Minnesota Statutes 245G.05 – Comprehensive Assessment and Assessment Summary
Subdivision 1.Comprehensive assessment.
A comprehensive assessment of the client‘s substance use disorder must be administered face-to-face by an alcohol and drug counselor within five calendar days from the day of service initiation for a residential program or by the end of the fifth day on which a treatment service is provided in a nonresidential program. The number of days to complete the comprehensive assessment excludes the day of service initiation. If the comprehensive assessment is not completed within the required time frame, the person-centered reason for the delay and the planned completion date must be documented in the client’s file. The comprehensive assessment is complete upon a qualified staff member‘s dated signature. If the client received a comprehensive assessment that authorized the treatment service, an alcohol and drug counselor may use the comprehensive assessment for requirements of this subdivision but must document a review of the comprehensive assessment and update the comprehensive assessment as clinically necessary to ensure compliance with this subdivision within applicable timelines. An alcohol and drug counselor must sign and date the comprehensive assessment review and update.
Subd. 2.
Terms Used In Minnesota Statutes 245G.05
- Alcohol and drug counselor: means a person who is qualified according to section 245G. See Minnesota Statutes 245G.01
- Client: means an individual accepted by a license holder for assessment or treatment of a substance use disorder. See Minnesota Statutes 245G.01
- Commissioner: means the commissioner of human services. See Minnesota Statutes 245G.01
- Day of service initiation: means the day the license holder begins the provision of a treatment service identified in section 245G. See Minnesota Statutes 245G.01
- Face-to-face: means two-way, real-time, interactive and visual communication between a client and a treatment service provider and includes services delivered in person or via telehealth. See Minnesota Statutes 245G.01
- License: has the meaning given in section 245A. See Minnesota Statutes 245G.01
- Person-centered: means a client actively participates in the client's treatment planning of services. See Minnesota Statutes 245G.01
- staff member: means an individual who works under the direction of the license holder regardless of the individual's employment status including but not limited to an intern, consultant, individual who works part time, or individual who does not provide direct care services. See Minnesota Statutes 245G.01
- Substance: means alcohol, solvents, controlled substances as defined in section 152. See Minnesota Statutes 245G.01
- Substance use disorder: has the meaning given in the current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. See Minnesota Statutes 245G.01
MS 2022 [Repealed, 2023 c 50 art 2 s 63; 2023 c 61 art 4 s 28]
[See Note.]
Subd. 3.Comprehensive assessment requirements.
(a) A comprehensive assessment must meet the requirements under section 245I.10, subdivision 6, paragraphs (b) and (c). It must also include:
(1) a diagnosis of a substance use disorder or a finding that the client does not meet the criteria for a substance use disorder;
(2) a determination of whether the individual screens positive for co-occurring mental health disorders using a screening tool approved by the commissioner pursuant to section 245.4863;
(3) a risk rating and summary to support the risk ratings within each of the dimensions listed in section 254B.04, subdivision 4; and
(4) a recommendation for the ASAM level of care identified in section 254B.19, subdivision 1.
(b) If the individual is assessed for opioid use disorder, the program must provide educational material to the client within 24 hours of service initiation on:
(1) risks for opioid use disorder and dependence;
(2) treatment options, including the use of a medication for opioid use disorder;
(3) the risk and recognition of opioid overdose; and
(4) the use, availability, and administration of an opiate antagonist to respond to opioid overdose.
If the client is identified as having opioid use disorder at a later point, the required educational material must be provided at that point. The license holder must use the educational materials that are approved by the commissioner to comply with this requirement.