1. License required. Beginning on the effective date of this section, a person may not, unless specifically exempted by this chapter, claim to be a massage therapist or a massage practitioner unless licensed in accordance with this chapter.

[PL 1997, c. 681, §7 (NEW).]

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Terms Used In Maine Revised Statutes Title 32 Sec. 14306-C

  • massage practitioner: means a person who provides or offers to provide massage therapy for a fee, monetary or otherwise. See Maine Revised Statutes Title 32 Sec. 14301
  • Massage therapy: means a scientific or skillful manipulation of soft tissue for therapeutic or remedial purposes, specifically for improving muscle tone and circulation and promoting health and physical well-being. See Maine Revised Statutes Title 32 Sec. 14301
2. Individual licensing. Only an individual who is qualified under this chapter may be issued a license to practice massage therapy.

[PL 1997, c. 681, §7 (NEW).]


PL 1997, c. 681, §7 (NEW).