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Terms Used In Louisiana Revised Statutes 18:1313.1

  • Ballot: means a paper ballot or electronic ballot, where applicable. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 18:1302
  • Board: means the parish board of election supervisors of each parish. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 18:1302
  • Clerk: means the clerk of court of each parish, except that in a parish having both a civil and a criminal sheriff, the word refers to the civil sheriff. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 18:1302
  • Clerk of court: An officer appointed by the court to work with the chief judge in overseeing the court's administration, especially to assist in managing the flow of cases through the court and to maintain court records.
  • Early voting: means the period of time prior to any scheduled election when any person who is qualified to vote may vote in person at a place designated by the registrar as provided in La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 18:1302
  • Jurisdiction: (1) The legal authority of a court to hear and decide a case. Concurrent jurisdiction exists when two courts have simultaneous responsibility for the same case. (2) The geographic area over which the court has authority to decide cases.
  • National Bank: A bank that is subject to the supervision of the Comptroller of the Currency. The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency is a bureau of the U.S. Treasury Department. A national bank can be recognized because it must have "national" or "national association" in its name. Source: OCC
  • person: includes a body of persons, whether incorporated or not. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 1:10
  • Registrar: means the registrar of voters of each parish. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 18:1302
  • United States Service: means the following persons, and their spouses and dependents:

                (a) A member of the armed forces while in active service. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 18:1302

            A.(1)(a) Parishes may conduct the preparation and verification process for the tabulation and counting of absentee by mail and early voting ballots for a primary or general election the day before the election.

            (b) However, with the written approval of the secretary of state, parishes may conduct the preparation and verification process for the tabulation and counting of absentee by mail and early voting ballot for a primary or general election beginning three days before the election.

            (2) The tabulation and counting of absentee by mail and early voting ballots shall be conducted on election day.

            B. The parish board of election supervisors shall be responsible for the preparation, verification, counting, and tabulation of all absentee by mail and early voting ballots in the parish. The board may utilize parish board commissioners to count the absentee by mail and early voting ballots in the parish. If the board determines that parish board commissioners are necessary for the preparation and verification process to count and tabulate the absentee by mail and early voting ballots before the election and to count and tabulate the absentee by mail and early voting ballots on election day, it shall select parish board commissioners in accordance with the provisions of La. Rev. Stat. 18:1314. If a majority of the members of the board are not present for the preparation and verification process to count the absentee by mail and early voting ballots or to count the absentee by mail and early voting ballots and no parish board commissioners were previously selected, the members present may select a sufficient number of parish board commissioners three days before the election or on election day, as applicable, to assist in the preparation and verification process for the tabulation and counting of absentee by mail and early voting ballots and the tabulation and counting of the ballots.

            C.(1) The preparation and verification process for the counting of the absentee by mail and early voting ballots may be conducted before the election at a public facility within the parish designated by the registrar of voters at a time fixed by the parish board of election supervisors.

            (2) Absentee by mail and early voting ballots shall be counted at a public facility within the parish designated by the registrar of voters at a time fixed by the parish board of election supervisors, which time shall be on election day no later than 8:00 p.m.

            (3) Prior to the counting of absentee by mail and early voting ballots on election day, any person authorized by the secretary of state may assist the registrar of voters in the challenge removal process on the early voting machines, in the reading of the early voting machine results cartridges on the secretary of state’s equipment, and in producing the early voting machine results report. All early voting machine results reports shall be placed in the special, secure absentee by mail and early voting container.

            D.(1) If the counting and tabulation of absentee by mail and early voting ballots begins on election day prior to the closing of the polls, such counting and tabulation shall be conducted in a location and manner to prevent disclosure of the results prior to the closing of the polls. Each person except a person providing security to the parish board of election supervisors; a representative of the attorney general, with written approval of the secretary of state; the clerk of court; the registrar of voters; or a person providing technical assistance pursuant to Paragraph (2) of this Subsection who enters the location in which the absentee by mail and early voting ballots are being counted and tabulated on election day shall remain in that location and shall not be allowed to leave except temporarily, and then only when accompanied by a law enforcement officer, and shall not communicate with any person outside until the polls are closed. The parish board of election supervisors may take any action necessary to ensure that no information with respect to the counting and tabulation of absentee by mail and early voting ballots is transmitted from the location where the absentee by mail and early voting ballots are being counted and tabulated on election day prior to the close of the polls on election day.

            (2) Any person authorized by the secretary of state may provide security or technical assistance including advice, analysis, diagnosis, or repair for voting machines at the location where absentee by mail and early voting votes are being counted and tabulated. Such security or technical assistance shall be provided only upon the request of the parish board of election supervisors or a team of parish board commissioners, and may be made in person at the location where absentee by mail and early voting votes are being counted and tabulated, or by telephone, or both. Any authorized person providing such security or technical assistance may enter and leave the location where absentee by mail and early voting votes are being counted and tabulated on election day before the closing of the polls and during the process of counting and tabulation. No such person shall disclose any information with respect to the counting and tabulation of absentee by mail and early voting ballots prior to the close of the polls on election day.

