Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:124 – Purposes
Terms Used In Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:124
- Agricultural products: include horticultural, viticultural, forestry, dairy, livestock, poultry, bee, and other farm products;
(2) "Member" includes actual members of associations without capital stock and holders of common stock in associations organized with capital stock;
(3) "Association" means any association organized under this Part; and,
(4) "Person" includes individuals, firms, partnerships, corporations, and associations. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:122
- Association: means any association organized under this Part; and,
(4) "Person" includes individuals, firms, partnerships, corporations, and associations. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:122
A. An association may be organized to engage in any activity in connection with the marketing or selling of the agricultural products of its members, or with the harvesting, preserving, drying, processing, manufacturing, canning, packing, grading, storing, handling, shipping, or utilizing thereof, or the manufacturing or marketing of by-products thereof; or in connection with the manufacturing, selling, or supplying to its members of machinery, equipment, or supplies; or more of the activities specified herein; or in the financing of the above enumerated activities; or to represent the interest of its members; or to engage in any lawful activity for which corporations may be formed under the laws of the state of Louisiana.
B. Every group of persons contemplating the organization of an association under this Part is urged to communicate with the dean of the college of agriculture of the Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, who will inform them whatever a survey of the marketing conditions affecting the commodities proposed to be handled may indicate regarding probable success.
Acts 2017, No. 65, §1.