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Terms Used In Michigan Laws 388.1907

  • Career and technical preparation program: means a program that teaches a trade, occupation, or vocation and that is operated by an eligible postsecondary educational institution located in this state. See Michigan Laws 388.1903
  • Department: means the department of education. See Michigan Laws 388.1903
  • Eligible charges: means tuition and mandatory course fees, material fees, and registration fees required by a career and technical preparation program for enrollment in an eligible course. See Michigan Laws 388.1903
  • Eligible course: means a course offered by a career and technical preparation program that is offered for postsecondary credit or is part of a noncredit occupational training program leading to an industry-recognized credential; that is not offered through the school district, intermediate school district, area vocational-technical education program, or state approved nonpublic school in which the eligible student is enrolled, or that is offered through the school district, intermediate school district, area vocational-technical education program, or state approved nonpublic school but is determined by its governing board to not be available to the eligible student because of a scheduling conflict beyond the eligible student's control; that is a career and technical preparation course not ordinarily taken as an activity course; that is a course that the career and technical preparation program normally applies toward satisfaction of certificate, degree, or program completion requirements; that is offered in whole or in part when the school district or state approved nonpublic school is in session or, if approved by the school district or state approved nonpublic school, that is offered in whole when the school district or state approved nonpublic school is not in session; and that is not a hobby, craft, or recreational course. See Michigan Laws 388.1903
  • Eligible student: means a student enrolled in a high school in a school district or state approved nonpublic school in this state, except a foreign exchange pupil enrolled under a cultural exchange program or a student who does not have at least 1 parent or legal guardian who is a resident of this state. See Michigan Laws 388.1903
  • Evidence: Information presented in testimony or in documents that is used to persuade the fact finder (judge or jury) to decide the case for one side or the other.
  • School district: means that term as defined in section 6 of the revised school code, 1976 PA 451, MCL 380. See Michigan Laws 388.1903
  • state: when applied to the different parts of the United States, shall be construed to extend to and include the District of Columbia and the several territories belonging to the United States; and the words "United States" shall be construed to include the district and territories. See Michigan Laws 8.3o
  • State approved nonpublic school: means that term as defined in section 6 of the revised school code, 1976 PA 451, MCL 380. See Michigan Laws 388.1903
  • Transcript: A written, word-for-word record of what was said, either in a proceeding such as a trial or during some other conversation, as in a transcript of a hearing or oral deposition.
    (1) An eligible student who is enrolled in a school district may enroll in, and receive payment by the school district under section 4(5) of all or part of eligible charges for, an eligible course under this act for high school credit or postsecondary credit, or both. At the time an eligible student who is enrolled in a school district enrolls in a career and technical preparation course under this act, he or she shall designate whether the course is for high school or postsecondary credit, or both, and shall notify both his or her high school and the career and technical preparation program of that designation. An eligible student taking more than 1 eligible course under this act may make different credit designations under this subsection for different courses.
    (2) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (3), an eligible student who is enrolled in a state approved nonpublic school may enroll in, and receive payment by the department of treasury under section 4(6) of all or part of eligible charges for, an eligible course under this act only for postsecondary credit and may not receive high school credit for the course.
    (3) If an eligible student who is enrolled in a state approved nonpublic school is enrolled in an eligible course that would have been considered a nonessential elective course under Snyder v Charlotte School Dist, 421 Mich 517 (1984), then the eligible student may enroll in, and receive payment by the department of treasury under section 4(6) of all or part of eligible charges for, an eligible course under this act for high school credit or postsecondary credit, or both. At the time an eligible student enrolls under this act in an eligible course described in this subsection, he or she shall designate whether the course is for high school or postsecondary credit, or both, and shall notify both his or her high school and the career and technical preparation program of that designation. An eligible student taking more than 1 eligible course described in this subsection under this act may make different credit designations under this subsection for different courses.
    (4) An eligible student shall not audit a course in which he or she is enrolled under this act.
    (5) A school district shall grant academic credit to an eligible student enrolled in an eligible course for high school credit under this act if he or she successfully completes the course, as determined by the career and technical preparation program. The amount of high school credit granted by a school district for a course completed under this act shall be determined by the school district.
    (6) The high school credits granted to an eligible student under this act shall be counted toward the graduation requirements and subject area requirements of the school district. Evidence of successful completion of each course and high school credits granted shall be included in the eligible student’s high school record. Subject to 20 USC 1232g, commonly referred to as the family educational rights and privacy act of 1974, a career and technical preparation program shall provide the school district with a copy of the eligible student’s grade in each course taken for high school credit under this act. Upon the request of an eligible student, his or her high school record and transcript shall also include evidence of successful completion and postsecondary credits granted for a course taken for postsecondary credit under this act. In either case, the eligible student’s high school record and transcript shall indicate that the credits were earned at a career and technical preparation program and identify the career and technical preparation program.
    (7) If a student enrolls in a career and technical preparation program after leaving high school, the career and technical preparation program, in accordance with institutional policy, shall award postsecondary credit for postsecondary courses successfully completed by that student for high school credit under this act at that career and technical preparation program. A career and technical preparation program shall not charge a student for credit awarded under this subsection.