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Terms Used In Louisiana Revised Statutes 33:4699.1

  • Corporation: A legal entity owned by the holders of shares of stock that have been issued, and that can own, receive, and transfer property, and carry on business in its own name.
  • Jurisdiction: (1) The legal authority of a court to hear and decide a case. Concurrent jurisdiction exists when two courts have simultaneous responsibility for the same case. (2) The geographic area over which the court has authority to decide cases.
  • Lease: A contract transferring the use of property or occupancy of land, space, structures, or equipment in consideration of a payment (e.g., rent). Source: OCC
  • Obligation: An order placed, contract awarded, service received, or similar transaction during a given period that will require payments during the same or a future period.

            A.(1) The city of Lake Charles shall have and exercise all and singular the powers now conferred upon said city by law, as well as such powers as are herein granted. The city, and any person acquiring the right to use or possess the property described in this Paragraph from the city as authorized in this Subsection, shall have the right, jurisdiction, power, and authority as provided in this Subsection, to locate, relocate, construct, maintain, extend, and improve embankments, seawalls, jetties, breakwaters, water basins, and other works in relation to this project, and to conduct all dredging operations necessary in connection therewith and/or incidental thereto, along, over, and on the shores, bottom, and bed of Lake Charles, in the parish of Calcasieu, along the Eastern shore of said lake from the point at which a westerly extension of the south right-of-way line of Broad Street intersects the Eastern shore of Lake Charles on the north to the point at which the north bank of Pithon Coulee intersects the Eastern shore of Lake Charles on the south, the said embankments, seawalls, jetties, breakwaters, water basins, and other works to be of such character and extent and of such height, width, slope, design, and material as said city may determine, and said city shall have power and authority to protect the same as may be deemed necessary and proper. The right, jurisdiction, power, and authority heretofore granted shall extend over the area which is more particularly described as follows, to wit:

            A tract in Section 31, Township 9 South, Range 8 West and in Section 6, Township 10 South, Range 8 West, Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana, described as follows:

            Commencing at a point on the Eastern shore line of “Lake Charles” in the City of Lake Charles, Louisiana, said point also being on a Westerly prolongation of a line, said line being South 10 degrees and 45 minutes West, a distance of 50 feet from the center line of Broad Street and parallel to Broad Street, and said line having a true bearing of North 79 degrees and 15 minutes West;

            Thence in a Southerly direction following the Eastern shore line of “Lake Charles” to a point of intersection of the North Bank of Pithon Coulee, and the Eastern shore line of “Lake Charles,” said point being on the North face of the existing concrete flood gate structure across the mouth of Pithon Coulee and said point having coordinates of X equals 1,403,803.60 and Y equals 571,099.65, Louisiana Coordinate System South Zone;

            Thence North 135 degrees, 17 minutes, 13 seconds West (grid bearing) a distance of 267.56 feet to a point of curvature of a 27 degree, 33 minute, 33 second curve to the left, said curve having a delta of 27 degrees, 2 minutes, 46 seconds, a radius of 207.90 feet, a tangent of 50 feet, and a long chord of 97.23 feet which bears North 121 degrees, 45 minutes, 50 seconds West (grid bearing);

            Thence Northwesterly along the arc of above described 27 degree, 33 minutes, 33 second curve to the left, a distance of 98.14 feet to the point of tangency of said curve;

            Thence North 108 degrees, 14 minutes, 27 seconds West (grid bearing) a distance of 382.5 feet to a point of curvature of a 28 degree, 38 minutes, 52 second curve to the right, said curve having a delta of 90 degrees, 0 minutes, 0 seconds, a radius of 200 feet, a tangent of 200 feet, and a long chord of 282.84 feet which bears North 153 degrees, 14 minutes, 27 seconds West (grid bearing);

            Thence Northwesterly along the arc of above described 28 degree, 38 minutes, 52 second curve to the right, a distance of 314.16 feet to the point of tangency of said curve;

            Thence North 198 degrees, 14 minutes, 27 seconds East (grid bearing) a distance of 1133.5 feet to a point of curvature of a 4 degree, 47 minute, 31 second curve to the left, said curve having a delta of 8 degrees, 48 minutes, 0 seconds, a radius of 1195.65 feet, a tangent of 92.0 feet, and a long chord of 183.46 feet which bears North 193 degrees, 50 minutes, 27 seconds East (grid bearing);

            Thence Northeasterly along the arc of above described 4 degrees, 47 minutes, 31 second curve to the left, a distance of 183.64 feet to point of tangency of said curve;

            Thence North 189 degrees, 26 minutes, 27 seconds East (grid bearing) a distance of 345.0 feet to a point of curvature of a 40 degree, 36 minutes, 13 second curve to the left, said curve having a delta of 87 degrees, 53 minutes, 14 seconds, a radius of 141.11 feet, a tangent of 136.0 feet, and a long chord of 195.85 feet which bears North 145 degrees, 29 minutes, 50 seconds West (grid bearing);

            Thence Northwesterly along the arc of the above described 40 degree, 36 minute, 13 second curve to the left, to a point being on a Westerly prolongation of a line, said line being South 10 degrees, 45 minutes West, a distance 50 feet from the center line of Broad Street and parallel to Broad Street and said line having a true bearing of North 79 degrees and 15 minutes West;

            Thence South 79 degrees, 15 minutes East (true bearing) on a Westerly prolongation of a line being South 10 degrees, 45 minutes West, a distance of 50 feet from the center line of Broad Street and parallel to Broad Street, to the point of commencement.

