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A regional planning commission shall:

(1)  Prepare and from time to time revise, amend, extend or add to a plan or plans for the development of the regional planning area, which plan or plans collectively shall be known as the regional development plan.  Such plan shall be based on studies of physical, social, economic and governmental conditions and trends and shall aim at the coordinated development of the regional planning area in order to promote the general welfare and prosperity of its people.  In preparing the regional development plan, the planning commission shall take account of and shall seek to harmonize the planning activities of federal, state, parish, municipal or other local agencies within the area.  In preparing such plan, or any part thereof, and in preparing, from time to time, revisions, amendments, extensions, or additions, the regional planning commission may seek the cooperation and advice of the division of administration, of other appropriate departments, agencies and instrumentalities of federal, state, and local government, of other regional planning commissions, educational institutions and research organizations and of civic groups and private persons and organizations.  The regional development plan shall embody the policy recommendations of the regional planning commission in regard to the physical development of the regional planning area and shall contain:

(a)  A statement of the objectives, standards and principles sought to be expressed in the regional development plan.

(b)  Recommendations for the most desirable pattern of land use within the regional planning area, and in the light of the best available information concerning topography, climate, soil and underground conditions, water courses and bodies of water, and other natural or environmental factors, as well as in the light of the best available information concerning the present and prospective economic bases of the regional planning area, trends of industrial, population or other developments, the habits and standards of life of the people of the regional planning area, and the relation of land use within the regional planning area to land use in adjoining areas.  Such recommendations shall, insofar as appropriate, indicate areas for residential uses and maximum recommended densities therein; areas for farming and forestry, mining and other extractive industries; areas for manufacturing and industrial uses, with classification of such areas in accordance with their compatibility with land use in adjoining areas; areas for the concentration of wholesale, retail, business and other commercial uses; areas for recreational uses, and for open spaces and areas for mixed uses;

(c)  The circulation pattern recommended for the regional planning area, including routes and terminals of transit, transportation and communication facilities, whether used for movement within the regional planning area or for movement from and adjoining areas.

(d)  Recommendations concerning the need for and the proposed general location of public and private works and facilities, such as utilities, flood control works, water reservoirs and pollution control facilities, military or defense installations, which works or facilities, by reason of their function, size, extent or for any other causes are of regional or metropolitan as distinguished from purely local concern, or which for any other cause are appropriate subjects for inclusion in the regional development plan.

(e)  Such other recommendations of the regional planning commission concerning current and impending problems as may affect the regional planning area as a whole.

(2)  Make or assist in studies and investigations, insofar as may be relevant to regional or metropolitan planning, of the resources of the regional planning area and of existing and emerging problems of agriculture, industry, commerce, transportation, population, housing, public service, local government and of allied matters affecting the development of the regional planning area, and in making such studies to seek the cooperation and collaboration of the division of administration and of appropriate departments, agencies and instrumentalities of federal, state and local government, educational institutions and research organizations, whether public or private, and of civic groups and private persons and organizations.

(3)  Prepare and from time to time revise inventory listings of the region’s or metropolitan area’s natural resources, and of major public and private works and facilities of all kinds which are deemed of importance to the development of the regional planning area as a whole.

(4)  Cooperate with, and provide planning assistance, including but not limited to surveys, land use studies, urban renewal plans, technical services and other planning work, to parish, municipal or other local government, instrumentalities or planning agencies; coordinate its planning activities with the planning activities of the state, and of the parishes, municipalities or other local units within its regional planning area, and cooperate with and assist departments and other agencies or instrumentalities of federal, state, and local government as well as other regional planning commissions in the execution of their planning functions with a view to harmonizing their planning activities with the regional development plan.  The commission shall also cooperate and confer with, and upon request supply information to, federal agencies, and to local or regional agencies created pursuant to a federal program or which receive federal support, and shall cooperate and confer, as far as possible, with planning agencies of other states or of regional groups of states adjoining its area.  Whenever cooperation or assistance under this subdivision includes the rendering of technical services, such services may be rendered free or in accordance with an agreement for reimbursement.

(5)  Advise and supply information, as far as available, to civic groups and private persons and organizations who may request such information or advice, and who study or otherwise concern themselves with the region’s problems and development in the fields of agriculture, business and industry, labor, natural resources, urban growth, housing and public service activities such as public health and education, insofar as such problems and development may be relevant to regional or metropolitan planning.

(6)  Provide information to officials of departments, agencies and instrumentalities of state and local government and to the public at large, in order to foster public awareness and understanding of the objectives of the regional development plan and of the functions of regional or metropolitan and local planning, and in order to stimulate public interest and participation in the orderly, integrated development of the region or metropolitan area.

(7)  Accept and receive, in furtherance of its functions, funds, grants, and services from the federal government or its agencies, from departments, agencies and instrumentalities of state, parish, municipal or local government, or from private and civic sources.

(8)  Hold public or private hearings and sponsor public forums in any part of its area whenever it deems it necessary or useful in the execution of its other functions.

(9)  Cooperate, in the exercise of its planning functions, with federal and state agencies in planning for civil defense.

(10)  Have the power to borrow money from private lenders in order to stabilize its cash flow necessary for the staff’s day to day operations, provided that such debt is secured by commission receivables or other collateral.

(11)  Exercise all other powers necessary and proper for the discharge of its duties.

Added by Acts 1956, No. 239, §5.  Amended by Acts 1968, No. 288, §2; Acts 1985, No. 553, §1; Acts 2004, No. 33, §1.