Minnesota Statutes 16B.36 – Investigations
Subdivision 1.Authority.
The commissioner may examine, investigate, or make a survey of the organization, administration, and management of state agencies and institutions under their control, and may assist state agencies by providing analytical, statistical, and organizational development services to them in order to secure greater efficiency and economy through reorganization or consolidation of agencies or functions and to eliminate duplication of function, effort, or activity, so far as possible. The commissioner shall periodically submit to the legislature a list of the studies being conducted for this purpose and any future studies scheduled at the time the list is submitted. For purposes of this section, the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities is a state agency.
Subd. 2.Hearings.
Terms Used In Minnesota Statutes 16B.36
- state: extends to and includes the District of Columbia and the several territories. See Minnesota Statutes 645.44
- Testimony: Evidence presented orally by witnesses during trials or before grand juries.
The commissioner shall recommend to the legislature any necessary changes in the laws of the state as a result of a survey or investigation, or otherwise, in order to secure a better organization of the state government or greater efficiency and economy in administration. For this purpose, the commissioner may hold hearings, and issue subpoenas for and compel the attendance of witnesses, the giving of testimony, and the production of books, records, accounts, documents, and papers, as provided in section 15.08.