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Terms Used In Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:4758

  • Mortgage: The written agreement pledging property to a creditor as collateral for a loan.
  • Owner: means the owner, operator, lessor, or sublessor of a self-service storage facility, his agent, or any other person authorized by him to manage the facility or to receive rent from a lessee under a rental agreement. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:4757
  • Self-service storage facility: means any real property designed and used for the purpose of renting or leasing individual storage space to lessees who are to have access to such for the purpose of storing and removing movable property. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:4757

The owner of a self-service storage facility, his heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns has a privilege upon all movable property stored at a self-service storage facility for the debt due him for rent, and for all reasonable charges and expenses necessary for the preservation of movable property stored at a self-service storage facility, and for expenses reasonably incurred in the enforcement of this privilege, including, but not limited to, the cost of removing and replacing any locks, preparing a brief and general description of the movable property upon which the privilege is claimed, sending notices, and advertising, by sale of movable property or other disposition pursuant to this Part.  The privilege granted herein attaches as of the date the movable property is brought to the self-service storage facility.  This privilege is superior to and shall take priority over any other privileges or security interests, except the privilege shall be inferior to a vendor’s privilege, or a chattel mortgage previously issued and recorded in the manner provided by law, or a previously perfected security interest under Chapter 9 of the Louisiana Commercial Laws (La. Rev. Stat. 10:9-101, et seq.).  The exemption from seizure granted by La. Rev. Stat. 13:3881 shall not be applicable to property subject to this privilege.

Added by Acts 1981, No. 506, §1.  Acts 1989, No. 137, §4, eff. Sept. 1, 1989.