Part I General Provisions 39:471 – 39:473
Part II Consolidated Local Government Public Finance Act 39:501 – 39:531
Part III Bonded Indebtedness 39:551 – 39:699
Part IV Special Taxes 39:701 – 39:706
Part V Borrowing in Anticipation of Tax Collections 39:742.3
Part VI Special Taxes in Aid of Specified Enterprises 39:781 – 39:788
Part VI-A Special Taxes for Mosquito Abatement 39:791
Part VI-B Taxes for Public Improvements and Services 39:801 – 39:804
Part VI-C Local Support for Public Schools 39:811 – 39:817
Part VII Federal Loans 39:827 – 39:833.1
Part VIII State Control of Local Indebtedness 39:871
Part IX Registry of Bonds 39:911
Part X Participating Certificates 39:932
Part XII Bonds to Acquire Plant Sites 39:991 – 39:1025
Part XIV Issuance of Bonds by the City of New Orleans 39:1031 – 39:1043
Part XV Public Entity Facilities Financing Act 39:1051

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Terms Used In Louisiana Revised Statutes > Title 39 > Subtitle II > Chapter 4 - Bonded Indebtedness and Special Taxes

  • Abandoned motor vehicle: means a motor vehicle that is inoperable and is left unattended on public property for more than twenty-four hours, or is inoperable and left unattended on the shoulder or right-of-way of an interstate or a four-lane highway for more than twenty-four hours, or a motor vehicle that has remained illegally on public property for a period of more than twenty-four hours, or a motor vehicle that has remained on private property without the consent of the owner or person in control of the property for more than three days. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:471
  • Accumulated contributions: means the sum of all the amounts deducted from the compensation of a member and credited to his individual account in the annuity savings fund, together with regular interest thereon. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:1002
  • Advertisement: means all representations, other than those on the label, disseminated in any manner or by any means, relating to seed within the scope of this Part. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:1431
  • Affiliate: as used in this Chapter , means a specific person who is directly or indirectly, through one or more intermediaries, controlled by, or controls, or is under common control with the person specified. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516
  • Affirmed: In the practice of the appellate courts, the decree or order is declared valid and will stand as rendered in the lower court.
  • Agency: means any governing body employing persons in the public school system. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:1002
  • Agency: means any state office, department, board, commission, institution, division, officer or other person, or functional group, heretofore existing or hereafter created, that is authorized to exercise, or that does exercise, any functions of the government of the state in the executive branch, but not any governing body or officer of any local government or subdivision of the state, or any parochial officer who exercises functions coterminous with the municipality in which he performs those functions. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:2
  • Agency: as used in this Chapter shall have the same meaning ascribed to it as provided in La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Agricultural products: includes products such as horticultural, and dairy products, livestock, wildlife, poultry, bees, forest products, fish and shell fish, and any products thereof, including processed and manufactured products, and any and all products raised or produced on farms and any processed or manufactured products thereof. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516
  • Agricultural seed: means any lawn, flower, oil, grass, forage, cereal, fiber, or other kinds of crop seed sold, offered for sale, or used in Louisiana for agricultural or other purposes, and any combinations of such seeds. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:1431
  • Amendment: A proposal to alter the text of a pending bill or other measure by striking out some of it, by inserting new language, or both. Before an amendment becomes part of the measure, thelegislature must agree to it.
  • Amortization: Paying off a loan by regular installments.
  • Amount deferred: means the cash price, subtracting any down payment, under a consumer credit sale, revolving charge or seller credit card account, plus any other charges, fees and closing costs authorized by law, that are financed by the creditor under the transaction or included in or added to the balance of the consumer's indebtedness subject to credit service charges. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516
  • Amount financed: means the amount borrowed under a consumer loan, revolving loan or lender credit card account, plus any other charges, fees, and closing costs authorized by law, that are financed by the creditor under the transaction, or included in or added to the balance of the consumer's indebtedness subject to loan finance charges. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516
  • Annuity: A periodic (usually annual) payment of a fixed sum of money for either the life of the recipient or for a fixed number of years. A series of payments under a contract from an insurance company, a trust company, or an individual. Annuity payments are made at regular intervals over a period of more than one full year.
  • Annuity: means payments for life derived from the accumulated contributions of a member. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:1002
  • Answer: The formal written statement by a defendant responding to a civil complaint and setting forth the grounds for defense.
  • Appeal: A request made after a trial, asking another court (usually the court of appeals) to decide whether the trial was conducted properly. To make such a request is "to appeal" or "to take an appeal." One who appeals is called the appellant.
  • Appellate: About appeals; an appellate court has the power to review the judgement of another lower court or tribunal.
  • Appointing authority: means the presiding officer or similar official of any court, board, commission, authority, department, agency, legislative body or of any proceeding of any nature where a qualified interpreter/transliterator is required pursuant to this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2362
  • Arrest: Taking physical custody of a person by lawful authority.
  • Assets: (1) The property comprising the estate of a deceased person, or (2) the property in a trust account.
  • Attachment: A procedure by which a person's property is seized to pay judgments levied by the court.
  • authority: means , with respect to the city of New Orleans, the police board of the city of New Orleans and in all other municipalities and parishes means the police department, sheriff or such other authority as is vested with police authority. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:471
  • Automated driving system: means the hardware and software that are collectively capable of performing the entire dynamic driving task on a sustained basis, regardless of whether it is limited to a specific operational design domain. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:400.1
  • Autonomous commercial motor vehicle: means a motor vehicle used in commerce and equipped with an automated driving system, including those designed to function without a driver. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:400.1
  • average salary: as used in this Chapter for the purpose of determining pension payments and retirement is the average salary including any additional pay or salary provided by the legislature over and above that set by the Civil Service Commission, received for the year ending on the last day of the month immediately preceding the date of retirement or date of death or for any one-year period, whichever is the greatest. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:1310
  • Bail: Security given for the release of a criminal defendant or witness from legal custody (usually in the form of money) to secure his/her appearance on the day and time appointed.
  • Bankruptcy: Refers to statutes and judicial proceedings involving persons or businesses that cannot pay their debts and seek the assistance of the court in getting a fresh start. Under the protection of the bankruptcy court, debtors may discharge their debts, perhaps by paying a portion of each debt. Bankruptcy judges preside over these proceedings.
  • Beneficiary: A person who is entitled to receive the benefits or proceeds of a will, trust, insurance policy, retirement plan, annuity, or other contract. Source: OCC
  • Beneficiary: means any person in receipt of a pension, an annuity, a retirement allowance or other benefit provided by this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:1002
  • Bequest: Property gifted by will.
  • Board: means the group of individuals named or appointed to inform and support the work of the Louisiana Commission for the Deaf pursuant to La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2351
  • Board: means the Louisiana State Police Retirement System Board. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:1301
  • Board: means the board of trustees of the Assessors' Retirement Fund. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:1402
