Part I Fire Protection Districts 40:1491 – 40:1510
Part II State Fire College 40:1531 – 40:1532
Part II-A Firefighter; Training and Certification; Louisiana Fire and Emergency Training Commission 40:1541 – 40:1547
Part II-B Fire and Emergency Training Services Districts 40:1551 – 40:1555
Part II-C Volunteer Firefighters’ Tuition Reimbursement Fund 40:1558.1 – 40:1558.7
Part III State Fire Marshal 40:1561 – 40:1664.17

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Terms Used In Louisiana Revised Statutes > Title 40 > Chapter 7 - Fire Prevention or Protection

  • Adjourn: A motion to adjourn a legislative chamber or a committee, if passed, ends that day's session.
  • Advertisement: means any promotion of 900, 976, or any other pay-per-call service by means of any radio, television, video or print media, telemarketing, or any other communication promoting a 900 or 976 number, service, or program to consumers. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:1730
  • Advisor: means a person who regularly provides legal, accounting, or management services or advice to a licensee. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2397
  • Affiliate: when used with respect to a specified person, means any person, other than a natural person, controlling, controlled by or under common control with, such specified person, directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2388
  • Affirmed: In the practice of the appellate courts, the decree or order is declared valid and will stand as rendered in the lower court.
  • Agency: means any state office, department, board, commission, institution, division, officer or other person, or functional group, heretofore existing or hereafter created, that is authorized to exercise, or that does exercise, any functions of the government of the state in the executive branch, but not any governing body or officer of any local government or subdivision of the state, or any parochial officer who exercises functions coterminous with the municipality in which he performs those functions. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:2
  • Agent: means a person who solicits prospective purchasers or negotiates on behalf of a seller. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:1821
  • Agreement: means the agreement or agreements, as authorized under this Subpart, between the state of Louisiana, as the seller, and the corporation, as the purchaser, of the revenue assets. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:99.27
  • ANSI: means the American National Standards Institute. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Answer: The formal written statement by a defendant responding to a civil complaint and setting forth the grounds for defense.
  • Applicant: means a person or place of business that makes a formal application for a license, permit, certification, registration, or certificate issued pursuant to this Title. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:1
  • Appraisal: A determination of property value.
  • Apprentice: means a person who is licensed to work under the direct supervision and accompaniment of a technician who is licensed to the same firm and holding a valid license to perform the same acts. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Appropriate governing authority: shall mean the governing authority of the parish. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 33:4720.161
  • Appropriate governing authority: shall mean the governing authority of the city of Lafayette. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 33:4720.171
  • Appropriate jurisdiction: shall mean the parish. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 33:4720.161
  • Appropriation: The provision of funds, through an annual appropriations act or a permanent law, for federal agencies to make payments out of the Treasury for specified purposes. The formal federal spending process consists of two sequential steps: authorization
  • Aquaculture: means the producing, raising, managing, harvesting, transporting, or marketing of aquatic livestock in privately owned waters or ponds as defined in La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:559.3
  • Aquatic livestock: means domestic aquatic, nongame, native, freshwater organisms produced, raised, managed, or harvested within or from a constructed impoundment in compliance with rules and regulations adopted pursuant to this Part. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:559.3
  • Aquatic producer: means any person engaged in producing, raising, managing, harvesting, or marketing aquatic livestock. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:559.3
  • Arrest: Taking physical custody of a person by lawful authority.
  • Artist: means the creator or each of the joint creators of a work of fine art. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2152
  • artistic or creative services: includes , but is not limited to, services as an actor, actress, dancer, musician, comedian, singer, stunt-person, voice-over artist or other performer or entertainer in any motion picture, television, radio, theatrical or sports production or commercial production. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2132
  • ASCE: means the American Society of Civil Engineers. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • ASME: means the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Assets: (1) The property comprising the estate of a deceased person, or (2) the property in a trust account.
  • Associate: means , if used with respect to a licensee:

    (i)  A controlling person, director, manager, officer, agent, or advisor of that licensee. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2397

  • Attachment: A procedure by which a person's property is seized to pay judgments levied by the court.
  • authorized representative: includes one or more of the following:

    (a)  A title insurance company or agent licensed to conduct business in this state. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 33:4720.161

  • authorized representative: includes one or more of the following:

    (a)  A title insurance company or agent licensed to conduct business in this state. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 33:4720.171