            (2) In planning, designing, and executing said project, the city of Lake Charles shall have jurisdiction, power, and authority within the territorial limits of said project to dedicate to public use and to lay out, construct, embellish, and maintain a system of public parks, plazas and parkways, beaches, and streets, with the necessary and related developments herein contemplated.

            (3)(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Subsection to the contrary, upon approval by a vote of a majority of the electors qualified to vote in the city of Lake Charles who vote in a special election called for the purposes authorized herein, the city shall have full and exclusive right, jurisdiction, power, and authority to use or lease to third parties, up to a maximum term of ninety-nine years, for any lawful, commercial, profit-oriented purposes other than gaming, the property as described in Paragraph (1) of this Subsection, including but not limited to the authority to construct, acquire, extend, or improve facilities such as marinas, motels, hotels, restaurants, retail shops, boating facilities, and parking facilities and other economic development uses permitted in accordance with the zoning regulation of the city. The governing authority of the city of Lake Charles is authorized to call a special election to submit the question of commercial, profit-oriented usage of the areas described in this Subsection to those electors qualified to vote within the city. The call for and the holding of the election shall be in accordance with law and with respect to the commercial, profit-oriented development project, shall:

            (i) Reasonably and fairly identify the area of land to be used or leased for commercial development;

            (ii) Describe the general nature and extent of the proposed commercial project;

            (iii) Describe the anticipated cost of the development project, including the estimated amount of public funds to be used or expended in the construction or operation of the project; and

            (iv) Indicate whether the property will be leased for development and if so, the term of the lease, the rent or other consideration to be paid and the identity of the developer who will be responsible for the development and operation of the project.

            (b) If a majority of the qualified electors of the municipality who vote in the election approve the use of the property for specific commercial, profit-oriented purposes, the city shall have the full and exclusive right, jurisdiction, power, and authority to conduct such commercial, profit-oriented purposes or to lease, with or without public bid, in accordance with the provisions of the proposition, all or a portion of said properties for such purposes by ordinance authorizing such lease adopted by the governing authority of the city of Lake Charles in accordance with the provisions of the city charter.

            (c) Scope of project; limitations. In planning, designing, and executing said project, the city shall have jurisdiction, power, and authority within the territorial limits of said project to lay out, construct, embellish and maintain any and all improvements of such character and extent and such height, width, slope, design, and material as said city may determine or approve, including but not limited to motels, hotels, retail shops, restaurants and boating facilities and other economic development uses permitted in accordance with the zoning regulations of the city as amended.

            (4)(a) The city of Lake Charles may acquire by donation, purchase, exchange, and expropriation, and include in said development and improvements, any private property along the shore of said lake within the above described limits and subject to the above restrictions. In event of expropriation, the compensation to be paid shall be the actual cash value of the property at the time of expropriation without adding thereto any enhanced value brought about, or to be brought about, solely by this development.

            (b) All property owned by the state of Louisiana, or the title to which stands in the name of the state, and all property which by its nature, situation, and location is not susceptible of private ownership under the present law and constitution of the state, and is within the area of said works of reclamation and improvements, is hereby specifically vested in the city of Lake Charles.

            (5)(a) To enable said city to perform the work herein provided for and to assist in defraying the costs and expenses thereof, and to carry out the purposes of existing laws and this Part, the state of Louisiana hereby grants and releases to said city the title of the state in and to all public property necessary for the purposes hereof and all lands reclaimed or filled in within any levee embankments, slopes, retaining walls, and breakwater constructed hereunder and in and to all lands lying within the territorial limits of said project, and hereby releases said land from any public trust or dedication. The state of Louisiana shall not itself undertake or authorize, permit, or empower any other governmental subdivision or agency or any person, firm, association, corporation, or other entity whatsoever to reclaim the bed of said lake or any part thereof or to construct any works thereon within the territorial limits described in Paragraph (1) of this Subsection.

            (b) In addition to the authority to incur debt and issue bonds, authority is hereby given to issue bonds and incur additional debt not to exceed three million dollars in principal at one time outstanding, and the said city, when authorized by a vote of the qualified taxpaying voters of the city of Lake Charles, in the manner provided by present or future applicable laws, may for the purpose of financing the public improvements herein authorized make said bonds the obligation of the city of Lake Charles, and for the retirement thereof said city is authorized to impose and collect, in excess of all other taxes, a tax sufficient for the payment of principal and interest on the bonds so authorized to be issued hereunder.