            E. Candidates, their representatives, and qualified electors may be present during the preparation and verification process for the counting and tabulation of absentee by mail and early voting ballots before the election and the counting and tabulation of absentee by mail and early voting ballots on election day. If the counting and tabulation of absentee by mail and early voting ballots begins prior to the closing of the polls on election day, the board shall give notice reasonably calculated to inform any person who wants to be present during the counting and tabulation that no person will be allowed to leave or to communicate with any other person outside, until such time as the polls are closed, nor shall any person who is present during the counting and tabulation of absentee by mail and early voting ballots on election day possess a cellular telephone or electronic communication device.

            F. The board shall count the absentee by mail and early voting ballots and announce the results after the closing of the polls on election day as the total number of absentee by mail and early voting votes cast in the election for each candidate and the total number cast for and against each proposition.

            G. The procedure for the preparation and verification process for the tabulation and counting of absentee by mail ballots and early voting paper ballots before the election shall be as follows:

            (1)(a) A member of the board shall remove the certificates, early voting verification forms, early voting machine public counter logs, early voting confirmation sheets, absentee by mail ballots, early voting paper ballots, and envelopes containing the absentee by mail ballots and early voting paper ballots from the special, secure absentee by mail and early voting ballot container.

            (b) The board shall review the early voting verification forms and early voting machine public counter logs and, if found to be acceptable to the board, sign each early voting verification form. If the board does not find an early voting verification form to be acceptable, it may review any early voting confirmation sheet and shall document its correction to the early voting verification form and then sign it.

            (2) The board shall announce the name of each absentee by mail voter, each voter who voted a paper ballot during early voting, and the ward and precinct where the voter is registered to vote and shall compare the name on the certificate with the names on the absentee by mail voter report or early voter report, as applicable.

            (3) The board shall separate any ballots that are challenged in accordance with La. Rev. Stat. 18:1315(A) or (B) from the ballots that are not challenged.

            (4)(a) If an absentee by mail ballot has not been challenged and is determined by the board to be valid, a member of the board shall make a check mark on the absentee by mail voter report beside the name of the voter as it appears on the report and write his initials on each page of the report. If applicable, a member of the board shall remove the certificate from the envelope containing the absentee by mail ballot and leave the envelope sealed.

            (b) If an early voting paper ballot has not been challenged and is determined by the board to be valid, a member of the board shall write the words “voted early” and his initials on the early voter report beside the name of the voter as it appears on the report. A member of the board shall remove the certificate and leave the envelope sealed.

            (5) If an absentee by mail ballot or early voting paper ballot has been challenged, the members shall not remove the certificate and leave the envelope sealed.

            (6) A member of the board shall place the absentee by mail ballots and early voting paper ballots that have been challenged and the ballots that have not been challenged in the special, secure absentee by mail and early voting ballot container provided for that purpose and seal the container. Two members of the board shall execute the first certificate on the container and date the certificate with the date on which it was executed before the election.

            (7) The members of the board shall place the certificates of the absentee by mail ballots and early voting paper ballots that have not been challenged in the container provided for that purpose and seal the container. Two of the members shall execute the first certificate on the container and date the certificate with the date on which it was executed before the election.

            (8) Absentee by mail ballots that are received by the registrar of voters after the preparation and verification process is completed but before the deadline to return absentee by mail ballots shall be prepared, verified, counted, and tabulated on election day.

            H. The procedure for counting absentee by mail ballots and early voting paper ballots on election day shall be as follows:

            (1) A member of the board shall break the seal on the special, secure absentee by mail and early voting ballot container and remove the certificates, absentee by mail ballots, and early voting paper ballots that have been challenged and the absentee by mail ballots and early voting paper ballots that have not been challenged.

            (2) The board shall determine the validity of challenges filed in accordance with La. Rev. Stat. 18:1315(A) and (B).

            (3)(a) If the board determines that an absentee by mail ballot is valid, a member of the board shall make a check mark on the absentee by mail voter report beside the name of the voter as it appears on the report and write his initials on each page of the report. If applicable, a member of the board shall remove the certificate and leave the envelope sealed.

            (b) If the board determines that a paper ballot voted during early voting is valid, a member of the board shall write the words “voted early” and his initials on the early voter report beside the name of the voter as it appears on the report. A member of the board shall remove the certificate and leave the envelope sealed.

