(1) The base amount of the block grant for a county that is a county juvenile agency equals the amount determined under subdivision (a) minus the amount determined under subdivision (b):
    (a) The total of all distributions or expenditures from state or federal funds for the state fiscal year beginning October 1, 1997 for that county related to county juvenile agency services, including the following:

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Terms Used In Michigan Laws 400.117g

  • Fiscal year: The fiscal year is the accounting period for the government. For the federal government, this begins on October 1 and ends on September 30. The fiscal year is designated by the calendar year in which it ends; for example, fiscal year 2006 begins on October 1, 2005 and ends on September 30, 2006.
  • state: when applied to the different parts of the United States, shall be construed to extend to and include the District of Columbia and the several territories belonging to the United States; and the words "United States" shall be construed to include the district and territories. See Michigan Laws 8.3o
  • United States: shall be construed to include the district and territories. See Michigan Laws 8.3o
    (i) That portion of the distribution to the county under section 117a for county juvenile agency services calculated without regard to any exclusion of expenditure on the basis that the expenditure exceeded the amount of a budget approved under section 117c.
    (ii) Detention and assessment costs.
    (iii) Community-based programs, including halfway house or day treatment.
    (iv) Staff costs, including salaries and fringe benefits, for all employees employed to administer or deliver programs providing county juvenile agency services, including county juvenile officers, delinquency or service workers, and related supervisory, clerical, and administrative staff support. The staff costs of state employees shall be calculated using staff levels on March 30, 1997 as the staff levels for the entire state fiscal year.
    (v) Operational expenses related to programs providing county juvenile agency services, including supplies, equipment, buildings, rent, training costs, and costs of the management information system.
    (vi) The total cost of care for public wards under the youth rehabilitation services act, 1974 PA 150, MCL 803.301 to 803.309.
    (b) One-half of the amount of state and county expenditures charged to the county’s child care fund for juvenile justice services provided in the state fiscal year beginning October 1, 1997 that were not county juvenile agency services, without regard to any exclusion of expenditure on the basis that the expenditure exceeded the amount of a budget approved under section 117c.
    (2) For the state fiscal year beginning October 1, 1999, the base amount for a county shall be adjusted by both of the multipliers calculated under subsection (3) to determine the block grant amount for that state fiscal year. The block grant amount for each subsequent state fiscal year is calculated by adjusting the block grant amount for the previous state fiscal year by the multipliers calculated under subsection (3).
    (3) For each state fiscal year, the following multipliers shall be calculated:
    (a) The percentage change appropriated in that state fiscal year to change the rate of payments to vendors providing placements for juveniles for that state fiscal year from the previous state fiscal year.
    (b) The percentage change in the county’s juvenile population from the county’s juvenile population for the previous fiscal year as determined from the United States decennial census or projections by the United States census bureau. As used in this subdivision, “county’s juvenile population” means the number of individuals residing in the county who are 10 or more years of age but less than 18 years of age.
    (4) The calculations under subsections (2) and (3) apply regardless of the state fiscal year in which a county becomes a county juvenile agency.
    (5) A block grant for a county determined under subsections (1) to (4) for a state fiscal year shall be reduced by the amount calculated by subtracting the amount determined under subdivision (a) from the amount determined under subdivision (b) and multiplying that difference by 50% of the per-child cost for educational services to state wards in state operated training schools and treatment and detention facilities during the state fiscal year beginning October 1, 1998:
    (a) The average daily population of public wards in state operated training schools and treatment and detention facilities for whom the county has assumed responsibility as a county juvenile agency.
    (b) The average daily population of public wards for the county.
    (6) Fifty percent of the amount of block grant funds expended during the state fiscal year for educational services to public wards for whom the county has assumed responsibility as a county juvenile agency shall be deducted from the amount calculated under subsection (5).