            (c) The said bonds, notes, or certificates of indebtedness shall be exempt from all taxation for state, parish, and municipal purposes, and savings banks and insurance companies shall be authorized to invest the funds in their hands therein, and said bonds, notes, and certificates of indebtedness may be used for deposit with any officer, board, municipality, or other political subdivision of the state of Louisiana, in any case whereunder by any present or future laws, deposit of security may be required. Said bonds, notes, and certificates of indebtedness shall be deemed to be negotiable instruments and incontestable in the hands of bona fide holders, for value; however, nothing herein contained shall be construed as pledging the credit of the state of Louisiana for the payment of said bonds, notes, or certificates of indebtedness or be construed as constituting them obligations of the state of Louisiana.

            (6) The power and authority hereby conferred shall be in addition to any power to issue bonds or other evidences of indebtedness and to borrow money now or hereafter conferred by law upon said city of Lake Charles.

            (7) The provisions hereof are self-executing and self-operative, and the city of Lake Charles is authorized to carry them into effect.

            B.(1)(a) City of Lake Charles; rights and powers; improvement projects. The city of Lake Charles shall have and exercise all and singular the powers now conferred upon said city by law as well as such powers as are herein granted with respect to the property described in this Subparagraph. The city and any third parties acquiring the right to use or possess the property described in this Subparagraph from the city as authorized herein shall have the full and exclusive right, jurisdiction, power, and authority to locate, relocate, construct, maintain, and extend improvements of any kind, including, without limitation, improvements to embankments, seawalls, jetties, breakwaters, and water basins, and to conduct all dredging operations necessary in connection therewith or incidental thereto, along, over, and on the following described property situated on the shore, bottom, and bed of Lake Charles in the parish of Calcasieu, being more particularly described as follows, to wit:

            Land description. A tract of land lying in Section 31, Township 9 South, Range 8 West and in Section 36, Township 9 South, Range 9 West, La.Mer., in the city of Lake Charles, parish of Calcasieu, Louisiana, and on the shore, bottom and bed of Lake Charles, to-wit:

            A tract of land in Section 31, Township 9 South, Range 8 West, and in Section 36, Township 9 South, Range 9 West in the City of Lake Charles and the Parish of Calcasieu, beginning at a point 125 feet South, 6 degrees and 10 minutes West of the center line of U.S. Highway No. 90, also known as Interstate 10 (said center line shown on plans of the Louisiana Department of Highways State Project No. 3-30-07, dated October 25, 1950), and North 80 degrees 35 minutes West a distance of 50 feet from the prolongation of the West line of the J. A. Bel, et al property (as per agreement boundary between J. A. Bel, et al and the State of Louisiana in accordance with plat filed in records of the Parish of Calcasieu in Plat Book No. 6, page 57) for a point of commencement;

            Thence South 6 degrees and 10 minutes West a distance of 352 feet;

            Thence South 44 degrees and 58 minutes West a distance of 680 feet, more or less, to point which is 1050 feet South of the center line of U.S. Highway No. 90;

            Thence South 89 degrees and 58 minutes West following along a line parallel to and 1050 feet South of the center line of U.S. Highway No. 90 to a point, said point being on the left descending bank of the Calcasieu River;

            Thence North 0 degrees and 2 minutes West following the left descending bank of the Calcasieu River 990 feet to a point, said point being 60 feet South of the center line of the U.S. Highway No. 90 Bridge, and on the South right-of-way line of U.S. Highway No. 90;

            Thence North 89 degrees and 58 minutes East following the South right-of-way line which is parallel to and 60 feet South of the center line of the U.S. Highway No. 90, Calcasieu River Bridge, a distance of 2200 feet, more or less, to a point, said point being 503 feet West of the East end of the Calcasieu River Bridge, said East end of Calcasieu River Bridge being at Highway Station 622+06.94 on State Project No. 3-30-07;

            Thence South 0 degrees and 2 minutes East a distance of 65 feet to a point which is 125 feet South of the center Line of U.S. Highway No. 90, Calcasieu River Bridge;

            Thence North 89 degrees and 58 minutes East following a line parallel to and 125 feet South of the center line of the Calcasieu River Bridge and the center line of U.S. Highway No. 90 to a point, said point being 125 feet South of the center line of U.S. Highway No. 90 and a Westerly distance of 1348.8 feet (as measured along a line 25 feet South of the South edge of the right service road) from the West line of the J. A. Bel, et al property as per agreement boundary;

            Thence South 5 degrees and 10 minutes West a distance of 240 feet;

            Thence South 84 degrees and 50 minutes East a distance of 444.5 feet;

            Thence North 5 degrees and 10 minutes East a distance of 240 feet to a point 125 feet South of the center line of U.S. Highway No. 90;

            Thence Easterly along a line parallel to and 125 feet South of the center line of U.S. Highway No. 90 to the point of beginning.