            (4) If a majority of the members of the board determine that an absentee by mail ballot or early voting paper ballot is invalid, the members shall not remove the certificate, leave the envelope sealed, and a member of the board shall write the word “rejected”, together with the reasons for rejecting the ballot, across the envelope. The member shall also write the word “rejected” and his initials on the absentee by mail voter report or early voter report, as applicable, beside the name of the voter as it appears in the report. The rejected absentee by mail ballots and early voting paper ballots and certificates shall be replaced in the special, secure absentee by mail and early voting ballot container. No rejected absentee by mail ballot or early voting paper ballot shall be counted.

            (5) After the validity of all absentee by mail ballots and early voting paper ballots have been determined, the members of the board shall break the seal on the container and place the valid certificates in the container provided for that purpose and seal the container. Two of the members shall execute the second certificate on the envelope and date the certificate the day of the election.

            (6) The members shall open the envelopes containing the valid absentee by mail ballots and early voting paper ballots and remove the ballots.

            (7) The board shall, in accordance with the requirements of La. Rev. Stat. 18:1316, reject any ballot which contains a distinguishing mark or feature making the ballot susceptible of identification. However, a ballot shall not be rejected as containing a distinguishing mark if the ballot was transmitted electronically to a member of the United States Service, as defined in La. Rev. Stat. 18:1302, or a person residing outside the United States.

            (8) If a ballot is physically damaged or cannot properly be counted by the counting equipment and the vote cast by the voter is clearly discernible from a physical inspection of the defective ballot, the ballot may be counted by hand or a true duplicate may be made of the defective ballot in the presence of witnesses and substituted for the ballot. Any duplicate ballot shall be clearly labeled “duplicate”, bear a ballot number which shall be recorded on the defective ballot, and be counted in lieu of the defective ballot. After a ballot has been duplicated, the defective ballot shall be placed in the special, secure absentee by mail and early voting ballot container, and the duplicate ballot shall be counted with the other valid ballots.

            (9) The special absentee ballots cast by members of the United States Service or persons who reside outside of the United States may be counted by hand or counted as a true duplicate.

            I. The procedure for counting early voting machine ballots on election day shall be as follows:

            (1) A member of the board shall remove the early voting machine results reports from the special, secure absentee by mail and early voting ballot container.

            (2) The board shall announce the results from each early voting machine results report for the early voting ballots.

            (3) The board shall determine the validity of challenges made in accordance with La. Rev. Stat. 18:1315(A) and (B).

            (4)(a) Prior to utilizing any absentee by mail and early voting counting equipment, the parish board of election supervisors shall generate a zero tally to ensure that the equipment’s candidate and question counters are set at zero and that no votes have been cast for any candidate or for or against any proposition.

            (b) The board shall sign and certify to the correctness of each zero proof sheet and place all zero proof sheets in the special, secure absentee by mail and early voting container.

            (5) The absentee by mail and early voting votes cast for a candidate and those cast for and against a proposition shall be counted and the total number of absentee by mail and early voting votes cast for a candidate and those cast for and against a proposition shall be entered by the members of the board as the total number of votes on the final absentee by mail and early voting vote report, and the members of the board shall certify the results. A copy of the final absentee by mail and early voting vote report shall be posted by a member of the board after the polls close at the location where the tabulation and counting was conducted and the office of the registrar of voters.

            J. The final absentee by mail and early voting vote report prepared by the parish board of election supervisors shall be transmitted to the clerk of court immediately upon completion of the tabulation of the absentee by mail and early voting ballots on election night. A copy of the record shall be transmitted immediately to the secretary of state, and a copy of the record shall be placed in the special, secure absentee by mail and early voting container.

            K. When the absentee by mail and early voter reports have been returned to the registrar of voters, the registrar, based on the information contained in the reports, shall confirm that the words “voted by mail” or “voted early” are written in the proper space on the precinct register for each voter who voted early or absentee by mail.

            L.(1) Upon completion of the tabulation and counting of the absentee by mail and early voting ballots on election day, the parish board of election supervisors shall return the absentee by mail and early voting ballots and electronic results report to the special, secure absentee by mail and early voting ballot container; shall seal the container; and shall deliver the container to the registrar of voters. The registrar shall preserve the container and its contents inviolate and, except upon order of a court of competent jurisdiction, shall not allow the absentee by mail and early voting documents to be inspected by anyone until the delay for filing an action contesting the election has lapsed. If an action contesting the election is commenced timely, the registrar shall continue to preserve the container and its contents inviolate, subject to the orders of the court, until the final judgment in the action has become definitive.

            (2)(a)(i) Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph (1) of this Subsection, if the number of absentee by mail and early voting ballots cast for all candidates for an office could make a difference in the outcome of the election for the office, upon the written request of a candidate for the office, the board shall recount the absentee by mail ballots by hand or scanning equipment and early voting ballots electronically, unless paper ballots were used for early voting and in such case, the ballots shall be recounted by hand for the office. The registrar shall preserve the container and its contents inviolate and, except upon the board recounting the absentee by mail ballots, shall not allow the absentee by mail and early voting ballots to be inspected by anyone until the recounting of the absentee by mail and early voting ballots by the board.