  • Authorized user: means with respect to a computer, a person who owns or is authorized by the owner or lessee to use the computer. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2007
  • Baseline: Projection of the receipts, outlays, and other budget amounts that would ensue in the future without any change in existing policy. Baseline projections are used to gauge the extent to which proposed legislation, if enacted into law, would alter current spending and revenue levels.
  • Bequest: Property gifted by will.
  • BIDCO: means a business and industrial development company licensed under this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2388
  • Board: means the Louisiana Board of Animal Health. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:561
  • Board: means a board of commissioners, governing a fire protection district. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1491
  • Board: means the Volunteer Firefighters' Tuition Reimbursement Board. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1558.2
  • Board: means the Louisiana Life Safety and Property Protection Education Board. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Board of trustees: means the board provided for in Part V of this Chapter to administer the retirement system. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:701
  • Bonds: means any bonds, notes, interim certificates, certificates of indebtedness, debenture, or other obligation. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 33:4720.161
  • Bonds: shall mean any bonds, notes, interim certificates, certificates of indebtedness, debenture, or other obligation. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 33:4720.171
  • Bonds: means bonds and refunding bonds, notes, and other evidences of indebtedness issued by the corporation pursuant to this Subpart. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:99.27
  • Business firm: means a person who transacts business on a regular and continual basis, or a person that proposes to transact business on a regular and continual basis. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2388
  • Business opportunity: means the sale or lease for an initial required consideration exceeding three hundred dollars of any goods or services which are transferred to a purchaser for the purpose of enabling the purchaser to start a business, and in which the seller or agent:

    (a)  Represents that the seller or an entity to which it will refer the purchaser, will provide or assist the purchaser in finding business locations on premises neither owned nor leased by the purchaser or seller for the use or operation of vending machines, racks, display cases, currency-operated amusement machines, or other similar devices; or

    (b)  Represents that the seller, or any entity to which it will refer the purchaser, will purchase any or all products to be sold, made, produced, fabricated, assembled, grown, bred, or modified by the purchaser using in whole or in part the supplies, services, or goods sold to the purchaser by the seller; or

    (c)  Guarantees that the purchaser is to derive income from the business opportunity which exceeds the price paid for the business opportunity, or that the seller is to refund all or part of the price paid for the business opportunity, or repurchase any of the products, equipment, supplies, or goods supplied by the seller, if the purchaser is unsatisfied with the business opportunity; or

    (d)  Represents that for a fee exceeding three hundred dollars the seller will provide a sales plan or marketing program which will enable the purchaser to derive income from the business opportunity which exceeds the price paid for the business opportunity. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:1821

  • Carrier: means any company that provides telecommunications transmission services. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:1730
  • Cause computer software to be copied: means to distribute, transfer, or procure the copying of computer software or any component thereof. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2007
  • Certify: means to attest to the proper functionality, inspection, installation, integration, programming, and service of life safety and property protection systems and equipment in accordance with all applicable engineered specifications, manufacturer specifications, and submitted plans and per the inspection, testing and maintenance chapters as set forth in the applicable NFPA, ASME, ANSI, and ASCE codes, standards, and manufacturer specifications. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Charity: An agency, institution, or organization in existence and operating for the benefit of an indefinite number of persons and conducted for educational, religious, scientific, medical, or other beneficent purposes.
  • City: shall mean the city of Lafayette. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 33:4720.171
  • Class B fire fighting foam: means any foam designed to extinguish flammable liquid fires. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1615
  • Close relative: means parent, child, sibling, spouse, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, brother-in-law, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, grandparent, grandchild, nephew, niece, uncle, or aunt. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2397
  • Closed circuit television alarm system: means a system that provides video surveillance of events, primarily by means of transmission, recording, or transmission and recording of visual signals through the use of cameras, receivers, monitors, computer, and other visual imaging systems. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Closing services: includes but is not limited to appraising property and preparing credit reports. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2397
  • Collateral costs: means sales tax, license fees, and registration fees and any similar governmental charges. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:1941
  • Combination fire department: means a department whose personnel is composed of both volunteer and professional firefighters. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1558.2
  • Commission: means the Louisiana Commission on Human Rights. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2232
  • Commissioner: means a member of the commission. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2232
  • Commissioner: means the commissioner of the Office of Financial Institutions within the office of the governor. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2388
  • Commissioner: means the Louisiana commissioner of agriculture and forestry. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:559.3
  • Communications provider: means an entity providing communications networks or services that enable consumers to access the Internet or destinations on the public switched telephone network via a computer modem. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2007
  • Computer software: means a sequence of instructions written in any programming language that is executed on a computer. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2007
  • Computer virus: means a computer program or other set of instructions that is designed to degrade the performance of or disable a computer or computer network and is designed to have the ability to replicate itself on other computers or computer networks without the authorization of the owners of those computers or computer networks. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2007
  • Conservation: means acts taken to prevent, stop, or retard deterioration of a work of fine art. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2152
  • Consumer: means a telephone user or end-user who calls or may call a 900, 976, or any other pay-per-call service. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:1730
  • Consumer: means :

                (a) The purchaser, other than for purposes of resale, of a new motor vehicle normally used for personal, family, or household purposes and subject to a manufacturer's express warranty. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:1941

