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Terms Used In Kansas Statutes 74-7046

  • Damages: Money paid by defendants to successful plaintiffs in civil cases to compensate the plaintiffs for their injuries.
  • Residence: means the place which is adopted by a person as the person's place of habitation and to which, whenever the person is absent, the person has the intention of returning. See Kansas Statutes 77-201

(a) A professional surveyor, licensed pursuant to article 70 of chapter 74 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, and amendments thereto, and such professional surveyor’s authorized agents and employees may enter upon lands, waters and premises of a party who has not requested the survey when it is necessary for the purpose of making a survey. If the licensed professional surveyor has made a reasonable attempt to notify the person in possession, such entry shall not be deemed a trespass. Upon notice, such person in possession has the right to modify the time and other provisions of the professional surveyor’s access upon notification to the surveyor, as long as such modifications do not unreasonably restrict completion of the survey. Nothing herein shall change the status of the licensed professional surveyor as an occupier of land.

(b) While conducting surveys, the licensed professional surveyor and such professional surveyor’s authorized agents and employees shall carry proper identification as to such professional surveyor’s licensure or employment and shall display such identification to anyone upon request.

(c) Neither the landowner nor the person in possession shall be liable for any injury or damage sustained by a licensed professional surveyor or such professional surveyor’s authorized agents and employees entering upon such land, water or premises under the provisions of this section, except when such damages and injury were willfully or deliberately caused by the landowner or person in possession.

(d) Nothing in this section shall be construed to:

(1) Remove civil liability for actual damage to such lands, waters, premises, crops or personal property;

(2) give the licensed professional surveyor or such professional surveyor’s authorized agents and employees the authority to enter any building or structure used as a residence or for storage; and

(3) remove civil or criminal liability for intentional acts of injury or for damages to the professional surveyor or authorized agents and employees.