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Terms Used In Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:334

  • Fund: means an independent fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts recording cash or other resources together with all related liabilities, obligations, reserves, and equities which are segregated for the purpose of carrying on specific activities or attaining certain objectives in accordance with regulations, restrictions, and limitations. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:2
  • person: includes a body of persons, whether incorporated or not. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 1:10

A.  The commissioner of administration shall be the general accountant of the state and keeper of all public accounts, books, vouchers, documents, and all other papers relative to the accounts and contracts of the state, and relative to its revenue, debt, and fiscal affairs which are not required by law to be kept by some other person.

B.  In carrying out his duties as general accountant of the state and keeper of certain records, the commissioner of administration shall:

(1)  Audit, adjust, and settle all claims against the state payable out of the treasury, except claims which are expressly required by law to be audited and settled by some other officer or person.

(2)  Draw all warrants upon the treasury for money, except only in cases otherwise expressly provided for by law.  However, the commissioner of administration shall not be compelled or be under any obligation to draw any warrant upon the treasury for money until after a monthly budget has been approved, and in no case shall the commissioner of administration be required to draw a warrant for money upon the treasury until all legal requirements and formalities have been met.

(3)  Express on the face of every warrant for money which he draws upon the treasury for money the particular fund or other identified schedule appropriated by law out of which the warrant is to be paid.

(4)  Audit, adjust, and settle the accounts of each person who collects state revenues and other holders of public money, required by law to be paid into the state treasury.

(5)  Keep an account between the state and the state treasurer, and make a quarterly report to the governor of the amount of money in the hands of the treasurer belonging to the state.

(6)  Keep an account of all debts and credits between the state and the United States, and between the state and every state officer or other person with whom the state has dealings, and of every separate fund in the treasury authorized by law, and keep an account under appropriate headings of all money which has accrued for specific purposes.

(7)  Direct prosecutions in the name of the state for all official delinquencies in relation to the assessment, collection, and payment of revenue against all persons who by any means become possessed of public money or property belonging to the state, who fail to pay or deliver the same to the state treasury, and against all debtors of the state.

(8)  Receive from each assessor a copy of the rolls of all taxable lands within the state.

(9)  Give information in writing to the legislature, whenever requested, on any subject relating to the fiscal affairs of the state or touching any duty of his office in connection with this Part, and perform all other such duties that are required of him by law.

(10)  Have the sole superintendence and direction, under authority of the United States, of the school lands, ascertaining that proper locations of the school lands have been and are made.  When it is found that such locations have not been ascertained because of conflictive claims or natural defects, he shall promptly apply for and, as soon as possible, obtain a relocation of any land that may be so situated.

(11)  Receive various collection reports of revenues and classify them according to funds.

(12)  Prepare as of June 1 of each year an estimate of unexpended balances in every account in his custody and submit a copy thereof to the Governor, the Legislative Auditor and the Legislative Fiscal Officer.

Added by Acts 1976, No. 649, §1.