  • Board of Liquidation: means the Board of Liquidation, City Debt, of the city of New Orleans, Louisiana. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1032
  • Board of Trustees: means the board provided to administer the retirement system. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:1002
  • Bonds: means and includes bonds, notes, certificates, or other written obligations for the repayment of borrowed money. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1032
  • bonds: means any bonds, notes, warrants, certificates of indebtedness, certificates of participation or other written contracts, agreements, or instruments evidencing the obligation of a governmental entity to repay borrowed money, regardless of the designation thereof. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:503
  • Business: means any corporation, partnership, individual, sole proprietorship, joint stock company, joint venture, or any other legal entity through which business is conducted. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Central purchasing agency: means the office of state procurement. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Change order: means a written order signed by the procurement officer, directing the contractor to make changes which the contract authorizes the procurement officer to order without the consent of the contractor. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Check: means any check, draft, item, orders or requests for payment of money, negotiable orders, withdrawal or any other instrument used to pay a debt or transfer money from one to another. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516
  • Chief procurement officer: means the person holding the position created in La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • City: means the city of New Orleans, Louisiana. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1032
  • Clerk of court: An officer appointed by the court to work with the chief judge in overseeing the court's administration, especially to assist in managing the flow of cases through the court and to maintain court records.
  • Collector: means the owner of one or more motor vehicles of historic or special interest who collects, purchases, acquires, trades, or disposes of such motor vehicles or the parts thereof for his own use in order to preserve, restore, and maintain such a motor vehicle for hobby purposes. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:442
  • Combination of vehicles: means every group of two or more vehicles howsoever joined together which are drawn or propelled by a single motor vehicle. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Commerce: means transportation for the purpose of compensation, remuneration, employment, trade, or payment of any thing of value. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:400.1
  • Commercial motor vehicle: means a motor vehicle or combination of motor vehicles used in commerce to transport passengers or property if the motor vehicle has a gross combination weight rating of twenty-six thousand one or more pounds inclusive of a towed unit with a gross vehicle weight rating of more than ten thousand pounds. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:400.1
  • Commission: means the Agricultural Chemistry and Seed Commission. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:1431
  • Commission: means the Agricultural Chemistry and Seed Commission. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:1462
  • Commissioner: means the secretary of the Department of Public Safety and Corrections. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Commissioner: means the Louisiana commissioner of agriculture and forestry. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:921
  • Commissioner: means the commissioner of agriculture and forestry. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:1431
  • Commissioner: means the Louisiana commissioner of agriculture and forestry. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:1462
  • Commissioner: means the director of public safety as provided in La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:442
  • Commissioner: means the commissioner of financial institutions. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516
  • Competitive negotiation: means to negotiate for a contract through a request for proposals process or any other similar competitive selection process. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Competitive sealed bidding: means the receipt of bids protected from inspection prior to bid opening. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Complaint: A written statement by the plaintiff stating the wrongs allegedly committed by the defendant.
  • Consumer: means a natural person who purchases goods, services, or movable or immovable property or rights therein, for a personal, family, or household purpose and includes a purchaser or buyer in a consumer credit sale or transaction made with the use of a seller credit card or otherwise, or a borrower or debtor in a consumer loan, revolving loan account, or a lender credit card. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516
  • Consumer credit transaction: means a consumer loan or a consumer credit sale but does not include a motor vehicle credit transaction made pursuant to La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516
  • Consumer loan: means a loan of money or its equivalent made by a supervised financial organization, a licensed lender, or lender in which the debtor is a consumer, and the loan is entered into primarily for personal, family, or household purposes and includes debts created by the use of a lender credit card, revolving loan account, or similar arrangement, as well as insurance premium  financing. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516
  • Continuance: Putting off of a hearing ot trial until a later time.
  • Contract: means all types of state agreements, regardless of what they may be called, including orders and documents purporting to represent grants, which are for the purchase or disposal of supplies, services, major repairs, or any other item. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Contract modification: means any written alteration in specifications, delivery point, rate of delivery, period of performance, price, quantity, or other provisions of any contract accomplished by mutual action of the parties to the contract. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Contractor: means any person having a contract with a governmental body. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Cooperative purchasing: means procurement conducted by or on behalf of more than one public procurement unit or by a public procurement unit with an external procurement activity or by a private procurement unit. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Costs of issuance: means all items of expense related to the authorization, sale and issuance of bonds, including but not limited to printing costs, costs of preparation and reproduction of documents, filing and recording fees, fees and charges of any fiduciary, legal fees and charges of any counsels necessary in connection with the issuance of bonds, costs of preparation, printing, and distribution of official statements or other disclosure documents, fees and disbursements of consultants and professionals in connection with the issuance of bonds, costs of credit ratings, fees and charges for preparation, execution, transportation, and safekeeping of bonds, costs and expenses of refunding, underwriters discount or placement fees, costs of any credit enhancement, costs of any financial products agreement, and any other cost, charge, or fee in connection with the issuance of bonds. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:503
  • Council: means the council of the city of New Orleans or its successor in function. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1032
  • Court: means the Nineteenth Judicial District located in Baton Rouge and, in the event of an appeal from such a court, the First Circuit Court of Appeal located in Baton Rouge. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Covered produce farm: means any farm engaged in the growing, harvesting, packing, or holding of produce for human consumption which is subject to the requirements of the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act, but shall not include farms that have twenty-five thousand dollars or less of gross income from sales of produce in a year. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:921
  • Credit bureau: An agency that collects individual credit information and sells it for a fee to creditors so they can make a decision on granting loans. Typical clients include banks, mortgage lenders, credit card companies, and other financing companies. (Also commonly referred to as consumer-reporting agency or credit-reporting agency.) Source: OCC
  • Credit card: means any card, plate, coupon book, or other single credit device that may be used from time to time to obtain credit. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516
  • Credit enhancement: means any letter of credit, insurance policy, surety bond, standby bond purchase agreement, reserve fund surety bond, or similar facility as used for the purpose of enhancing the security or credit quality of bonds. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:503
  • Credit service charge: means the sum of the following:

    (i)  All charges payable directly or indirectly by the consumer and imposed directly or indirectly by the seller as an incident to the extension of credit, including any of the following types of charges that are applicable: time price differential; service; carrying or other charge, however denominated; premium or other charge for any guarantee or insurance protecting the seller against the consumer's default or other credit loss; and

    (ii)  Charges paid by the consumer for investigating the collateral or credit worthiness of the consumer or for commissions or brokerage for obtaining the credit, irrespective of the person to whom the charges are paid or payable, unless the seller had no notice of the charges when the credit was granted. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516

  • creditor: as used in this Chapter includes a seller in a consumer credit sale, revolving charge account, or transaction made with the use of a seller credit card or otherwise, or a lender in a consumer loan, a revolving loan account, or a lender credit card transaction. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516
  • Crop: means any cultivated plants that produce agricultural produce such as grains, seeds, fruits, vegetables, or flowers. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:1431
  • Data: means recorded information, regardless of form or characteristic. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Deaf: means a condition of or person with some or complete absence of auditory sensitivity, regardless of when the hearing loss occurred, and is most often represented with a lowercase letter "d". See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2351
  • DeafBlind: means a condition of or person with concomitant visual and auditory sensitivity to the extent that it causes extreme difficulty in gaining independence in daily life activities, achieving psychosocial adjustments, or obtaining a vocation. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2351
  • Debarment: means the disqualification of a person to receive invitations for bids or requests for proposals, or the award of any contract by any governmental body, for a specified period of time commensurate with the seriousness of the offense or the failure or the inadequacy of performance. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Decedent: A deceased person.
  • Deed: The legal instrument used to transfer title in real property from one person to another.
  • Department: means the Department of Agriculture and Forestry. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:1
  • Department: means the Department of Children and Family Services or the Louisiana Department of Health. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1
  • Department: means the Louisiana Department of Health. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2116.1
  • Department: means the Louisiana Department of Health. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2351
  • Department: means the Department of Transportation and Development. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Department: means the Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:471
  • Department: means the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:921
  • Department: means the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:1462
  • Dependent: A person dependent for support upon another.
  • Designee: means a duly authorized representative of a person holding a superior position. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Devise: To gift property by will.
  • Dismissal: The dropping of a case by the judge without further consideration or hearing. Source:
  • Down payment: means an amount, including the value of any property used as a trade-in, paid to a seller to reduce the cash price of goods or services purchased under a consumer credit sale. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516
  • Driver: means every person who drives or is in actual physical control of a vehicle. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Due notice: means notice published at least twice, with an interval of at least 7 days between the two publication dates, in a newspaper or other publication of general circulation within the appropriate area, or if no such publication of general circulation be available, by posting at a reasonable number of conspicuous places within the appropriate area, such posting to include, where possible, posting at public places where it may be customary to post notices concerning parish or municipal affairs generally. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:1202
  • Dynamic driving task: means all of the real-time operational and tactical functions required to operate a vehicle in on-road traffic excluding strategic functions such as trip scheduling and selection of destinations and waypoints. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:400.1
  • Earnable compensation: means the full amount earned by an employee for a given pay period. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:1002
  • Electronic: means electrical, digital, magnetic, optical, electromagnet, or any other similar technology. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Electronic funds transfer: The transfer of money between accounts by consumer electronic systems-such as automated teller machines (ATMs) and electronic payment of bills-rather than by check or cash. (Wire transfers, checks, drafts, and paper instruments do not fall into this category.) Source: OCC
  • Employee: means any person legally occupying a position as a school bus driver who actually renders a service by driving a school bus during the full time of his employment, a school janitor, a school custodian, a school maintenance employee, school bus aide, monitor or attendant, or other regular school employee who actually works on a school bus helping with the transportation of school children, and who is a legal employee of a parish or city school board of the state of Louisiana, and shall include the employees of this system. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:1002
  • Employee: means an individual drawing a salary from a governmental body, whether elected or not, and any nonsalaried individual performing personal services for any governmental body. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Employer: means the state of Louisiana or any parish or city school board from which any employee receives his compensation. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:1002
  • En banc: In the bench or "full bench." Refers to court sessions with the entire membership of a court participating rather than the usual quorum. U.S. courts of appeals usually sit in panels of three judges, but may expand to a larger number in certain cases. They are then said to be sitting en banc.
  • Enrolled bill: The final copy of a bill or joint resolution which has passed both chambers in identical form. It is printed on parchment paper, signed by appropriate officials, and submitted to the President/Governor for signature.
  • Equitable: Pertaining to civil suits in "equity" rather than in "law." In English legal history, the courts of "law" could order the payment of damages and could afford no other remedy. See damages. A separate court of "equity" could order someone to do something or to cease to do something. See, e.g., injunction. In American jurisprudence, the federal courts have both legal and equitable power, but the distinction is still an important one. For example, a trial by jury is normally available in "law" cases but not in "equity" cases. Source: U.S. Courts
  • Escrow: Money given to a third party to be held for payment until certain conditions are met.
  • Ex officio: Literally, by virtue of one's office.
  • Excess benefit participant: means any member whose retirement benefit as determined on the basis of all qualified plans without regard to the limitations of La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:1342
  • Executive session: A portion of the Senate's daily session in which it considers executive business.
  • External procurement activity: means any buying organization not located in this state which, if located in this state, would qualify as a public procurement unit. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Fair market value: The price at which an asset would change hands in a transaction between a willing, informed buyer and a willing, informed seller.
  • Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation: A government corporation that insures the deposits of all national and state banks that are members of the Federal Reserve System. Source: OCC
  • Federal Reserve System: The central bank of the United States. The Fed, as it is commonly called, regulates the U.S. monetary and financial system. The Federal Reserve System is composed of a central governmental agency in Washington, D.C. (the Board of Governors) and twelve regional Federal Reserve Banks in major cities throughout the United States. Source: OCC
  • Fiduciary: A trustee, executor, or administrator.
  • Finance charge: The total cost of credit a customer must pay on a consumer loan, including interest. The Truth in Lending Act requires disclosure of the finance charge. Source: OCC
  • Financial products agreement: means an interest rate swap, cap, collar, floor, other hedging agreement, arrangement, or security, however denominated, entered into by a governmental entity not for investment purposes but with respect to a series of bonds for the purpose of reducing or otherwise managing the risk of interest rate changes, or effectively converting a governmental entity's interest rate exposure, in whole or in part, from a fixed rate exposure to a variable rate exposure, or from a variable rate exposure to a fixed rate exposure. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:503
  • Fiscal year: The fiscal year is the accounting period for the government. For the federal government, this begins on October 1 and ends on September 30. The fiscal year is designated by the calendar year in which it ends; for example, fiscal year 2006 begins on October 1, 2005 and ends on September 30, 2006.
  • Fixed Rate: Having a "fixed" rate means that the APR doesn't change based on fluctuations of some external rate (such as the "Prime Rate"). In other words, a fixed rate is a rate that is not a variable rate. A fixed APR can change over time, in several circumstances:
    • You are late making a payment or commit some other default, triggering an increase to a penalty rate
    • The bank changes the terms of your account and you do not reject the change.
    • The rate expires (if the rate was fixed for only a certain period of time).
  • Foreclosure: A legal process in which property that is collateral or security for a loan may be sold to help repay the loan when the loan is in default. Source: OCC
  • foreign representative: shall mean a person in a foreign country whose education and experience qualify such person to represent the state in such foreign country. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Fraud: Intentional deception resulting in injury to another.
  • Fund: means the Louisiana State Police Retirement System Fund. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:1301
  • Fund: means the Assessors' Retirement Fund. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:1402
  • Garnishment: Generally, garnishment is a court proceeding in which a creditor asks a court to order a third party who owes money to the debtor or otherwise holds assets belonging to the debtor to turn over to the creditor any of the debtor
  • Gift: A voluntary transfer or conveyance of property without consideration, or for less than full and adequate consideration based on fair market value.
  • Goal: means a general purpose toward which the efforts of an agency are directed. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:2
  • Governing authority: means the elected or appointed body that exercises the legislative functions of a parish, municipality, school board, school district, or other political subdivision, including:

