Part I General Provisions 49:1001 – 49:1002
Part II Drug Testing Procedures and Standards 49:1005
Part III Employee Drug Testing 49:1011 – 49:1012
Part IV Public Employee Drug Testing 49:1015 – 49:1016
Part V Testing of Persons Receiving Certain Benefits From the State 49:1021

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Terms Used In Louisiana Revised Statutes > Title 49 > Chapter 14 - Drug Testing

  • Actuarial equivalent: shall mean a benefit of equivalent value to the accumulated contributions, annuity, or benefits, as the case may be, computed on the basis of such mortality and interest tables as shall be adopted by the board of trustees in accordance with the provisions of La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:1902
  • Agreement: means the document of participation between a participating employer and the board, that sets forth the requirements and procedures for covering the employees of such participating employer under this system. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:1902
  • Amendment: A proposal to alter the text of a pending bill or other measure by striking out some of it, by inserting new language, or both. Before an amendment becomes part of the measure, thelegislature must agree to it.
  • Annuity: A periodic (usually annual) payment of a fixed sum of money for either the life of the recipient or for a fixed number of years. A series of payments under a contract from an insurance company, a trust company, or an individual. Annuity payments are made at regular intervals over a period of more than one full year.
  • Attachment: A procedure by which a person's property is seized to pay judgments levied by the court.
  • Beneficiary: means the person designated in writing by a member to receive any benefits to which he may be entitled under this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:1902
  • CAP-FDT-certified laboratory: means a laboratory certified for forensic hair drug testing by the College of American Pathologists. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 49:1001
  • Certificate: means a certificate of competency issued by the state health officer stating that the operator has met the requirements for the specified operator classification as defined by the state health officer under La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1281.1
  • Committee: means the committee of certification. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1281.1
  • Conviction: A judgement of guilt against a criminal defendant.
  • Department: means the Louisiana Department of Health. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1250.3
  • Dependent: A person dependent for support upon another.
  • Discovery: Lawyers' examination, before trial, of facts and documents in possession of the opponents to help the lawyers prepare for trial.
  • Donor: The person who makes a gift.
  • Employee: means any person who is employed as a permanent employee of a parish who works at least twenty-eight hours a week and whose compensation is paid wholly or partly by said parish, but excluding all persons employed by a parish or city school board, and all persons eligible for any other public retirement system in this state. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:1902
  • Employee: means any person, paid or unpaid, in the service of an employer, as defined in this Section. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 49:1001
  • Employer: means any parish in the state of Louisiana, except Orleans and East Baton Rouge Parishes, or the police jury or any other governing body of a parish which employs and pays persons serving the parish. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:1902
  • Employer: means any person, firm, or corporation, including any governmental entity, that has one or more workers or operators employed, or individuals performing service, in the same business, or in or about the same establishment, under any contract of hire or service, expressed or implied, oral or written; however, "employer" for the purposes of this Chapter shall not include any person, firm, or corporation that is subject to a federally mandated drug testing program. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 49:1001
  • Ex officio: Literally, by virtue of one's office.
  • Fraud: Intentional deception resulting in injury to another.
  • Garnishment: Generally, garnishment is a court proceeding in which a creditor asks a court to order a third party who owes money to the debtor or otherwise holds assets belonging to the debtor to turn over to the creditor any of the debtor
  • Litigation: A case, controversy, or lawsuit. Participants (plaintiffs and defendants) in lawsuits are called litigants.
