Maryland Code, HEALTH OCCUPATIONS 20-307
(b) The Board shall include on each certificate that the Board issues:
(1) The full name of the certificate holder; and
(2) A serial number.
(c) The Board may issue a certificate to replace a lost, destroyed, or mutilated certificate if the certificate holder pays the certificate replacement fee set by the Board.
(d) An applicant to whom the Board has issued a certificate under this section shall maintain on file with the Board the applicant’s current resident address and employment address and update the information whenever changes in residency or employment occur.
(e) (1) The Board shall maintain an electronic roster of all individuals certified by the Board.
(2) The roster shall be available for the purpose of electronically verifying certification on the Board’s website.
(3) Individuals without access to the Board’s website may contact the Board to verify a certificate.