                (a) A sheriff in the case of a law enforcement district. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:503

  • governmental: includes the government of this State, the Government of the United States, or any subdivision, agency, or instrumentality, corporate or otherwise, of either of them. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:1202
  • Governmental body: means any department, office, division, commission, council, board, bureau, committee, institution, agency, government corporation, or other establishment or official of the executive branch of state government. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Governmental entity: means any governmental unit which is not included in the definition of "governmental body" in this Section. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Governmental entity: means any parish, municipality, school board, school district, or other political subdivision of the state, other than the city of New Orleans and its agencies, boards, authorities, and commissions, and other than the Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:503
  • Grand jury: agreement providing that a lender will delay exercising its rights (in the case of a mortgage,
  • Grant: means the furnishing by the state of assistance, whether financial or otherwise, to any person to support a program authorized by law. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Gross weight: means the weight of a vehicle and/or combination of vehicles without load on all axles including the steering axle plus the weight of any load thereon. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Guardian: A person legally empowered and charged with the duty of taking care of and managing the property of another person who because of age, intellect, or health, is incapable of managing his (her) own affairs.
  • handling: means any of the following:

                (a) Transporting or delivering industrial hemp material in intrastate commerce for compensation. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:1462

  • Hard of hearing: means a condition of or person with total or partial inability to hear sound, but not to the extent that the person must rely primarily on visual communication. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2351
  • Hearing: means any person who has average to above hearing levels. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2351
  • Height: means the total vertical dimension of any vehicle above the ground surface including any load and load-holding devices thereon. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Highway: means the entire width between the boundary lines of every way or place of whatever nature publicly maintained and open to the use of the public for the purpose of vehicular travel, including bridges, causeways, tunnels and ferries; synonymous with the word "street". See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Home protection plan: means a contract between the homeowner and a warranty or service company wherein the company is obligated to pay or reimburse the cost to repair or replace the covered built-in appliances or major mechanical systems of the consumer's home in the event of a breakdown. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516
  • Housing accommodations: means any immovable property, or portion thereof, which is used or occupied or is intended, arranged, or designed to be used or occupied as the home, residence, or sleeping place of one or more human beings, but shall not include any single family residence the occupants of which rent, lease, or furnish for compensation not more than one room therein. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1952
  • In forma pauperis: In the manner of a pauper. Permission given to a person to sue without payment of court fees on claim of indigence or poverty.
  • In service: means service rendered after June 30, 1947, for which retirement credit has not been received and for which credit is allowable under Part III of this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:1002
  • in writing: means the product of any method of forming characters on paper, other materials, or viewable screen, which can be read, retrieved, and reproduced, including information that is electronically transmitted and stored. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Indigent: means any person who meets the state definition of indigent who would have qualified for indigent care in any general hospital owned and operated by the state of Louisiana prior to arrest and who is housed in any parish or municipal jail or detention facility or state prison, shall be treated in the nearest general hospital owned and operated by the state of Louisiana. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:17
  • Industrial hemp: means the plant Cannabis sativa L. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:1462
  • Inert matter: is a ll matter not seeds including pieces of broken and damaged seeds one-half or less than the original size, sterile florets, fungus bodies, stones, and all matter considered as inert by the Association of Official Seed Analysts Rules for Testing Seeds. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:1431
  • Injunction: An order of the court prohibiting (or compelling) the performance of a specific act to prevent irreparable damage or injury.
  • Inter vivos: Transfer of property from one living person to another living person.
  • Interest rate: The amount paid by a borrower to a lender in exchange for the use of the lender's money for a certain period of time. Interest is paid on loans or on debt instruments, such as notes or bonds, either at regular intervals or as part of a lump sum payment when the issue matures. Source: OCC
  • Interpreter: means an individual involved in the process of interpreting or transliterating between the English language and American Sign Language or any communication modes used by d/Deaf, DeafBlind, or hard of hearing persons. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2351
  • Invitation for bids: means all documents, whether attached or incorporated by reference, utilized for soliciting bids in accordance with the procedures set forth in La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Joint committee: Committees including membership from both houses of teh legislature. Joint committees are usually established with narrow jurisdictions and normally lack authority to report legislation.
  • Joint session: When both chambers of a legislature adopt a concurrent resolution to meet together.
  • Juror: A person who is on the jury.
  • Labeling: includes all labels and other written, printed, or graphic representations accompanying and pertaining to any seed, whether in bulk or containers. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:1431
  • Lawsuit: A legal action started by a plaintiff against a defendant based on a complaint that the defendant failed to perform a legal duty, resulting in harm to the plaintiff.
  • Legislative session: That part of a chamber's daily session in which it considers legislative business (bills, resolutions, and actions related thereto).
  • lender credit card: includes a travel and entertainment credit card account that is not subject to loan finance charges or credit service charges. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516
  • Length: means the total longitudinal dimension of a single vehicle, a trailer, or a semi-trailer. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Liabilities: The aggregate of all debts and other legal obligations of a particular person or legal entity.
  • Licensed lender: means a person licensed by the commissioner to make consumer loans pursuant to this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516
  • Lien: A claim against real or personal property in satisfaction of a debt.
  • Litigation: A case, controversy, or lawsuit. Participants (plaintiffs and defendants) in lawsuits are called litigants.
  • Load: means a weight or quantity of anything resting upon something else regarded as its support. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Loan finance charge: means the sum of the following:

    (i)  All charges payable directly or indirectly by the consumer and imposed directly or indirectly by the lender as a requirement of the extension of credit, including any of the following types of charges that are applicable: interest or any amount payable under a point, discount, or other system of charges, however denominated; and

    (ii)  Charges paid by the consumer for investigating the collateral or credit worthiness of the consumer. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516

