Subdivision 1.Care, examination, or treatment.

(a) Except where parental rights are terminated,

(1) whenever legal custody of a child is transferred by the court to a responsible social services agency,

(2) whenever legal custody is transferred to a person other than the responsible social services agency, but under the supervision of the responsible social services agency, or

(3) whenever a child is given physical or mental examinations or treatment under order of the court, and no provision is otherwise made by law for payment for the care, examination, or treatment of the child, these costs are a charge upon the welfare funds of the county in which proceedings are held upon certification of the judge of juvenile court.

(b) The court may order, and the responsible social services agency may require, the parents or custodian of a child, while the child is under the age of 18, to use income and resources attributable to the child for the period of care, examination, or treatment, except for clothing and personal needs allowance as provided in section 256B.35, to reimburse the county for the cost of care, examination, or treatment. Income and resources attributable to the child include, but are not limited to, Social Security benefits, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), veterans benefits, railroad retirement benefits and child support. When the child is over the age of 18, and continues to receive care, examination, or treatment, the court may order, and the responsible social services agency may require, reimbursement from the child for the cost of care, examination, or treatment from the income and resources attributable to the child less the clothing and personal needs allowance. Income does not include earnings from a child over the age of 18 who is working as part of a plan under section 260C.212, subdivision 1, paragraph (c), clause (12), to transition from foster care, or the income and resources that are needed to complete the requirements listed in section 260C.203. The responsible social services agency shall determine whether requiring reimbursement, either through child support or parental fees, for the cost of care, examination, or treatment from the parents or custodian of a child is in the child’s best interests. In determining whether to require reimbursement, the responsible social services agency shall consider:

(1) whether requiring reimbursement would compromise the parent‘s ability to meet the requirements of the reunification plan;

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Terms Used In Minnesota Statutes 260C.331

  • Agency: means the responsible social services agency or a licensed child-placing agency. See Minnesota Statutes 260C.007
  • Appropriation: The provision of funds, through an annual appropriations act or a permanent law, for federal agencies to make payments out of the Treasury for specified purposes. The formal federal spending process consists of two sequential steps: authorization
  • Assets: (1) The property comprising the estate of a deceased person, or (2) the property in a trust account.
  • Child: means an individual under 18 years of age. See Minnesota Statutes 260C.007
  • Child-placing agency: means anyone licensed under sections 245A. See Minnesota Statutes 260C.007
  • Contract: A legal written agreement that becomes binding when signed.
  • Court: means juvenile court unless otherwise specified in this section. See Minnesota Statutes 260C.007
  • Custodian: means any person who is under a legal obligation to provide care and support for a minor or who is in fact providing care and support for a minor. See Minnesota Statutes 260C.007
  • Fiscal year: The fiscal year is the accounting period for the government. For the federal government, this begins on October 1 and ends on September 30. The fiscal year is designated by the calendar year in which it ends; for example, fiscal year 2006 begins on October 1, 2005 and ends on September 30, 2006.
  • Foster care: means 24-hour substitute care for a child for whom a responsible social services agency has placement and care responsibility and:

    (1) who is placed away from the child's parent or guardian in foster family homes, foster homes of relatives, group homes, emergency shelters, residential facilities not excluded in this subdivision, child care institutions, and preadoptive homes;

    (2) who is colocated with the child's parent or guardian in a licensed residential family-based substance use disorder treatment program as defined in subdivision 22a; or

    (3) who is returned to the care of the child's parent or guardian from whom the child was removed under a trial home visit pursuant to section 260C. See Minnesota Statutes 260C.007