            (b)(i) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Subsection to the contrary, upon approval by a vote of a majority of the electors qualified to vote in the city of Lake Charles who vote in a special election called for the purposes authorized herein, the city shall have full and exclusive right, jurisdiction, power, and authority to use or lease to third parties, up to a maximum term of ninety-nine years for any lawful, commercial, profit-oriented purposes the property as described in Subparagraph (a) of this Paragraph including but not limited to the authority to construct, acquire, extend, or improve facilities such as marinas, motels, hotels, restaurants, retail shops, boating facilities, parking facilities, related facilities, and other uses permitted by the zoning regulations of the city, other than for the operation of gaming-related facilities. The governing authority of the city of Lake Charles is authorized to call a special election to submit the question of commercial profit-oriented usage of the areas described in Subparagraph (a) of this Paragraph to those electors qualified to vote within the city. The call for and the holding of the election shall be in accordance with law and, regarding the proposed commercial, profit-oriented development project, shall:

            (aa) Reasonably and fairly identify the area of land to be used or leased for commercial development.

            (bb) Describe the general nature and extent of the proposed commercial project.

            (cc) Describe the anticipated costs of the development project, including the estimated amount of public funds to be used or expended in the operation of the project.

            (dd) Indicate whether the property will be leased for development and if so, the term of the lease, the rent or other consideration to be paid and the identity of the developer who will be responsible for the development and operation of the project.

            (ii) If a majority of the qualified electors of the city of Lake Charles who vote in the election approve the use of the property for specific commercial profit-oriented purposes , the city shall have the full and exclusive right, jurisdiction, power, and authority to conduct such commercial profit-oriented purposes or to lease, or otherwise authorize third parties to use with or without public bid, in accordance with the provisions of the proposition, all or a portion of said property for such purposes, by ordinance adopted by the city of Lake Charles in accordance with the provisions of the city charter.

            (iii) Notwithstanding any other provision herein to the contrary, all or any portion of the property described in this Item may be used or leased for the development and operation of gaming-related facilities and any other commercial, profit-oriented purpose associated therewith provided that such use is approved by the voters of the city of Lake Charles in the manner set forth in this Subsection. The property to which this Item is applicable is described as follows: A tract or parcel of land lying in Section 31, Township 9 South, Range 8 West, in the city of Lake Charles, Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana, and being more particularly described as: Beginning at a point 125.0 feet (Record & Measured) South 6 degrees 10 minutes West (Record) South 6 degrees 1 minute West (Measured) of the centerline of U. S. Highway No. 90, also known as Interstate 10 (said centerline shown on the plans of the Louisiana Department of Highways now the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, State Project No. 3-30-07, dated October 25, 1950), and North 80 degrees 35 minutes West (Record & Measured), a distance of 50.0 feet from the prolongation of the West line of the J. A. Bel et al. property (as per agreement boundary between J. A. Bel, et al. and the State of Louisiana in accordance with the plat filed in records of the Parish of Calcasieu in Plat Book 6 at Page 57);

            Thence South 6 degrees 10 minutes West (Statute) South 6 degrees 1 minute West (Record & Measured) a distance of 352.0 feet (Record & Measured);

            Thence South 44 degrees 58 minutes West (Statute) a distance of 680.0 feet more or less (Statute) 731.28 feet (Calculated), to a point 1050.0 feet South of the centerline of said U. S. Highway No. 90;

            Thence South 89 degrees 58 minutes West (Statute) following along a line parallel to and 1050 feet South of the centerline of said U. S. Highway No. 90, a distance of 325.71 feet (Calculated);

            Thence North 0 degrees 2 minutes West (Calculated) 925.0 feet (Calculated) to a point 125.0 feet South of the centerline of said U. S. Highway No. 90;

            Thence North 89 degrees 58 minutes East 63.67 feet along the line that is 125 feet South of the centerline of U. S. Highway No. 90 to the beginning of a spiral curve to the right;

            Thence along the spiral curve to the right Chord Bearing South 89 degrees 40 minutes 12 seconds East (Calculated) for a distance of 147.54 feet (Calculated) to the Spiral to Curve; thence along curve to the right, Chord Bearing South 87 degrees 0 minutes 30 seconds East (Calculated) 245.01 feet (Calculated), to the Curve to Spiral; thence along the spiral curve, Chord Bearing South 84 degrees 20 minutes 48 seconds (Calculated) 147.54 feet (Calculated) to the Spiral to Tangent, and Curve Data being Delta 6 degrees 3 minutes (Calculated), Degree of curve 1 degree 33 minutes 3 seconds (Calculated), Length of spiral 147.54 feet (Calculated), Delta of spiral 1 degree 7 minutes 30 seconds (Calculated), Tangent of spiral 270.26 feet (Calculated) and Radius of curve 3694.72 feet (Calculated);

            Thence South 83 degrees 59 minutes East (Calculated) along a line parallel to and 125.0 feet South of the centerline of said U. S. Highway No. 90, a distance of 278.76 feet (Calculated) to point of beginning.

            LESS AND EXCEPT: Begin at the Northwest corner of the above described tract of land;

            Thence North 89 degrees 58 minutes East 63.67 feet along a line that is 125 feet South of the centerline of U. S. Highway No. 90 to the beginning of a spiral curve to the right;

            Thence along the spiral curve to the right chord bearing South 89 degrees 40 minutes 12 seconds East (Calculated) for a distance of 147.54 feet (Calculated);

            Thence South 0 degrees 2 minutes East 250.0 feet;

            Thence Westerly to a point on the West line of the above described tract, said point being South 0 degrees 2 minutes East 250.0 feet from the point of beginning;

            Thence North 0 degrees 2 minutes West 250.0 feet to the point of beginning.