  • Local public procurement unit: means any parish, city, town, governmental body, and any other subdivision of the state or public agency thereof, public authority, public educational, health, or other institution, and to the extent provided by law, any other entity which expends public funds for the acquisition or leasing of supplies, services, major repairs, and construction, and any nonprofit corporation operating a charitable hospital. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Lot of seed: is a definite quantity of seeds identified by a lot number or mark, every portion or bag of which is uniform, within permitted tolerances, relative to the factors which appear in the labeling. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:1431
  • Major repairs: means those repairs payable with funds appropriated in the general appropriations act, except those funds transferred from the operating budget of one governmental body to supplement and complete a project under contract by the division of administration facility planning and control section. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Maximum benefit: means the retirement benefit a member is entitled to receive pursuant to the provisions of  this Chapter in any month after giving effect to La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:1342
  • Member: means any school employee, as defined in Paragraph (13) of this Section, as provided in Part II of this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:1002
  • Minimal risk condition: means a condition to which a user or an automated driving system may bring a vehicle in order to reduce the risk of a crash upon experiencing a failure of the vehicle's automated driving system that renders the vehicle unable to perform the entire dynamic driving task. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:400.1
  • Minor Child: means a child of a member of this system who is under the age of eighteen years or who is a student who is under the age of twenty-three years. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:1301
  • Mortgage loan: A loan made by a lender to a borrower for the financing of real property. Source: OCC
  • Mortgagee: The person to whom property is mortgaged and who has loaned the money.
  • Motor carrier: means any person owning, controlling, managing, operating, or causing to be used or operated any commercial motor vehicle used in the transportation of persons or property over the public highways of this state, whether as a transportation agency or howsoever utilizing said public facilities. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Motor vehicle: means every vehicle which is self-propelled, and every vehicle which is propelled by electric power obtained from overhead trolley wires, but not operated upon rails, but excluding a motorized bicycle and an electric-assisted bicycle. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Motor vehicle of historic or special interest: means a motor vehicle, including a motorcycle as defined in La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:442
  • Motorcycle: means every motor vehicle having a seat or saddle for the use of the rider and designed to travel on not more than three wheels in contact with the ground, but excluding a tractor, a motorized bicycle, and an electric-assisted bicycle. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Municipality: means an incorporated village, town, or city created under the authority of the constitution or laws of this state. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Negotiation: means the formulation of a contractual relationship through discussions as may be allowed under this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Nolo contendere: No contest-has the same effect as a plea of guilty, as far as the criminal sentence is concerned, but may not be considered as an admission of guilt for any other purpose.
  • Nominating petition: means a petition filed under the provisions of Section 3:1206 to nominate candidates for the office of supervisor of a soil conservation district. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:1202
  • Oath: A promise to tell the truth.
  • Obligation: means an amount which a government may be required legally to meet out of its resources. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:2
  • office: means the office of state police, Department of Public Safety. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:1301
  • Open-end credit: A credit agreement (typically a credit card) that allows a customer to borrow against a preapproved credit line when purchasing goods and services. The borrower is only billed for the amount that is actually borrowed plus any interest due. (Also called a charge account or revolving credit.) Source: OCC
  • Operational: means steering, braking, accelerating, or monitoring the vehicle and roadway. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Operational design domain: means a description of the specific operating domain in which an autonomous commercial motor vehicle is designed to properly operate including but not limited to roadway types, speed, environmental conditions, and other domain constraints. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:400.1
  • Operator: means every person, other than a chauffeur, who drives or is in actual physical control of a motor vehicle upon a highway or who is exercising control over or steering a vehicle being towed by a motor vehicle. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Organization: means corporation, government or governmental subdivision or agency, trust, estate, partnership, cooperative, or association. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516
  • Origin: means place, state, or foreign country where grown. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:1431
  • Owner: means a person who holds a legal title to a vehicle or in the event a vehicle is the subject of an agreement for the conditional sale, lease, or transfer of possession thereof with the right of purchase upon the performance of the conditions stated in the agreement, with the right of immediate possession in the vendee, lessee, possessor, or in the event such similar transaction is had by means of mortgage and the mortgagor of a vehicle is entitled to possession, then the conditional vendee, lessee, possessor, or mortgagor shall be deemed the owner for the purposes of this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • owner of land: includes any person, persons, partnership, firm, or corporation who shall hold title to any lands lying within a district organized under the provisions of this Part. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:1202
  • parking: means the standing of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, otherwise than temporarily for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or unloading merchandise or passengers. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Partnership: A voluntary contract between two or more persons to pool some or all of their assets into a business, with the agreement that there will be a proportional sharing of profits and losses.
  • Parts car: means a motor vehicle of historic or special interest which is generally in inoperable condition and which is owned by a collector to furnish parts that are usually not obtainable from normal sources, thus enabling a collector to preserve, restore or maintain a motor vehicle of historic or special interest. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:442
  • Pension plan: means the defined benefit plan created by this Chapter and administered by the board to provide monthly benefits for retirees, beneficiaries, and survivors. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:1301
  • Pension reserve: means the present value of all payments to be made on account of any pension or benefit in lieu of any pension computed upon the basis of such mortality tables as shall be adopted by the board of trustees, and regular interest. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:1002
  • Pensions: means payments for life derived from money provided by the state or the employing agency. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:1002
  • Person: means an individual or any legal or commercial entity, including a corporation, business trust, partnership, limited liability company, association, or joint venture. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:1
  • Person: means any individual, firm, corporation, association, or partnership. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:1431
