , collectively, radioactive material and radiation generating equipment. See Kansas Statutes 48-1603
  • State: when applied to the different parts of the United States, includes the District of Columbia and the territories. See Kansas Statutes 77-201
  • Statute: A law passed by a legislature.

It is the policy of the state of Kansas in furtherance of its responsibility to protect the public health and safety:

(a) To institute and maintain a program to permit development and utilization of sources of radiation for peaceful purposes consistent with the health and safety of the public;

(b) to institute and maintain a regulatory program for sources of radiation so as to provide for (1) compatibility with the standards and regulatory programs of the federal government; (2) an integrated, effective system of regulation within the state; and (3) a system consonant insofar as possible with those of other states; and

(c) to provide for the availability of capacity either within or outside the state for the disposal of low-level radioactive waste generated within the state, except for waste generated as a result of defense or federal research and development activities, and to recognize that such radioactive waste can be most safely and efficiently managed on a regional basis. Any state agency or institution acting as a grantee in a federal research or development program which generates low-level radioactive waste within the state shall be required to dispose of such waste in accordance with applicable state law.

The provisions of this act shall not be interpreted as limiting the intentional exposure of patients to radiation, for the purpose of diagnosis or therapy, by persons licensed to practice one or more of the healing arts within the authority granted to them by the Kansas healing arts statute, or by persons licensed to practice dentistry or podiatry within the authority granted to them by Kansas licensing laws applying to dentists and podiatrists.