            (2)(a) Scope of project; limitations. In planning, designing, and executing said project, the city or any person acquiring the right to use or possess the property from the city as authorized herein shall have jurisdiction, power, and authority within the limits of said property to lay out, construct, embellish, and maintain facilities and improvements for commercial, profit-oriented use of such character and extent and of such height, width, slope, design, and material as said city may determine or approve, including but not limited to motels, hotels, retail shops, restaurants, boating facilities, parking facilities, and other uses permitted in accordance with the zoning regulations of the city and approved by the voters in the manner set forth in this Subsection.

            (b) No construction shall be entered into which shall in any way reduce the slope of that portion of the embankment lying within the area bounded by a line sixty feet South of the surveyed centerline of U.S. Highway No. 90 and the centerline of U.S. Highway No. 90, nor shall any construction be done which shall in any manner affect the stability of the road bed of the present U.S. Highway No. 90.

            (3)(a) Acquisition of property; expropriation. Said city may acquire by donation, purchase, exchange, and expropriation, and include in the development and improvements of the property described in Subparagraph (1)(a) of this Subsection, any private property along the shore of said lake within the above-described limits and may, notwithstanding any laws to the contrary, use or lease to private persons, for commercial, profit-oriented use, without first offering to the person from which it was acquired and without public bidding, any private land within such limits however acquired. In the event of expropriation, the compensation to be paid shall be the actual cash value of the property at the time of expropriation, without adding thereto any enhanced value brought about or to be brought about solely by this development.

            (b) Title to property. Title to all property owned by the state of Louisiana, or the title to which stands in the name of the state, and all property which by its nature, situation, and location is not susceptible of private ownership under the present law and constitution of the state, and is within the area of said works of reclamation and improvements, is hereby specifically vested in said city of Lake Charles with full power and authority to use or lease such property as provided in Subparagraph (a) of this Paragraph.

            (c) Mineral reservation. There is particularly excepted from this grant a reservation to the state of all the oil, gas, and other minerals lying on, in, or under the above-described property. This reservation does not include the right to use the surface of lands for any purpose, including but not limited to the location of drill sites, surface facilities, ingress and egress, or for any other operations performed or conducted in connection with the production, recovery, treatment, or surfacing of any minerals.

            (4)(a) State grant and release; financing. To enable the city of Lake Charles to perform the work herein provided for and to assist in defraying the costs and expenses thereof, and to carry out the purposes of the existing laws and this Part, the state of Louisiana hereby grants and releases to said city the title of the state in and to all public property necessary for the purposes hereof and all lands reclaimed or filled in within any levee embankments, slopes, retaining walls, and breakwater constructed hereunder and in and to all lands lying within the territorial limits of said project, and hereby releases said land from any public trust or dedication.

            (b) Additional bonds; authorization; amount; tax. In addition to the authority granted to the city of Lake Charles to incur debt and issue bonds under any provisions of the constitution or laws of the state of Louisiana, it is hereby authorized to issue bonds and incur additional debt not to exceed in the aggregate ten percent of the assessed valuation of the taxable property located within the city of Lake Charles, and the city, when authorized by a vote of the qualified taxpaying voters of the city of Lake Charles, in the manner provided by present or future applicable laws, may for the purpose of financing the public improvements herein provided and those provided for or which may be provided for under Subsection C of this Section, if adopted, make said bonds the obligation of the city of Lake Charles, and for the retirement thereof, said city is authorized to impose and collect, in excess of all other taxes, a tax sufficient for the payment of principal and interest on the bonds so authorized to be issued hereunder.

            (c) Bonds; tax exemption; investment; negotiability. The said bonds, notes, or certificates of indebtedness shall be exempt from all taxation for state, parish, and municipal purposes, and savings banks and insurance companies shall be authorized to invest the funds in their hands therein. Said bonds, notes, and certificates of indebtedness may be used for deposit with any officer, board, municipality, or other political subdivision of the state of Louisiana in any case whereunder by any present or future laws deposit of security may be required. Said bonds, notes, and certificates of indebtedness shall be deemed to be negotiable instruments and incontestable in the hands of bona fide holders, for value; however, nothing herein contained shall be construed as pledging the credit of the state of Louisiana for the payment of said bonds, notes, or certificates of indebtedness, or be construed as constituting them obligations of the state of Louisiana.

            (5) Scope of authority granted. The power and authority hereby conferred shall be in addition to any power to issue bonds or other evidences of indebtedness and to borrow money now or hereafter conferred by law upon said city.

            (6) Limitation. Irrespective of the amount of improvements to be made along the north shore and along the east shore of Lake Charles north of Broad Street extended, as provided in this Section, the power of the city of Lake Charles to incur debt and issue additional bonds shall be limited, in the aggregate, to not more than ten percent of the assessed valuation of the taxable property in the city of Lake Charles.