  • Person: as used in this Chapter means an individual or corporation, partnership, trust, association, joint venture pool, syndicate, sole proprietorship, unincorporated organization, or any other form of entity not specifically listed herein. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516
  • Person: means any business, individual, union, committee, club, or other organization or group of individuals. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • person who is deaf or hard of hearing: means a person who, because of hearing loss, has difficulty understanding the communication occurring. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2362
  • Person with a disability: means a person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of such person's major life activities and who has a record of such impairment or who is regarded as having such an impairment, including military veterans with traumatic brain injury or post traumatic stress disorder. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1952
  • Person with significant disabilities: means a person with loss of sensory or motor functions interfering with activities of daily living to the extent that the person requires assistance with nonmedical personal care needs, domestic or cleaning needs, dressing and undressing, moving into and out of bed, ambulation, related services including but not limited to meal preparation, laundry, and grocery shopping, and other similar activities of daily living. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2116.1
  • Petition: means a petition filed under the provisions of subsection A of Section 3:1205 for the creation of a district. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:1202
  • Place of business: means a permanent location or a portion of a permanent location from which business, in a regulated profession or occupation, is transacted. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:1
  • Plea: In a criminal case, the defendant's statement pleading "guilty" or "not guilty" in answer to the charges, a declaration made in open court.
  • Police officer: means every officer authorized to direct or regulate traffic or to make arrests for violations of traffic regulations. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Practicable: means that which can be done or put into practice; feasible. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Presiding officer: A majority-party Senator who presides over the Senate and is charged with maintaining order and decorum, recognizing Members to speak, and interpreting the Senate's rules, practices and precedents.
  • Principal: means the amount financed or amount deferred under a consumer credit transaction. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516
  • Private procurement unit: means any regionally accredited independent college or university in the state that is a member of the Louisiana Association of Independent Colleges and Universities or any early learning center as defined in La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Probable cause: A reasonable ground for belief that the offender violated a specific law.
  • Probation: A sentencing alternative to imprisonment in which the court releases convicted defendants under supervision as long as certain conditions are observed.
  • Process: means converting industrial hemp into a marketable form. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:1462
  • Procurement: means the buying, purchasing, renting, leasing, or otherwise obtaining any supplies, services, or major repairs. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Procurement officer: means any person authorized by a governmental body, in accordance with procedures prescribed by regulations, to enter into and administer contracts and make written determinations and findings with respect thereto. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Produce: means any food that is defined as such within the meaning of the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act and is a raw agricultural commodity, including raw agricultural commodities that are grown domestically or imported or offered for sale in Louisiana. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:921
  • Program: means a grouping of activities directed toward the accomplishment of a clearly defined objective or set of objectives. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:2
  • Public entities: means the Board of Liquidation, City Debt, and all of the agencies, boards, authorities, and commissions of the City (except the Sewerage and Water Board) collectively. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1032
  • public entities: as used in this Part shall not include school boards that are subject to the terms of La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1051
  • Public entity: means the Board of Liquidation, City Debt, and any agency, board, authority, or commission of the City except the Sewerage and Water Board. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1032
  • Public law: A public bill or joint resolution that has passed both chambers and been enacted into law. Public laws have general applicability nationwide.
  • Public procurement unit: means either a local public procurement unit or a state public procurement unit. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Public properties or facilities: means properties or facilities owned or leased by a public entity or public benefit corporation. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1051
  • Public purposes: means the public purpose or purposes for which a particular piece of public property or a public facility is being used or is intended to be used by a public entity. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1051
  • Purchasing agency: means any governmental body which is authorized by this Chapter or its implementing regulations, or by way of delegation from the state chief procurement officer, to contract on its own behalf rather than through the central contracting authority of the office of state procurement. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Qualified group purchasing organization: means a service organization, whether for profit or not, with a membership of at least fifteen hospitals within the United States, which contracts with suppliers for supplies and materials used in hospitals and makes such contracts available to its members. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Quasi-judicial proceeding: means any proceeding of a public administrative office or body which is required to investigate facts, ascertain the existence of facts, hold hearings, and draw conclusions from them as a basis for their official action, and to exercise discretion of a judicial nature. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2362
  • Railroad: means a carrier of persons or property upon cars, other than streetcars, operated upon stationary rails. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Real property: Land, and all immovable fixtures erected on, growing on, or affixed to the land.
  • Recipient: means the person who has received assistance under this Title. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1
  • Regular interest: means interest compounded annually at such a rate as shall be determined by the board of trustees in accordance with La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:1002
  • Regular operation: means movement over highways of vehicles, combinations of vehicles, and loads thereon, subject to the limitations contained in this Chapter governing maximum weights and dimensions for motor vehicles and loads thereon. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Remote driver: means a natural person who is not seated in an autonomous commercial motor vehicle, but is able to perform the entire dynamic driving task. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:400.1
  • Reporter: Makes a record of court proceedings and prepares a transcript, and also publishes the court's opinions or decisions (in the courts of appeals).
  • Request for proposals: means all documents, whether attached or incorporated by reference, utilized for soliciting proposals in accordance with the procedures set forth in this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Retirement: means withdrawal from active service with a retirement allowance granted under the provisions of this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:1002
  • Retirement system: means the Louisiana School Employees Retirement System established and described in La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:1002
  • Revolving charge account: means an arrangement between a seller or issuer of a seller credit card honored by the seller and a consumer pursuant to which:

    (a)  The creditor permits the consumer to purchase goods or services on a preauthorized basis;

    (b)  The creditor reasonably contemplates repeated transactions;

    (c)  The creditor may impose a credit service charge from time to time on the outstanding unpaid balance of the consumer's account;

    (d)  The amount of credit that may be extended to the consumer, up to any limit set by the creditor, is generally made available to the extent that any outstanding balance is repaid; and

    (e)  No credit service charges may be imposed upon the consumer for a billing period if the account is paid in full within a period of twenty-five days from the billing date. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516

  • Revolving loan account: means an arrangement between a lender and a consumer pursuant to which:

    (i)  The creditor may permit the consumer to obtain consumer loan advances on a preauthorized basis;

    (ii)  The creditor reasonably contemplates repeated transactions;

    (iii)  The creditor may impose a loan finance charge from time to time on the outstanding unpaid balance of the consumer's account; and

    (iv)  The amount of credit that may be extended to the consumer under the account, up to any limit set by the creditor, is generally made available to the extent that any unpaid balance is repaid. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516

  • Roadway: means that portion of a highway improved, designed, or ordinarily used for vehicular traffic, exclusive of the berm or shoulder. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Secretary: means the secretary of the Department of Children and Family Services or the Louisiana Department of Health. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1
  • Secretary: means the secretary of the Louisiana Department of Health. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2116.1
  • Secretary: means the secretary of Louisiana Department of Health. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2351
  • Secretary: means the secretary of the Department of Transportation and Development or his delegated or authorized representative. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Seed: is a propagative part of a plant capable of producing a new plant, including but not limited to those parts commonly referred to as seeds, bulbs, roots, tubers, and other propagating stock. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:1431
  • Seller credit card: means a revolving charge account that may be accessed by use of a credit card. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516
  • Semitrailer: means every single vehicle without motive power designed for carrying property and passengers and so designed in conjunction and used with a motor vehicle that some part of its own weight and that of its own load rests or is carried by another vehicle and having one or more load-carrying axles. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Service dog: means a dog who has been trained or is being trained to do work or perform a task for a person with a disability. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1952
  • Service of process: The service of writs or summonses to the appropriate party.
  • Services: means the furnishing of labor, time, or effort by a contractor whose primary purpose is to perform an identifiable task rather than to furnish an end item of supply. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Settlement: Parties to a lawsuit resolve their difference without having a trial. Settlements often involve the payment of compensation by one party in satisfaction of the other party's claims.
  • Signature: means a manual or electronic signature. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Simple interest transaction: means a consumer credit transaction under which loan finance charges or credit service charges are assessed by application of a contractual simple interest rate or rates to the unpaid balance of the debtor's promissory note, account or other evidence of indebtedness. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516
  • Social service: means work rendered by any person, firm, corporation, organization, governmental body, or governmental entity in furtherance of the general welfare of the citizens of Louisiana, including but not limited to the objectives provided for in La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • soil conservation district: means a governmental subdivision of this State, and a public body corporate and politic, organized in accordance with the provisions of this Part, for the purposes, with the powers, and subject to the restrictions set forth in this Part. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:1202
  • Soil health: means the overall composition of the soil, including the amount of organic matter in and water holding capacity of the soil, and the continued capacity of soil to function as a vital living ecosystem that sustains plants, animals, and humans. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:1202
  • Soil health practices: means agricultural practices that improve the health of soils, including but not limited to consideration of depth of topsoil horizons, water infiltration rate, organic carbon content, nutrient content, bulk density, biological activity, biological and microbiological diversity, and minimization of bare ground. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:1202
  • Special permit: means a written authorization to move or operate on a highway a vehicle or combination of vehicles with indivisible load of size and/or weight exceeding the limits prescribed for vehicles in regular operation. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Specification: means any description of the physical or functional characteristics, or of the nature of a supply, service, or major repair. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • stalking: means any act that would constitute the crime of stalking under La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2172
  • State: means the State of Louisiana. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:1202
  • State: means the state of Louisiana. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1032
  • State: means the state of Louisiana. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:503
  • State chief procurement officer: means the person holding the position created in La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • State personal assistance services: means goods and services which are required by a person with significant disabilities age eighteen or older to increase a person's independence or substitute for a person's dependence on human assistance. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2116.1
  • State public procurement unit: means the central purchasing agency and any other purchasing agency of this state. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • State Soil and Water Conservation Commission: means the agency created in La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:1202
  • Stop: means , when required, the complete cessation from movement. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Stop order: is a ny written or printed notice given by the commissioner of the Department of Agriculture and Forestry or his authorized agents, to the person with a lot of seed, directing the person not to sell or offer for sale the seed until the requirements of this Part and regulations promulgated hereunder have been complied with and a written release is issued. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:1431
  • Strategic: means determining destinations and waypoints. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • street cruiser: means any automobile or truck twenty-five years or older, and which has undergone some type of modernizing, to include modernizing of the engine, transmission, drive train, and interior refinements, and any other modifications the builder desires, which vehicle is to be driven to events under its own power and to be used as a safe, nonracing vehicle for total family enjoyment. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:455
  • street rod: means any antique automobile or truck produced in 1948 or earlier, which is an automobile or truck that is recognized as a street rod by the National Street Rod Association, and which has undergone some type of modernizing, to include modernizing of engine, transmission, drivetrain, interior refinements, and any other modifications the builder desires, which vehicle is to be driven to events under its own power and to be used as a safe, nonracing vehicle for total family enjoyment. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:452
  • Student: means a person in a high school, a vocational-technical school, or a college or university, in a sufficient number of courses and classes in an accredited institution to be classified as a full-time regular student under the criteria used by the institution in which he is enrolled. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:1301
  • Subpoena: A command to a witness to appear and give testimony.
  • Subpoena duces tecum: A command to a witness to produce documents.
  • Summons: Another word for subpoena used by the criminal justice system.
  • Supervised financial organization: means either of the following:

    (a)  A banking or similar organization organized, certified, and supervised by an agency of either the United States of America or the state of Louisiana or any other state pursuant to the banking, currency, and related laws of the United States of America or of the state of Louisiana or any other state. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516

  • Supervisor: means one of the members of the governing body of a district, elected or appointed in accordance with the provisions of this Part. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:1202
  • Supplemental agreement: means any contract modification which is accomplished by the mutual action of the parties. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Supplies: means all property, including but not limited to equipment, materials, insurance, and leases on immovable property excluding land or a permanent interest in land. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Suspension: means the disqualification of a person to receive invitations for bids or requests for proposals, or the award of a contract by the state, for a temporary period pending the completion of an investigation and any legal proceedings that may ensue because a person is suspected upon probable cause of engaging in criminal, fraudulent, or seriously improper conduct or failure or inadequacy of performance which may lead to debarment. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • System: means the Louisiana State Police Retirement System. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:1301
  • Tactical: means and includes but is not limited to responding to events or determining when to change lanes, turn, or use signals. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Teleoperation system: means hardware and software installed on a motor vehicle that allow a remote driver to operate the vehicle. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:400.1
  • Temporary restraining order: Prohibits a person from an action that is likely to cause irreparable harm. This differs from an injunction in that it may be granted immediately, without notice to the opposing party, and without a hearing. It is intended to last only until a hearing can be held.
  • Testimony: Evidence presented orally by witnesses during trials or before grand juries.
  • THC: means a combination of tetrahydrocannabinol and tetrahydrocannabinolic acid. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:1462
  • Tort: A civil wrong or breach of a duty to another person, as outlined by law. A very common tort is negligent operation of a motor vehicle that results in property damage and personal injury in an automobile accident.
  • Total assessed value: means the assessed valuation of all property, including both homestead-exempt property, which shall be included on the assessment roll for the purposes of total assessed value, and nonexempt property as shown on the most recent assessment of the parish in which the governmental entity is located. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:503
  • Traffic: means pedestrians, ridden or herded animals, vehicles, and other conveyances either singly or together while using any highway for purposes of travel. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Traffic control device: means all signs, signals, markings, and devices, not inconsistent with this Chapter, placed or erected by authority of a public body or official having jurisdiction, for the purpose of regulating, warning, or guiding traffic. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Trailer: means every single vehicle without motive power designed for carrying property or passengers wholly on its own structure, drawn by a motor vehicle which carries no part of the weight and load of the trailer on its own wheels and having two or more load carrying axles. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Treated: means that the seed has received an application of a substance or that it has been subjected to a process for which a claim is made. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:1431
  • Trial: A hearing that takes place when the defendant pleads "not guilty" and witnesses are required to come to court to give evidence.
  • Truck: means every motor propelled single vehicle for the conveyance of property or things for hauling purposes and having one front steering axle and one rear or load carrying axle. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Trustee: A person or institution holding and administering property in trust.
  • Truth in Lending Act: The Truth in Lending Act is a federal law that requires lenders to provide standardized information so that borrowers can compare loan terms. In general, lenders must provide information on Source: OCC
  • two-thirds of the members: when used in connection with a vote by the respective members of the council, the Board of Liquidation, or the governing authority of any public entity, shall mean a majority or two-thirds of the members of the respective bodies holding office at the time such a vote is taken, as the case may be. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1032
  • Unrestricted benefit: means the monthly retirement benefit a member, or the spouse, child, or dependent parent of a member, would have received under the terms of all qualified plans of the employer, except for the restrictions of La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:1342
  • User fees: Fees charged to users of goods or services provided by the government. In levying or authorizing these fees, the legislature determines whether the revenue should go into the treasury or should be available to the agency providing the goods or services.
  • Using agency: means any governmental body of the state which utilizes any supplies, services, or major repairs purchased under this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Variable Rate: Having a "variable" rate means that the APR changes from time to time based on fluctuations in an external rate, normally the Prime Rate. This external rate is known as the "index." If the index changes, the variable rate normally changes. Also see Fixed Rate.
  • Variety: is a subdivision of a kind characterized by growth, plant, fruit, seed, or other characteristic by which it can be differentiated from other seeds of the same kind. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:1431
  • Vehicle: means every device by which persons or things may be transported upon a public highway or bridge, except devices moved by human power or used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Venue: The geographical location in which a case is tried.
  • Width: means the total outside transverse dimension of a vehicle including any load or load holding devices thereon but excluding approved safety devices and tire bulge due to load. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1