  • Continuance: Putting off of a hearing ot trial until a later time.
  • Control: means the possession, direct or indirect, of the power to direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of a licensee or a small concern whether through the ownership of voting securities, by contract, or otherwise. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2388
  • Controlling person: when used with respect to a specified person means a person who controls that specified person directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2388
  • conveyance device: means any of the following, except those located in one- or two-family dwellings as defined in La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Conveyance device mechanic: means any person engaged in the erecting, constructing, installing, altering, servicing, dismantling, maintaining, or testing of a conveyance device. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Corporate name: means the name of a corporation or limited liability company as set forth in the articles of incorporation of a corporation or the articles of organization of a limited liability company. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2388
  • Corporation: means the Coastal Protection and Restoration Financing Corporation created pursuant to this Subpart. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:99.27
  • Cyber incident: means the compromise of the security, confidentiality, or integrity of computerized data due to the exfiltration, modification, or deletion that results in the unauthorized acquisition of and access to information maintained by a public body. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2112
  • Cyber ransom or ransomware: means a type of malware that encrypts or locks valuable digital files and demands a ransom to release the files. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2112
  • Damage: means any material impairment to the integrity, functionality, or availability of data, software, a computer, a system, or information. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2007
  • Dealer: means a person authorized by the manufacturer and actively engaged in the business of buying, selling, or exchanging new automobiles, new personal watercraft, or new all-terrain vehicles at retail and who has an established place of business. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:1941
  • Deed: The legal instrument used to transfer title in real property from one person to another.
  • Department: means the Department of Agriculture and Forestry. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:1
  • Department: means the Department of Justice. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:1730
  • Department: means the Department of Justice. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:1821
  • Department: means the Department of Economic Development. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2399.2
  • Department: means the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:559.3
  • Department: means the Louisiana Department of Health. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:2102
  • Department: means the Louisiana Department of Health and any healthcare professional licensing board transferred to and placed within the department pursuant to La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:2199.12
  • Dependent: A person dependent for support upon another.
  • Deposition: An oral statement made before an officer authorized by law to administer oaths. Such statements are often taken to examine potential witnesses, to obtain discovery, or to be used later in trial.
  • Designated agent: means an owner or a manager of an alarm contracting company or single station fire alarm contracting company, a locksmithing services company, or closed circuit television alarm system contracting company who has been assigned the responsibility of submitting any notice required by this Subpart to the state fire marshal. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Direct supervision: means oversight of a firm's operations by a qualifier or onsite supervision by a licensed technician or specialist of an apprentice or consultant. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Disability: means a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of the individual, a record of such impairment, or being regarded as having such an impairment. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2232
  • Discovery: Lawyers' examination, before trial, of facts and documents in possession of the opponents to help the lawyers prepare for trial.
  • Discriminatory practice in connection with employment: means an employment practice prohibited by Chapter 3-A of Title 23 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, or by La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2232
  • Discriminatory practice in connection with public accommodations: means any direct or indirect act or practice of exclusion, distinction, restriction, segregation, limitation, refusal, denial, or any other act or practice of differentiation or preference in the treatment of a person or persons because of race, creed, color, religion, sex, age, disability, national origin, or natural, protective, or cultural hairstyle. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2232
  • Dismissal: The dropping of a case by the judge without further consideration or hearing. Source:
  • district: means an economic development district established by a local governmental subdivision pursuant to La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 33:9038.31
  • District: means a fire protection district created under the provisions of this Part. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1491
  • district court: shall mean the district court for the parish. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 33:4720.161
  • district court: shall mean the Fifteenth Judicial District Court. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 33:4720.171
  • Docket: A log containing brief entries of court proceedings.
  • Donor: The person who makes a gift.
  • door hardware: means stand alone electro/mechanical locks, latches, exit hardware, closures, and hinges mounted onto doors intended to operate and secure the door properly. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • DOT: means the United States Department of Transportation. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Electronic mail: means a message, file, or other information that is transmitted through a local, regional, or global computer network, regardless of whether the message, file, or other information is viewed, stored for retrieval at a later time, printed, or filtered by a computer program that is designed or intended to filter or screen those items. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2021
  • Embezzlement: In most states, embezzlement is defined as theft/larceny of assets (money or property) by a person in a position of trust or responsibility over those assets. Embezzlement typically occurs in the employment and corporate settings. Source: OCC
  • Employee: means a person who performs services for wages or salary and receives a W-2 tax form from his employer. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Employer: means a legal person who is engaged in a lawful enterprise not excluded by this Chapter that executes a contract with the department pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter and meets the following elements or elements substantially equivalent thereto:

    (b)  To qualify for a contract pursuant to this Chapter, employers must be a manufacturer, as defined by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes 113310, 211, 213111, 541360, 311-339, 511-512, and 54171, as the employer's primary function. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2399.2