            (ii) Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph (1) of this Subsection, if the number of absentee by mail and early voting ballots cast for and against a proposition could make a difference in the outcome of the election, upon the written request of a person who voted in the proposition election, the board shall recount the absentee by mail ballots by hand or scanning equipment and early voting ballots electronically, unless paper ballots were used for early voting and in such case, the ballots shall be recounted by hand for the election. The registrar shall preserve the container and its contents inviolate and, except upon the board recounting the absentee by mail ballots, shall not allow the absentee by mail and early voting ballots to be inspected by anyone until the recounting of the absentee by mail and early voting ballots by the board.

            (b) All recounts of absentee by mail and early voting ballots shall be held at a time set by the secretary of state, in conjunction with the registrar of voters and the clerk of court, or following the reinspection of voting machines on the fifth day after the election and at any time ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction. If the fifth day after the election falls on a holiday or weekend, such recount shall be held on the next working day at a time set by the secretary of state, in conjunction with the registrar of voters and the clerk of court, or following the reinspection of voting machines. Any written request for recount of absentee by mail and early voting ballots shall be filed with the clerk of court. The deadline for filing a request for recount of absentee by mail and early voting ballots shall be 4:30 p.m. on the third calendar day after the election. Immediately upon receiving any request, the clerk of court shall prominently post in his office a notice of the time and place where the absentee by mail and early voting ballots will be recounted and the name of the candidate or the voter in the proposition election requesting the recount.

            (c) Upon completion of the recount of the absentee by mail and early voting ballots, the board shall return the absentee by mail and early voting documents to the special, secure absentee by mail and early voting ballot container; shall reseal the container; and shall deliver the container and its contents to the registrar of voters, who shall preserve the container and its contents in the manner provided for in Paragraph (1) of this Subsection.

            (d)(i) The candidate or the voter in the proposition election requesting the recount shall be responsible for all reasonable costs associated with such recount, which shall be payable to the clerk of court. The costs shall be paid at the time the written request for the recount is filed with the clerk of court and shall be paid in cash or by certified or cashier’s check on a state or national bank or credit union, United States postal money order, or money order issued by a state or national bank or credit union.

            (ii) If the recount changes the outcome of the election, the costs paid by the candidate or voter in the proposition election shall be refunded by the clerk of court, and the costs of the recount shall be a reimbursable election expense as provided in Chapter 8-A of this Title.

            (3) A candidate or his representative, in the presence of a majority of the parish board of election supervisors, shall be allowed to inspect the certificates removed from the valid absentee by mail ballots and from the valid early voting ballots. All such inspections shall be held at a time set by the secretary of state, in conjunction with the registrar of voters and the clerk of court, or following the recount of absentee by mail and early voting ballots on the fifth day after the election and at any time ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction. If the fifth day after the election falls on a holiday or weekend, the inspection shall be held on the next working day at a time set by the secretary of state, in conjunction with the registrar of voters and the clerk of court, or following the recount of absentee by mail and early voting ballots. Any written request for inspection shall be filed with the clerk of court. The deadline for filing a request for inspection shall be 4:30 p.m. on the third calendar day after the election. Immediately upon receiving any request, the clerk of court shall prominently post in his office a notice of the time and place where the inspection will occur and the name of the candidate requesting the inspection. The candidate requesting the inspection shall be responsible for all reasonable costs associated with the inspection, which shall be payable to the clerk of court. The costs shall be paid at the time the written request for the inspection is filed with the clerk of court and shall be paid in cash or by certified or cashier’s check on a state or national bank or credit union, United States postal money order, or money order issued by a state or national bank or credit union.

            (4) The parish board of election supervisors shall be entitled to reimbursement at the rate established in La. Rev. Stat. 18:423(E) for attending the recount of absentee by mail and early voting ballots and inspection, but not both if they are conducted on the same day. However, such reimbursement shall not be counted toward the limitation provided in La. Rev. Stat. 18:423(J). No member of the parish board of election supervisors shall be reimbursed for attending a recount of absentee by mail an early voting ballots or inspection if such member received reimbursement for attending the reinspection of voting machines which was conducted on the same day as the recount of the absentee by mail and early voting ballots or inspection.

            Acts 2020, No. 354, §1, eff. June 12, 2020; Acts 2021, No. 381, §1, eff. June 17, 2021; Acts 2021, No. 423, §1; Acts 2022, No. 274, §1, eff. June 3, 2022; Acts 2023, No. 91, §1, eff. June 6, 2023.