            (7) Self-executing provisions. The provisions hereof are self-operative and self-executing, and the city of Lake Charles is authorized to carry them into effect.

            (8) Transfer of title. The register of the state land office is hereby authorized and directed to perform all acts necessary to transfer title to the herein described property to the city of Lake Charles.

            C.(1) City of Lake Charles; rights and powers; improvement projects. The city of Lake Charles shall have and exercise all and singular the powers now conferred upon said city by law as well as such powers as are herein granted. Said city shall have full and exclusive right, jurisdiction, power, and authority, for noncommercial and nonprofit purposes, except in the manner and as hereinafter set out, to locate, relocate, construct, maintain, extend, and improve embankments, seawalls, jetties, breakwaters, water basins, and other works in relation to this project, and to conduct all dredging operations necessary in connection therewith and/or incidental thereto, along, over, and on the following described property situated on the shore, bottom, and bed of Lake Charles in the parish of Calcasieu, being more particularly described as follows, to wit:

            Land description. A tract of land lying in Section 31, Township 9 South, Range 8 West, La. Mer., in the city of Lake Charles, parish of Calcasieu, Louisiana, and on the shore, bottom and bed of Lake Charles, to wit:

            A tract of land in Section 31, Township 9 South, Range 8 West, in the city of Lake Charles and the parish of Calcasieu, beginning at a point in the Westerly prolongation of the South side of Lawrence Street a distance of 125 feet West of the center line of U.S. Highway No. 90 (said center line as shown on the plans of the Louisiana Highway Department State Project No. 3-30-07 dated October 25th, 1950) for a point of commencement;

            Thence West to a point in the southerly prolongation of the West side of what was formerly Orange Street in the city of Lake Charles;

            Thence South 60 degrees and 9 minutes West 900 feet;

            Thence South 4 degrees and 40 minutes East to a point in the Westerly prolongation of a line, said line being South 10 degrees and 45 minutes West a distance of 50 feet from the center line of Broad Street and parallel to Broad Street and said line having a bearing of North 79 degrees and 15 minutes West;

            Thence South 79 degrees and 15 minutes East to a point in a line, said line being parallel to and 125 feet Southwesterly from the center line of U.S. Highway No. 90;

            Thence Westerly and Northerly along a line parallel to and 125 feet Southerly and Westerly from the center line of U.S. Highway No. 90 to the point of commencement.

            (2)(a) Scope of project; limitations. In planning, designing, and executing said project, the said city shall have jurisdiction, power, and authority within the territorial limits of said project to dedicate to public use and to lay out, construct, embellish, and maintain embankments, seawalls, jetties, breakwaters, water basins, and other works to be of such character and extent and of such height, width, slope, design, and material as said city may determine, as well as a system of public parks, playgrounds, swimming pools, concession stands, plazas and parkways, beaches, streets, and parking areas.

            (b) No construction shall be entered into which shall in any way reduce the slope of that portion of the embankment lying within the area bounded by a line sixty feet South of the surveyed centerline of U.S. Highway No. 90 and the centerline of U.S. Highway No. 90 nor shall any construction be entered into which shall in any manner affect the stability of the road bed of the present U.S. Highway No. 90.

            (3)(a) Acquisition of property; expropriation. Said city may acquire by donation, purchase, exchange, and expropriation, and include in said development and improvements, any private property along the shore of said lake within the above-described limits and subject to the above restrictions. In the event of expropriation, the compensation to be paid shall be the actual cash value of the property at the time of expropriation without adding thereto any enhanced value brought about, or to be brought about, solely by this development.

            (b) Title to property. Title to all property owned by the state of Louisiana, or the title to which stands in the name of the state, and all property which by its nature, situation, and location is not susceptible of private ownership under the present law and constitution of the state, and is within the area of said works of reclamation and improvements, is hereby specifically vested in said city of Lake Charles.

            (c) Mineral reservation. There is particularly excepted from this grant and reserved to the state all the oil, gas, and other minerals lying on, in, or under the above-described property.

            (4)(a) State grant and release; restriction on further reclamation; financing. To enable said city to perform the work herein provided for and to assist in defraying the costs and expenses thereof, and to carry out the purposes of the existing laws and this Part, the state of Louisiana hereby grants and releases to said city the title of the state in and to all public property necessary for the purposes hereof and all lands reclaimed or filled in within any levee embankments, slopes, retaining walls, and breakwater constructed hereunder and in and to all lands lying within the territorial limits of said project, and hereby releases said land from any public trust or dedication. No further reclamation shall be made or other works constructed by said city beyond said established limits as above specified; and the state of Louisiana shall not itself undertake, or authorize or permit any other governmental agency or any person, association, firm, or corporation whatsoever, to reclaim the bed of said lake or any part thereof, or to construct any works thereon, within the territorial limits described in Paragraph (1) of this Subsection.