  • Enrolled bill: The final copy of a bill or joint resolution which has passed both chambers in identical form. It is printed on parchment paper, signed by appropriate officials, and submitted to the President/Governor for signature.
  • Episode: shall mean a singular instance in which a youth is placed under the supervision, care, or custody of the office of juvenile justice. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 15:932
  • Equitable: Pertaining to civil suits in "equity" rather than in "law." In English legal history, the courts of "law" could order the payment of damages and could afford no other remedy. See damages. A separate court of "equity" could order someone to do something or to cease to do something. See, e.g., injunction. In American jurisprudence, the federal courts have both legal and equitable power, but the distinction is still an important one. For example, a trial by jury is normally available in "law" cases but not in "equity" cases. Source: U.S. Courts
  • Escrow: Money given to a third party to be held for payment until certain conditions are met.
  • Executive session: A portion of the Senate's daily session in which it considers executive business.
  • Executor: A male person named in a will to carry out the decedent
  • Existing high rise buildings: means any building having floor surfaces used for human occupation located more than seventy-five feet above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access constructed before January 1, 1975. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1642
  • Expenses: means amounts represented by cash paid out or by obligations to pay cash or partly by each for maintaining and operating government services. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:2
  • Facility: means any piece of property that contains a constructed impoundment or other area where aquatic livestock are produced, raised, managed, harvested, or marketed. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:559.3
  • Fair market value: The price at which an asset would change hands in a transaction between a willing, informed buyer and a willing, informed seller.
  • False alarm: means a security alarm signal eliciting a response by police when a situation requiring such a response does not exist, including but not limited to the activation or transmission of any alarm signal caused by human error, mechanical or electronic malfunction, negligence of the alarm system user or user's agent or employee, whether or not the exact cause of the alarm activation is determined, or any other activation or transmission of any alarm signal where no actual police emergency exists. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Federal government: means any department, agency, or instrumentality, corporate or otherwise, of the United States of America. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 33:4720.161
  • Federal government: shall mean any department, agency, or instrumentality, corporate or otherwise, of the United States of America. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 33:4720.171
  • Fiduciary: A trustee, executor, or administrator.
  • Financing assistance: means to lend money or otherwise extend credit to a person or to purchase securities issued by a person, either directly or indirectly through an underwriter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2388
  • Fire detection and alarm systems: means those assemblies of wiring, electronic transmitting devices, detection devices, and related equipment for the detection of products of combustion or flammable gases, heat and for alerting occupants, including fire department personnel, of a fire emergency. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Fire hose: means a flexible conduit used to convey water. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Fire protection sprinkler system: means a system of overhead piping designed in accordance with fire protection engineering standards. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1642
  • Fire protection systems and equipment: means those life safety and property loss systems, whether commercial or residential, intended to protect a structure's occupants or property from the risk and dangers of fire or explosion. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Fire sprinkler systems and equipment: means those life safety systems intended to protect a structure's occupants or property from the risk and dangers of fire or explosion. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Firm: means a sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, limited liability company, or any other entity. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Firm license: means that document authorizing a firm to perform life safety and property protection contracting for those endorsements held. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Fiscal year: The fiscal year is the accounting period for the government. For the federal government, this begins on October 1 and ends on September 30. The fiscal year is designated by the calendar year in which it ends; for example, fiscal year 2006 begins on October 1, 2005 and ends on September 30, 2006.
  • Fixed fire suppression systems: means those assemblies of piping, conduits, or containers that convey liquid, powder, or gases to dispersal openings or devices protecting one or more hazards by suppressing or extinguishing fires, but shall not include fire sprinkler systems, as defined in this Subpart. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Foreclosure: A legal process in which property that is collateral or security for a loan may be sold to help repay the loan when the loan is in default. Source: OCC
  • Fund: means an independent fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts recording cash or other resources together with all related liabilities, obligations, reserves, and equities which are segregated for the purpose of carrying on specific activities or attaining certain objectives in accordance with regulations, restrictions, and limitations. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:2
  • Gift: A voluntary transfer or conveyance of property without consideration, or for less than full and adequate consideration based on fair market value.
  • Grace period: The number of days you'll have to pay your bill for purchases in full without triggering a finance charge. Source: Federal Reserve
  • Grand jury: agreement providing that a lender will delay exercising its rights (in the case of a mortgage,
  • Hearing examiner: means one or more persons or commissioners designated by the commission to conduct a hearing. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2232
  • Hospital: means any institution, place, building, or agency, public or private, whether for profit or not, with facilities for the diagnosis, treatment, or care of persons who are suffering from illness, injury, infirmity, or deformity or other physical condition for which obstetrical, medical, or surgical services would be available and appropriate and which operates or is affiliated with facilities for the overnight care, observation, or recovery of those persons. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:2102
  • Household fire warning system specialist: means an individual licensed to certify, inspect, install, integrate, and service household fire warning systems. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Identifying information: means information that alone or in conjunction with other information identifies an individual, including an individual's:

    (a)  Name, social security number, date of birth, and government-issued identification number. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2021