  • Livestock: means cattle, buffalo, bison, oxen, and other bovine; horses, mules, donkeys, and other equine; sheep; goats; swine; domestic rabbits; fish, turtles, and other animals identified with aquaculture that are located in artificial reservoirs or enclosures that are both on privately owned property and constructed so as to prevent, at all times, the ingress and egress of fish life from public waters; imported exotic deer and antelope, elk, farm-raised white-tailed deer, farm-raised ratites, and other farm-raised exotic animals; chickens, turkeys, and other poultry; and animals placed under the jurisdiction of the commissioner of agriculture and forestry and any hybrid, mixture, or mutation or any such animal. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:3002
  • Louisiana conference: means the Louisiana Conference on Water Supply, Sewerage and Industrial Wastes. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1281.1
  • Medical review officer: means a licensed physician responsible for receiving laboratory results generated by employer or testing entity's drug testing program who has knowledge of substance abuse disorders and has appropriate medical training to interpret and evaluate an individual's positive test result together with his medical history and any other relevant biomedical information. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 49:1001
  • Member: means a contributing employee who is covered under the provisions of this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:1902
  • Methodology: means the aggregate of methods, principles, assumptions, variables, factors, and procedures used to determine a reimbursement rate. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1250.3
  • negative employment consequences: include but are not limited to termination of employment, refusal to hire, or altered conditions of employment such as counseling, probation, suspension, and demotion. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 49:1001
  • Operator: means the individual, as determined by the committee of certification, in attendance on site of a water supply system or a sewerage system and whose performance, judgment, and direction affects either the safety, sanitary quality, or quantity of water or sewage treated or delivered. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1281.1
  • Oversight: Committee review of the activities of a Federal agency or program.
  • Person: means an individual or any legal or commercial entity, including a corporation, business trust, partnership, limited liability company, association, or joint venture. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:1
  • Plan A: means the revised plan to replace a combination of the regular and supplemental plans, to be effective January 1, 1980, as outlined in Part III. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:1902
  • Plan B: means the revised plan to replace the regular plan, to be effective January 1, 1980, as outlined in Part IV. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:1902
  • Plan C: means the plan to be effective July 1, 1997, as outlined in Part IV-A of this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:1902
  • Probation: A sentencing alternative to imprisonment in which the court releases convicted defendants under supervision as long as certain conditions are observed.
  • Prospective employee: means any person who has made application to an employer, whether written or oral, to become an employee. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 49:1001
  • Provider: means a person, public agency, nonprofit corporation, or a for-profit business entity that provides services under a contract or other agreement with the department. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1250.3
  • Rate: means the amount of money per unit of time for a Medicaid service performed or the amount of money for a Medicaid service performed for a flat fee, such as a per diem. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1250.3
  • Rebasing: means using cost report information to adjust Medicaid reimbursement rates to the level dictated by the Medicaid reimbursement methodology for each covered service. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1250.3
  • Remainder: An interest in property that takes effect in the future at a specified time or after the occurrence of some event, such as the death of a life tenant.
  • SAMHSA: means the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 49:1001
  • SAMHSA guidelines: means the Mandatory Guidelines for Federal Workplace Drug Testing Programs as published in the Federal Register on April 11, 1988 (53 FR 11970), revised on June 9, 1994 (59 FR 29908), further revised on September 30, 1997 (62 FR 51118), and any further revised guidelines issued by SAMHSA. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 49:1001
  • Sample: means urine, blood, saliva, or hair. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 49:1001
  • Screening test: means an immunoassay screen to eliminate "negative" specimens from further consideration. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 49:1001
  • Service: means a home- or community-based service, intermediate care facility service, or support coordination service provided to a recipient by a provider under a contract or other agreement with the department. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1250.3
  • Sewage treatment plant: means the facility or group of units provided for the treatment of wastewater and for the reduction and handling of sludge removed from such wastewater. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1281.1
  • Sewerage system: means a system of piping and appurtenances, including sewage treatment facilities, for collecting and conveying wastewater from source to discharge. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1281.1
  • State health officer: means the secretary of the Louisiana Department of Health, hereinafter referred to as the "department" or his designee as provided in La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1281.1
  • Statute: A law passed by a legislature.
  • Wastewater: means the spent water or sewage of a community containing the liquid or water-carried wastes from residences, commercial buildings, and institutions along with any groundwater, surface water, or storm water that may be commingled. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1281.1
  • Water supply system: means the system of pipes, structures and facilities through which water is obtained, treated and sold, distributed or otherwise offered to the public for household or other uses. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1281.1
  • Water treatment plant: means that portion of the water supply system which in some way alters the physical, chemical, or bacteriological quality of the water. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1281.1