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Terms Used In Louisiana Constitution Art. 10 Sec. 3

  • Quorum: The number of legislators that must be present to do business.

            Section 3.(A) Composition. The State Civil Service Commission is established and shall be domiciled in the state capital. It shall be composed of seven members who are electors of this state, four of whom shall constitute a quorum. At least one appointed member shall be from each congressional district. In order to implement this requirement, every ten years beginning on the day the members of congress from newly reapportioned congressional districts take office, any vacancy that occurs on the commission shall be filled from a congressional district from which there is no commission member. Only when the membership includes a member from each congressional district may a vacancy be filled by an appointment from the state at large.

            (B)(1) Appointment. The members shall be appointed by the governor, with consent of the Senate, as hereinafter provided, for overlapping terms of six years.

            (2) No person who has served as a member of the commission for more than two and one-half terms in three consecutive terms shall be appointed to the commission for the succeeding term. This Subparagraph shall not apply to any person appointed to the commission prior to the effective date of this Subparagraph,1 except that it shall apply to any term of service of any such person that begins after such date.

            (C) Nominations. The presidents of Centenary College at Shreveport, Dillard University at New Orleans, Louisiana College at Pineville, Loyola University at New Orleans, Tulane University of Louisiana at New Orleans, and Xavier University at New Orleans, after giving consideration to representation of all groups, each shall nominate three persons. The governor shall appoint one member of the commission from the three persons nominated by each president. One member of the commission shall be elected by the classified employees of the state from their number as provided by law. A vacancy for any cause shall be filled by appointment or election in accordance with the procedure or law governing the appointment or election, and from the same source. Within thirty days after a vacancy occurs, the president concerned shall submit the required nominations. Within thirty days thereafter, the governor shall make his appointment, with consent of the Senate. If the governor fails to appoint within thirty days, the nominee whose name is first on the list of nominees automatically shall become a member of the commission, with consent of the Senate. If any nominating authority fails to submit nominees in the time required, or if one of the named institutions ceases to exist, the governor shall make the appointment to the commission, with consent of the Senate.

            Amended by Acts 2008, No. 935, §1, approved Nov. 4, 2008, eff. Dec. 8, 2008; Acts 2012, No. 870, §2, approved Nov. 6, 2012, eff. Dec. 10, 2012; Acts 2022, No. 281, §1, approved Dec. 10, 2022, eff. Jan. 16, 2023.

            1Dec. 8, 2008.