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Terms Used In Louisiana Revised Statutes 17:100.2

  • Contract: A legal written agreement that becomes binding when signed.

A.  Parish school boards are hereby authorized to enter into voluntary compacts with other parish school boards for the purpose of providing multiparish educational programs of all kinds to the public school children of the participating parishes.  

B.  Pursuant thereto, parish school boards entering into such compacts are authorized to pool their resources, administrative, instructional or otherwise, and to allocate funds for the purposes thereof, provided the contribution of any board shall be proportioned according to the number of its students benefiting therefrom.  

C.  In carrying out the purposes of the compact, participating boards may:

1.  Collect, correlate, analyze and interpret information and data concerning educational needs and resources of the multiparish unit.  

2.  Encourage and foster research in all aspects of education, but with special reference to the desirable scope of instruction, organization, administration, and instructional methods and standards employed or suitable for employment in the multiparish unit.  

3.  Develop proposals for adequate financing of education as a whole and at each of its many levels in the multiparish unit.  

4.  Conduct or participate in research in any instance where the participating boards find that such research is necessary for the advancement of the purposes and policies of the compact, utilizing fully the resources of national associations, and other agencies and institutions, both public and private.  

5.  Formulate suggested policies and plans for the improvement of public education as a whole, or for any segment thereof, and make recommendations with respect thereto available to the appropriate governmental units, agencies and public officials.  

6.  Do such other things as are necessary or incidental to the administration of the functions of the compact.  

D.  The compact of participating boards is hereby authorized to cooperate with the United States government in any of its programs, to accept federal funds, to enter into necessary agreements with the United States government or with any of its departments or agencies and to contract for any other necessary services; provided, however, that in no event shall a participating board obligate itself to an extent greater than its proportionate share as determined by the ratio of its students participating in the compact to the whole thereof.  

Added by Acts 1972, No. 334, §1.