            (b) Additional bonds; authorization; amount; tax. In addition to the authority granted to the city of Lake Charles to incur debt and issue bonds under any other provisions of this Constitution* or laws of the state of Louisiana, authority is hereby given to issue bonds and incur additional debt not to exceed in the aggregate ten percent of the assessed valuation of the taxable property located within the city of Lake Charles, and the said city, when authorized by a vote of the qualified taxpaying voters of the city of Lake Charles, in the manner provided by present or future applicable laws, is authorized, for the purpose of financing the public improvements herein provided and those provided along the north shore, to make said bonds the obligation of the city of Lake Charles, and for the retirement thereof, said city is authorized to impose and collect, in excess of all other taxes, a tax sufficient for the payment of principal and interest on the bonds so authorized to be issued hereunder.

            (c) Bonds; tax exemption; investment; negotiability. The said bonds, notes, or certificates of indebtedness shall be exempt from all taxation for state, parish, and municipal purposes, and savings banks and insurance companies shall be authorized to invest the funds in their hands therein, and said bonds, notes, and certificates of indebtedness may be used for deposit with any officer, board, municipality, or other political subdivision of the state of Louisiana, in any case whereunder by any present or future laws deposit of security may be required. Said bonds, notes, and certificates of indebtedness shall be deemed to be negotiable instruments and incontestable in the hands of bona fide holders, for value; however, nothing herein contained shall be construed as pledging the credit of the state of Louisiana for the payment of said bonds, notes, or certificates of indebtedness, or be construed as constituting them obligations of the state of Louisiana.

            (5) Scope of authority granted. The power and authority hereby conferred shall be in addition to any power to issue bonds or other evidences of indebtedness and to borrow money, now or hereafter conferred by law upon said city.

            (6) Limitation. Irrespective of the amount of improvements to be made along the north shore and along the property described herein on the east shore of Lake Charles north of Broad Street extended, as provided in this Section, the power of the city of Lake Charles to incur debt and issue additional bonds shall be limited in the aggregate to not more than ten percent of the assessed valuation of the taxable property in the city of Lake Charles.

            (7) Self-executing provisions. The provisions hereof are self-executing, and the city of Lake Charles is authorized to carry them into effect.

            (8) Transfer of title. The register of the state land office is hereby directed to perform all acts necessary to transfer title to the herein described property to the city of Lake Charles.

            (9) Referendum on vote to incur debt and issue bonds. No debt of any kind shall be incurred and no bonds shall be issued without the approval of a majority of the qualified electors of the city of Lake Charles.

            (10) Referendum on commercial use of lake front property. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Subsection to the contrary, upon approval by a vote of a majority of the electors qualified to vote in the city of Lake Charles in a special election called for the purpose, said city shall have full and exclusive right, jurisdiction, power, and authority to conduct for commercial and revenue producing purposes such operations as are described in Paragraph (1) of this Subsection and also to construct, acquire, extend, or improve facilities such as marinas, motels, hotels, restaurants, and boating facilities. The governing authority of the city of Lake Charles is authorized to call a special election to submit the question of commercial usage of the areas described in this Subsection to those electors qualified to vote. The call for and the holding of the election shall be in accordance with law. If a majority of the qualified electors of the municipality approve the commercial usage of the areas described in this Subsection, said city shall have the full and exclusive right, jurisdiction, power, and authority to conduct and effectuate such commercial and revenue-producing purposes.

            D.(1) As a result of the approval by a majority of the electors in a special election held on May 5, 2007, the city has full and exclusive right, jurisdiction, power, and authority to lease and develop all or any portion of any of the property described in Subsections A, B, and C of this Section or in Paragraph (3) of this Subsection for any commercial and profit-oriented purpose, other than gaming, and for any residential purpose in accordance with the procedures provided in Paragraph (2) of this Subsection pursuant to the terms and conditions of the voter referendum and in accordance with the design guidelines for such development as referenced therein. Accordingly, the governing authority of the city of Lake Charles may also construct, acquire, extend, or improve facilities such as marinas, motels, hotels, restaurants, residential housing, commercial office space, and boating facilities and provide roads, sewer, water, and other utilities to facilitate the voter plan for commercial or residential use pursuant to the terms and conditions of the voter referendum and the design guidelines as referenced therein.

            (2) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, leases of lakefront property described in Subsections A, B, and C of this Section and in Paragraph (3) of this Subsection may be entered into with any natural or juridical person for development in accordance with the terms and conditions of the voter referendum and the design guidelines set forth in the permit issued pursuant thereto. The procedure and authority for the lease of property with or without public bid set forth in La. Rev. Stat. 33:4717.2 shall apply to the disposition of this property. Accordingly, the city of Lake Charles may, in determining the consideration for the disposition of said property, consider the potential value of the economic impact of the commercial and profit-oriented development as well as the value of the land, building or other properties involved.