  • Immovable property: means any and all rights, title, and interest in a tract of land, including its component parts. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 33:4720.161
  • Immovable property: shall mean all lands, including improvements and fixtures thereon, and property of any nature appurtenant thereto, or used in connection therewith, and any other real right therein, including terms for years and liens by way of judgment, mortgage, or otherwise. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 33:4720.171
  • Incorporating statute: means the Louisiana Business Corporation Law, La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2388
  • Indemnification: In general, a collateral contract or assurance under which one person agrees to secure another person against either anticipated financial losses or potential adverse legal consequences. Source: FDIC
  • Individual license: means that document authorizing an individual to perform life safety and property protection contracting for those endorsements held. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Initial required consideration: includes consideration required by express condition or practical necessity, or for which the buyer or lessee becomes obligated before the commencement of the business, or during the following one hundred eighty days. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:1821
  • Insolvent: means a licensee that ceases to pay its debts in the ordinary course of business, that cannot pay its debts as they become due, or whose aggregate liabilities exceed its aggregate assets. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2388
  • Inspect: means a visual examination of life safety and property protection systems or equipment to verify that it appears to be in operating condition and is free of physical damage. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Install: means the initial placement of life safety and property protection systems or equipment or an extension of such after initial placement. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Integrate: means the act of utilizing accepted and approved life safety and property protection systems or equipment and components in accordance with manufacturers' direction to develop a unified and functioning system meeting applicable NFPA codes and standards. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Interest rate: The amount paid by a borrower to a lender in exchange for the use of the lender's money for a certain period of time. Interest is paid on loans or on debt instruments, such as notes or bonds, either at regular intervals or as part of a lump sum payment when the issue matures. Source: OCC
  • Interests of the licensee: includes the interests of shareholders or members of the licensee. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2388
  • Internet: means the global information system that is logically linked together by a globally unique address space based on the Internet Protocol (IP), or its subsequent extensions, and that is able to support communications using the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) suite, or its subsequent extensions, or other IP-compatible protocols, and that provides, uses, or makes accessible, either publicly or privately, high-level services layered on the communications and related infrastructure described in this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2007
  • Internet domain name: refers to a globally unique, hierarchical reference to an Internet host or service, assigned through a centralized Internet-naming authority and composed of a series of character strings separated by periods with the right-most string specifying the top of the hierarchy. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2021
  • Interrogatories: Written questions asked by one party of an opposing party, who must answer them in writing under oath; a discovery device in a lawsuit.
  • Intestate: Dying without leaving a will.
  • intrusion alarm system: means an alarm, alarm system, or portion of such an alarm or system intended to detect an unauthorized entry or other emergency, not including a fire, in a structure. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Issuer: means the local governmental subdivision, economic development district, industrial development board of the municipality or parish authorized and created pursuant to Chapter 7 of Title 51 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, a public trust with the municipality or parish as the beneficiary thereof as provided in Chapter 2-A of Code Title II of Code Book III of Title 9 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, as authorized in this Part, the Walnut Street Special District, any Tax Increment Development Corporation activated in a municipality with a population of not less than three thousand three hundred and not more than three thousand three hundred ninety-five persons according to the most recent federal decennial census for the purposes provided for in La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 33:9038.31
  • Kitchen suppression specialist: means an individual licensed to certify, inspect, install, integrate, and service pre-engineered fire suppression systems protecting kitchen appliances. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Liabilities: The aggregate of all debts and other legal obligations of a particular person or legal entity.
  • License: means a license issued under this Chapter authorizing a Louisiana corporation or a Louisiana limited liability company to transact business as a BIDCO. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2388
  • Licensee: means a Louisiana corporation or Louisiana limited liability company which is licensed under this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2388
  • Licensing board: means any board or commission that has the duty to license a regulated entity as defined in this Section. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:2199.12
  • Lien: A claim against real or personal property in satisfaction of a debt.
  • Life safety and property protection contracting: means performing certification, inspection, installation, integration, programming, sale, or service of systems and equipment designed to protect life and property. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Litigation: A case, controversy, or lawsuit. Participants (plaintiffs and defendants) in lawsuits are called litigants.
  • Livestock: means cattle, buffalo, bison, oxen, and other bovine; horses, mules, donkeys, and other equine; sheep; goats; swine; domestic rabbits; fish, turtles, and other animals identified with aquaculture that are located in artificial reservoirs or enclosures that are both on privately owned property and constructed so as to prevent, at all times, the ingress and egress of fish life from public waters; imported exotic deer and antelope, elk, farm-raised white-tailed deer, farm-raised ratites, and other farm-raised exotic animals; chickens, turkeys, and other poultry; and animals placed under the jurisdiction of the commissioner of agriculture and forestry and any hybrid, mixture, or mutation of any such animal. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:561
  • Livestock dealer: means any person, not a market agency, engaged in the business of buying or selling livestock. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:561
  • Local governmental subdivision: means any municipality or parish or any municipality, parish, local industrial board, a local public trust authorized pursuant to La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 33:9038.31
  • Locksmith technician: means an individual who sells, repairs, rebuilds, recodes, services, adjusts, installs, manipulates, or bypasses a special locking system, mechanical locking device or electronic locking devices for controlled access or egress to premises, safes, vaults, safe doors, lock boxes, automatic teller machines, or other devices for safeguarding areas or certifies, inspects, installs, integrates, sells and services closed circuit television alarm systems. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Louisiana corporation: means a corporation incorporated under the Louisiana Business Corporation Law, La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2388
  • Louisiana Fusion Center: means the Department of Public Safety and Corrections, office of state police, Louisiana State Analytical and Fusion Exchange. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2112
  • Louisiana limited liability company: means a limited liability company organized under the Louisiana Limited Liability Company Law, La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2388
  • Louisiana nonprofit corporation: means a corporation incorporated under the Nonprofit Corporation Law, La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2388
  • Major life activities: includes functions such as caring for oneself, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, and working. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2232
  • Managed security service: means a network and system security service that has been outsourced to a third-party service provider pursuant to a written agreement specifying the service and in which the service provider has assumed operational control of the monitoring and management of the public body's cybersecurity. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2112
  • Managed security service provider: means an individual, partnership, corporation, incorporated or unincorporated association, joint stock company, reciprocal, syndicated, or any similar entity or combination of entities that provides a managed security service for a public body. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2112
  • Managed service provider: means an individual, partnership, corporation, incorporated or unincorporated association, joint stock company, reciprocal, syndicated, or any similar entity or combination of entities that manages a public body's information technology infrastructure or end-user systems. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2112
  • Management assistance: means management or technical advice or services provided to a person. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2388
  • Manufacturer: means any person, firm, association, corporation, or trust, resident or nonresident, who manufactures or assembles new and unused motor vehicles. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:1941
  • Market agency: means any persons, firm, or corporation engaged in the business of buying or selling livestock in commerce on a commission basis, either at a public stockyard or at a privately owned and operated sales pen or concentration point, or any persons engaged in the furnishing of services for the conduct of such business, including but not limited to livestock video auctions. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:561
  • Master plan: means a specific scheme or plan detailing the number of floors, total square footage, present occupancy and a proposed completion date of each phase and completion date of total compliance with the requirement of this Subpart. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1642
  • Mechanical locks: means a mechanical device or door hardware intended to control access or egress to or from a structure or area. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Member: means any teacher included in the membership of the system as provided in Part II of this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:701
  • Mental impairment: means any mental or psychological disorder, such as intellectual disability, organic brain syndrome, emotional or mental illness, and specific learning disabilities. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2232
  • Modernization: means capitalized investment by an employer in technology, machinery, building and/or equipment that meets one of the following provisions:

    (a)  An increase in the increase of maximum capacity or efficiency of the facility of greater than ten percent. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2399.2

  • Mortgage: The written agreement pledging property to a creditor as collateral for a loan.
  • Mortgage loan: A loan made by a lender to a borrower for the financing of real property. Source: OCC
  • Mortgagee: The person to whom property is mortgaged and who has loaned the money.
  • Motor vehicle: means a passenger motor vehicle or a passenger and commercial motor vehicle as defined in La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:1941
  • National origin: means the national origin of an ancestor. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2232
  • NFPA: means the National Fire Protection Association. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Nonconformity: means any specific or generic defect or malfunction, or any defect or condition which substantially impairs the use, market value or both of a motor vehicle. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:1941
  • office: shall mean the Department of Public Safety and Corrections, youth services, office of juvenile justice. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 15:932
  • Officer: means :

    (a)  If used with respect to a corporation, a person appointed or designated as an officer of that corporation by or pursuant to applicable law or the articles of incorporation, or bylaws of that corporation. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2388

  • Officer: means the president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, comptroller, or any other person who performs functions for a life safety and property protection contracting firm corresponding to those performed by those officers. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Official journal of the district: means the official journal of the local governmental subdivision creating the economic development district. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 33:9038.31
  • Offshore Royalty Revenue: means all monies constituting the state of Louisiana's allocable share pursuant to the Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act of 2006. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:99.27
  • Offshore Royalty Revenue payments: means the monies paid or payable to the corporation pursuant to the agreement as in effect from time to time. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:99.27
  • Operating location: means a physical address that houses an entity that performs life safety and property protection contracting. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Order: includes a condition of a license and an agreement made by a person with the commissioner under this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2388
  • Oversight: Committee review of the activities of a Federal agency or program.
  • Owner of a property interest: means anyone with a corporeal or incorporeal interest in immovable property, including a naked owner, a usufructuary, a mortgagee, a judgment creditor, or a holder of a personal or predial servitude. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 33:4720.161
  • Parish: means the parish of Lafayette. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 33:4720.161
  • Parliamentarian: The Parliamentarian is an advisor on the interpretation of legislative rules and procedures.
  • Pay-per-call service: means any passive, interactive, polling, or other similar audiotext service that is accessed through a seven or ten digit telephone number that is provided for a charge to a caller through an exclusive telephone number prefix or service access code. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:1730
  • Person: means an individual, partnership, corporation, association, governmental body, or other group, however organized. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2152
  • Person: means one or more individuals, governments, governmental agencies, public authorities, labor organizations, corporations, legal representatives, partnerships, associations, trustees, trustees in bankruptcy, receivers, mutual companies, joint stock companies, trusts, unincorporated organizations, or other organized groups of persons. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2232
  • person: includes a combination of two or more persons acting in concert. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2388
  • Person: means an individual, partnership, firm, company, association, corporation, limited liability company, and any other legal entity or group of persons. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:559.3
  • Person: means an individual, partnership, corporation, or association of such persons acting as a unit. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:561
  • Person: means an individual, association, joint venture, partnership, corporation, limited liability company, political subdivision, municipality, or public or private organization of any character, including any agency, department, board, bureau, office, commission, district, corporation, and quasi-public corporation of the federal, state, municipal, or local government. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1615
  • Person: means the state, and any political subdivision or municipal corporation thereof, an individual, firm, partnership, corporation, company, association or joint stock association, or the legal successor thereof. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:2102
  • Person: means a natural person or individual. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Personally identifiable information: means any of the following:

    (a)  First name or first initial in combination with last name. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2007

