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Terms Used In Michigan Laws 418.213

  • Advice and consent: Under the Constitution, presidential nominations for executive and judicial posts take effect only when confirmed by the Senate, and international treaties become effective only when the Senate approves them by a two-thirds vote.
  • director: means the director of the bureau or his or her duly authorized representative. See Michigan Laws 418.201
  • Disability: means a limitation of an employee's wage earning capacity in work suitable to his or her qualifications and training resulting from a personal injury or work-related disease. See Michigan Laws 418.301
  • state: when applied to the different parts of the United States, shall be construed to extend to and include the District of Columbia and the several territories belonging to the United States; and the words "United States" shall be construed to include the district and territories. See Michigan Laws 8.3o
    (1) Consistent with Executive Reorganization Order No. 2011-6, MCL 445.2032, the worker’s compensation board of magistrates is established as an autonomous entity in the Michigan administrative hearing system. The board shall consist of 17 members appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate. All members of the board shall be members in good standing of the state bar of Michigan.
    (2) The members of the board shall be appointed for terms of 4 years. A vacancy caused by the expiration of a term shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment. A member shall not serve beyond the expiration of his or her term. A member may be reappointed. A member appointed to fill a vacancy created other than by expiration of a term shall be appointed for the balance of the unexpired term.
    (3) The governor shall designate a member of the board as the chairperson upon a vacancy occurring in that position. The chairperson of the board shall have general supervisory control of and be in charge of the members of the board and the assignment and scheduling of the work of the board members.
    (4) In the case of an extended leave of absence or disability or a significant increase in caseload, the executive director of the Michigan administrative hearing system may select temporary magistrates to serve for not more than 6 months in any 2-year period. A temporary magistrate selected by the executive director of the Michigan administrative hearing system has the same powers and duties as an appointed magistrate under this act. The executive director of the Michigan administrative hearing system may also establish productivity standards that are to be adhered to by employees of the board, the board, and individual magistrates. Each member of the board shall devote full time to the functions of the board. Each member of the board shall personally perform the duties of the office during the hours generally worked by officers and employees of the executive departments of the state.
    (5) The chairperson of the board shall serve as chairperson at the pleasure of the governor.
    (6) Each member of the board shall receive an annual salary and shall receive necessary traveling expenses incurred in the performance of official duties subject to the standardized travel regulations of the state.
    (7) The Michigan administrative hearing system may employ the staff it considers necessary to be able to perform its duties under this act, which may include legal assistants for the purpose of legal research and otherwise assisting the board and individual members of the board.
    (8) The Michigan administrative hearing system may promulgate rules on administrative hearing procedures for purposes under this act.
    (9) The chairperson of the board may assign and reassign worker’s compensation magistrates to hear cases at locations in this state.
    (10) The department of licensing and regulatory affairs shall provide suitable office space for the board of worker’s compensation magistrates and the employees of the board.