            (3)(a) The following-described property now owned by the governing authority of the city of Lake Charles and located immediately adjacent to the land described in Paragraph (B)(1) of this Section may also be sold for development for any commercial and profit-oriented purpose and for any residential purpose in accordance with terms and conditions of the voter referendum and the design guidelines set forth in the permit issued pursuant thereto. The procedure and authority for the sale of property with or without public bid set forth in La. Rev. Stat. 33:4717.2 shall apply to the disposition of this property. Accordingly, the city of Lake Charles may, in determining the consideration for the disposition of said property, consider the potential value of the economic impact of the commercial and profit-oriented development as well as the value of the land, building, or other property involved including:

            A tract of land in Section 31, Township 9 South, Range 8 West, in the city of Lake Charles, parish of Calcasieu, Louisiana, more fully described as:

            For a point of commencement, begin at the Southeast corner of Block 30 of Thomas Bilbo and Ann Lawrence subdivision in the city of Lake Charles, Louisiana;

            Thence West along the North right of way line of Lawrence Street and along the West prolongation of the North right of way line of Lawrence Street, 450.0 feet to the point in the West right of way line of U.S. Highway No. 90 Business route and/or the West right of way line of Orange Street (abandoned) projected South;

            Thence West, 60.0 feet along the agreement boundary line between the state of Louisiana and the J.A. Bel Estate;

            Thence North 57° 50′ 00″ West record (North 57° 50′ 45″ measured), 451.25 record and measured feet along the said agreement line to the point of commencement of the tract herein described;

            Thence North 32° 10’00” East 249.49 feet record (North 32° 00’15” East 250.90 feet measured);

            Thence due North 148.03 feet record (North 00°18’02” West 148.03 feet measured);

            Thence due East 80.0 feet record (South 89° 59′ 48″ East 80.06 feet measured);

            Thence due North 96.6 feet record more or less (North 0° 06′ 13″ West 96.97 feet measured) to a point on the South right of way line of U.S. Highway No. 90 Business route;

            Thence Westerly on the said right of way line along the arc of a curve having a radius of 355.0 feet [the chord of which bears North 76°44’00” West 47.72 feet record (North 76°52’12” West 47.73 feet measured)] an arc distance of 47.72 feet record (and measured);

            Thence North 83°35’00” West 95.46 (North 83°59’03” West 95.41 feet measured) along said South right of way line;

            Thence North 80°35’00” West 560.4 feet record (North 80°28’21” West 560.66 feet measured) along said South right of way line;

            Thence North 80°35’0″ West (North 80°34’31” West measured) 400 feet record and measured along said South right of way line;

            Thence South 06°01’00” West (South 06°01’29” West measured) 12 feet record and measured;

            Thence North 80°35’00” West (North 80°34’31” West measured) 50 feet record and measured;

            Thence South 6°01’00” West 325 feet record (South 06°01’29” West 325.06 feet measured);

            Thence South 80°35’00” East 450 feet record (South 80°34’31” East 449.12 feet measured);

            Thence South 80°35’00” East 200 feet record (South 80°06’16” East 199.89 feet measured);

            Thence South 57°50’00” East 378.25 feet record (South 57°50’45” East 379.75 feet measured) to the point of commencement, containing 9.246 Acres.

            (b) The governing authority of the city of Lake Charles is authorized to execute any acts of correction that may be necessary in the future to conform the description of the property as described in Subparagraph (a) of this Paragraph to a more accurate survey or to correct any defects in the chain of title to the property.

            E.(1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section to the contrary, the governing authority of the city of Lake Charles is authorized to call a special election in accordance with law seeking voter approval by those electors of the city qualified to vote regarding the revision or modification of the existing plan for commercial and residential usage of all or a portion of the land areas described in this Section. The proposition for the election shall include the following information with respect to the proposed project:

            (a) Reasonably and fairly identify the area of land to be used or leased for residential or commercial development.

            (b) Describe the general nature and extent of the proposed development project and generally describe any applicable design guidelines.

            (2) If a majority of the qualified electors of the city of Lake Charles vote to approve the commercial or residential usage of all or any portion of the areas described in the ballot proposition, the city shall have the full and exclusive right, jurisdiction, power, and authority to authorize, conduct, and effectuate development in those land areas described in the proposition for the residential, commercial, and profit-oriented purposes as provided in Subsection D of this Section.

            (3) The city of Lake Charles may also construct, acquire, extend, or improve facilities such as marinas, motels, hotels, restaurants, residential housing, commercial office space, and boating facilities and provide roads, sewer, water, and other nonelectric utilities as may be necessary to facilitate any such plan for commercial or residential use previously approved by the voters or as may be authorized in the future as provided herein or to make such site improvements as may be necessary to comply with applicable flood plain regulations. In exercising such authority the city shall also have authorization to develop the property pursuant to the provisions of La. Rev. Stat. 51:1151 through 1160.

            (4) Nothing in this Subsection shall in any way supersede the sole authority and responsibility of the Louisiana Gaming Control Board relative to gaming as specified in La. Rev. Stat. 27:15 nor shall it affect any law regarding the requirement for or the conduct of any election or regarding the conduct of any form of gaming.

            Acts 1997, No. 1095, §1; Acts 2001, No. 334, §1; Acts 2006, No. 518, §1; Acts 2015, No. 272, §1; Acts 2017, No. 290, §1, eff. June 16, 2017.