  • PFAS chemicals: means a class of fluorinated organic chemicals containing at least one fully fluorinated carbon atom, including perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances, and designed to be fully functional in Class B fire fighting foam formulations. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1615
  • Plaintiff: The person who files the complaint in a civil lawsuit.
  • Portable fire extinguisher: means any portable device that contains liquid, powder, or gases for suppressing or extinguishing fires. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Portable fire extinguisher and fire hose technician: means an individual licensed to certify, inspect, install, and service portable fire extinguishers and fire hoses. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Pre-engineered fire suppression specialist: means an individual licensed to certify, inspect, install, integrate, and service pre-engineered fire suppression systems. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Pre-engineered fire suppression system: means packaged fire suppression systems which consist of system components intended to be installed according to pre-tested limitations as approved or listed by a testing laboratory. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Prescription drug: means a drug as defined in 21 U. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:2255.1
  • Principal: includes a person or entity entitled to exercise the prerogatives or indicia of ownership or control of a property protection firm whether by direct action, assignment, or any other kind of substitution or subrogation. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Principal shareholder or member: means a person that owns, directly or indirectly, of record or beneficially, securities representing ten percent or more of the outstanding voting securities of a corporation or limited liability company. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2388
  • Probable cause: A reasonable ground for belief that the offender violated a specific law.
  • Probation officers: Screen applicants for pretrial release and monitor convicted offenders released under court supervision.
  • Procure the copying: means to pay or provide other consideration to or induce another person to cause software to be copied onto a computer. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2007
  • Project: includes the design, development, installation and construction of a technology, machinery, building and equipment that results in a modernization of an employer's product line, unit, or entire operations that requires at least five million dollars of investment. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2399.2
  • Property protection systems and equipment: means those life safety and property protection systems intended to protect lives and property from the risk of theft, unauthorized entry, or other physical harm to a structure's occupants or property. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Prosecute: To charge someone with a crime. A prosecutor tries a criminal case on behalf of the government.
  • Provider: means a managed service provider or managed security service provider that requires remote management or operational control of a public body's network or end user systems. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2112
  • Public body: means any branch, department, office, agency, board, commission, district, governing authority, political subdivision, or any other instrumentality of the state, parish, or municipal government, including a public or quasi-public nonprofit corporation designated as an entity to perform a governmental or proprietary function. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2112
  • Public body: means the state and any parish and any board, authority, agency, district, subdivision, department, or instrumentality, corporate or otherwise, of the state or any parish. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 33:4720.161
  • Public body: shall mean the state and any parish and any board, authority, agency, district, subdivision, department, or instrumentality, corporate or otherwise, of the state or any parish. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 33:4720.171
  • Public law: A public bill or joint resolution that has passed both chambers and been enacted into law. Public laws have general applicability nationwide.
  • Public school: means any school conducted within the state under the authority and supervision of a city, parish, or other local school board and any educational institution supported by and under the control of the state. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:701
  • Qualified expenditures: means amounts classified as capital expenditures for federal income tax purposes plus exclusions from capitalization provided for in Internal Revenue Code Section 263(a)(1)(A) through (L), minus the capitalized cost of land, capitalized leases of land, capitalized interest, and the capitalized cost for the purchase of an existing building. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2399.2
  • Qualifier: means a person who possesses the appropriate training or experience credentials enabling a firm to obtain a life safety and property protection license. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Real property: Land, and all immovable fixtures erected on, growing on, or affixed to the land.
  • Recipient: means a person who has met the eligibility requirements and  is awarded tuition reimbursement from the Volunteer Firefighters' Tuition Reimbursement Fund. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1558.2
  • Recognized quality: means those attributes of a work of fine art that enhance its value. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2152
  • Records: means all of the documents defined in Paragraphs (1), (2), (3) and (4) above, and all other documents made, developed or collected by the office of state fire protection. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1596.3
  • Regulated entity: means any licensed healthcare facility listed in La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:2199.12
  • Reproduction: means a copy or likeness, in any medium, of a work of fine art that is displayed or published under circumstances that, reasonably construed, evidence an intent that it be taken as a representation of a work of fine art as created by the artist. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2152
  • Restoration: means acts taken to correct deterioration and alteration of a work of fine art. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2152
  • Retirement: means withdrawal from active service with a retirement allowance granted under the provisions of this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:701
