Maryland Code, FAMILY LAW 5-4A-05
Terms Used In Maryland Code, FAMILY LAW 5-4A-05
(2) The adoptive parents shall be required at least annually to show that the adoption assistance agreement is still in force or has been renewed.
(b) The Administration shall consider the holder of a medical assistance identification pursuant to this section the same as any other holder of a medical assistance identification under the laws of this State and shall process and make payment on claims on account of the holder in the same manner and pursuant to the same conditions and procedures as for other recipients of medical assistance.
(c) (1) This section shall apply only to medical assistance for children under adoption assistance agreements from states that provide medical assistance to children with special needs under adoption assistance agreements made by this State.
(2) All other children entitled to medical assistance pursuant to adoption assistance agreements entered into by this State shall be eligible to receive it in accordance with the applicable laws and procedures.