Subdivision 1.Authorization.

A judgment debtor upon due notice to the judgment creditor may apply to the court in which the judgment was rendered for the privilege of paying the judgment in installments. The court, in its discretion and without prejudice to any other legal remedies which the judgment creditor may have, may so order and fix the amounts and times of payments of the installments.

Subd. 2.Stay of suspension.

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The commissioner shall not suspend a license or a nonresident’s operating privilege if the judgment debtor gives proof of maintaining the reparation security required by section 65B.48, obtains an order or enters into a written agreement with the judgment creditor permitting the payment of the judgment in installments, and does not default on the payment of any installment.

Subd. 3.Termination of stay.

If the judgment debtor fails to pay any installment as specified by an order or agreement, then upon notice of default, the commissioner shall forthwith suspend the license, or nonresident’s operating privilege, of the judgment debtor until the judgment is satisfied.