  • Security sales specialist: means an individual licensed to sell or specify security systems and equipment. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Security systems and equipment: means those life safety and property protection systems intended to protect lives and property from the risk of theft, unauthorized entry, or other physical harm to a structure's occupants or property. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Security technician: means an individual licensed to certify, inspect, install, integrate, sell, and service security systems and equipment or special locking systems. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Sell: means to solicit another on behalf of a property protection firm by any means, including but not limited to telephone or electronic device, public notice or advertisement, door-to-door or any other type of personal interaction. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Seller: means a person or entity which sells or leases, or offers to sell or to lease a business opportunity. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:1821
  • Service: means service as a teacher within the meaning of Paragraph (33) of this Section. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:701
  • Service: means to repair or maintain. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Short-term financing assistance: means financing assistance with a term of not more than five years. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2397
  • Special locking specialist: means an individual who certifies, designs, inspects, installs, integrates, sells, or services a special locking system protecting a controlled access area or egress to premises. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Special locking systems: means an electro-mechanical lock, electronic lock, or electronic locking arrangement intended to control access or egress to a structure or area. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Specialist: means an individual who is trained and certified to perform life safety and property protection contracting within a specific limited endorsement. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Specialty endorsement: means a narrow category of license authorizing its holder to perform only one aspect of life safety and property protection contracting. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Sponsor: means an individual, corporation, association, partnership, or other entity that sells a pay-per-call service on whose behalf charges are billed, but shall not include a public utility regulated by the state or the Federal Communications Commission or an interexchange carrier which provides transport or billing, or both, and collection services for a pay-per-call service, unless the public utility or interexchange carrier actually produces or promotes the pay-per-call service. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:1730
  • State fire marshal: means the Department of Public Safety and Corrections, office of state fire marshal, code enforcement and building safety, and its authorized representatives empowered to enforce the provisions of this Subpart. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Subject person: means a controlling person, subsidiary, or affiliate of a licensee; a director, manager, officer, or employee of a licensee or of a controlling person, subsidiary, or affiliate of a licensee, or any other person who participates in the conduct of the business of a licensee. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2388
  • Subpoena duces tecum: A command to a witness to produce documents.
  • Subscriber: means any person or entity in whose name a telephone account is billed. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:1730
  • Subsidiary: means , if used with respect to a licensee, a company or business firm of which the licensee holds control. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2388
  • Technical endorsement: means a broad category of license authorizing its holder to perform multiple aspects of life safety and property protection contracting within a certain endorsement. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Technician: means an individual who is trained and certified to perform life safety and property protection contracting within a technical endorsement. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1664.3
  • Temporary restraining order: Prohibits a person from an action that is likely to cause irreparable harm. This differs from an injunction in that it may be granted immediately, without notice to the opposing party, and without a hearing. It is intended to last only until a hearing can be held.
  • Testate: To die leaving a will.
  • Testing: means calibration testing, conformance testing, or fixed system testing. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1615
  • Tort: A civil wrong or breach of a duty to another person, as outlined by law. A very common tort is negligent operation of a motor vehicle that results in property damage and personal injury in an automobile accident.
  • Trust account: A general term that covers all types of accounts in a trust department, such as estates, guardianships, and agencies. Source: OCC
  • Trustee: A person or institution holding and administering property in trust.
  • Unlawful practice: means a discriminatory practice in connection with employment, a discriminatory practice in connection with public accommodations, or any other practice prohibited by this Chapter or by Chapter 3-A of Title 23 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2232
  • Usury: Charging an illegally high interest rate on a loan. Source: OCC
  • Venue: The geographical location in which a case is tried.
  • Web page: means a location that has a single uniform resource locator (URL) with respect to the World Wide Web or another location that can be accessed on the Internet. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2021
  • Work of fine art: means any original work of visual or graphic art of recognized quality in any medium which includes, but is not limited to, the following: painting, drawing, print, photographic print, or sculpture of a limited edition of no more than three hundred copies; however, "work of fine art" shall not include sequential imagery such as motion pictures. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 51:2152
  • Workplace violence: means violent acts, including battery or the intentional placing of another person in reasonable apprehension of sustaining battery, directed toward persons at work or on duty with their employment. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:2199.12