Kansas Statutes 75-782. Kansas elder and dependent adult abuse multidisciplinary team coordinator; appointment by the attorney general; teams, membership; duties
Terms Used In Kansas Statutes 75-782
- Dependent: A person dependent for support upon another.
- State: when applied to the different parts of the United States, includes the District of Columbia and the territories. See Kansas Statutes 77-201
(a) The attorney general shall appoint a Kansas elder and dependent adult abuse multidisciplinary team coordinator and, within the limits of appropriations available therefor, such additional staff as necessary to support the coordinator. The coordinator shall facilitate the convening of an elder and dependent adult abuse multidisciplinary team in each judicial district.
(b) (1) Such teams shall be composed of the following individuals, or their designee:
(A) The sheriff of each county within the judicial district;
(B) the county or district attorney of each county within the judicial district;
(C) the secretary for children and families;
(D) the secretary for aging and disability services; and
(E) the state long-term care ombudsman.
(2) Such teams may also include the following individuals:
(A) A representative from any law enforcement agency not included in subsection (b)(1)(A);
(B) a medical provider;
(C) a legal services provider;
(D) a housing provider or representative of elder or dependent adult housing facilities;
(E) the district coroner or a medical examiner;
(F) a representative of the financial services or banking industry;
(G) a representative of the area agencies on aging; or
(H) any other individual deemed necessary by the team.
(c) Such team:
(1) Shall coordinate investigations of elder and dependent adult abuse as defined by Kan. Stat. Ann. § 21-5417, 39-1401 et seq. and 39-1430 et seq., and amendments thereto; and
(2) may identify opportunities within local jurisdictions to improve policies and procedures in the notification and response to abuse, neglect and exploitation of elder or dependent adults, within the limits of local resources.
(d) Such team shall determine the the manner and frequency of meetings, but shall not meet less than quarterly. The team may create and enter into memorandums of understanding with any governmental agency or private entity deemed necessary by the team.
(e) All documents, materials or other information obtained by or discussed by the team shall be confidential and privileged and not be subject to the provisions of the Kansas open records act as provided by Kan. Stat. Ann. § 45-215 et seq., and amendments thereto. The provisions of this subsection shall expire on July 1, 2026, unless the legislature reviews and reenacts this provision pursuant to Kan. Stat. Ann. § 45-229, and amendments thereto, prior to July 1, 2026.
(f) Meetings conducted pursuant to this section shall not be subject to the provisions of the Kansas open meetings act as provided by Kan. Stat. Ann. § 75-4317 et seq., and amendments thereto.
(g) On or before the first day of each regular session of the legislature, beginning with the 2022 regular session, the attorney general shall submit a report to the legislature on the implementation and use of the teams.