  • Guardian: A person legally empowered and charged with the duty of taking care of and managing the property of another person who because of age, intellect, or health, is incapable of managing his (her) own affairs.
  • Legal custody: means the right to the care, custody, and control of a child who has been taken from a parent by the court in accordance with the provisions of section 260C. See Minnesota Statutes 260C.007
  • Minor: means an individual under 18 years of age. See Minnesota Statutes 260C.007
  • Parent: means a person who has a legal parent and child relationship with a child which confers or imposes on the person legal rights, privileges, duties, and obligations consistent with sections 257. See Minnesota Statutes 260C.007
  • Person: includes any individual, association, corporation, partnership, and the state or any of its political subdivisions, departments, or agencies. See Minnesota Statutes 260C.007
  • Responsible social services agency: means the county social services agency that has responsibility for public child welfare and child protection services and includes the provision of adoption services as an agent of the commissioner of human services. See Minnesota Statutes 260C.007
  • Settlement: Parties to a lawsuit resolve their difference without having a trial. Settlements often involve the payment of compensation by one party in satisfaction of the other party's claims.
  • state: extends to and includes the District of Columbia and the several territories. See Minnesota Statutes 645.44
  • Trial: A hearing that takes place when the defendant pleads "not guilty" and witnesses are required to come to court to give evidence.
  • verified: when used in reference to writings, means supported by oath or affirmation. See Minnesota Statutes 645.45

(2) whether requiring reimbursement would compromise the parent’s ability to meet the child’s needs after reunification; and

(3) whether redirecting existing child support payments or changing the representative payee of social security benefits to the responsible social services agency would limit the parent’s ability to maintain financial stability for the child.

(c) If the income and resources attributable to the child are not enough to reimburse the county for the full cost of the care, examination, or treatment, the court may inquire into the ability of the parents to reimburse the county for the cost of care, examination, or treatment and, after giving the parents a reasonable opportunity to be heard, the court may order, and the responsible social services agency may require, the parents to contribute to the cost of care, examination, or treatment of the child. When determining the amount to be contributed by the parents, the court shall use a fee schedule based upon ability to pay that is established by the responsible social services agency and approved by the commissioner of human services. The income of a stepparent who has not adopted a child shall be excluded in calculating the parental contribution under this section. In determining whether to require reimbursement, the responsible social services agency shall consider:

(1) whether requiring reimbursement would compromise the parent’s ability to meet the requirements of the reunification plan;

(2) whether requiring reimbursement would compromise the parent’s ability to meet the child’s needs after reunification; and

(3) whether requiring reimbursement would compromise the parent’s ability to meet the needs of the family.

(d) If the responsible social services agency determines that reimbursement is in the child’s best interests, the court shall order the amount of reimbursement attributable to the parents or custodian, or attributable to the child, or attributable to both sources, withheld under chapter 518A from the income of the parents or the custodian of the child. A parent or custodian who fails to pay without good reason may be proceeded against for contempt, or the court may inform the county attorney, who shall proceed to collect the unpaid sums, or both procedures may be used.

(e) If the court orders a physical or mental examination for a child, the examination is a medically necessary service for purposes of determining whether the service is covered by a health insurance policy, health maintenance contract, or other health coverage plan. Court-ordered treatment shall be subject to policy, contract, or plan requirements for medical necessity. Nothing in this paragraph changes or eliminates benefit limits, conditions of coverage, co-payments or deductibles, provider restrictions, or other requirements in the policy, contract, or plan that relate to coverage of other medically necessary services.

(f) Notwithstanding paragraph (b), (c), or (d), a parent, custodian, or guardian of the child is not required to use income and resources attributable to the child to reimburse the county for costs of care and is not required to contribute to the cost of care of the child during any period of time when the child is returned to the home of that parent, custodian, or guardian pursuant to a trial home visit under section 260C.201, subdivision 1, paragraph (a).

Subd. 2.Cost of group foster care.

Whenever a child is placed in a group foster care facility as provided in section 260C.201, subdivision 1, paragraph (b), clause (2) or (3), the cost of providing the care shall, upon certification by the juvenile court, be paid from the welfare fund of the county in which the proceedings were held. To reimburse the counties for the costs of promoting the establishment of suitable group foster homes, the state shall quarterly, from funds appropriated for that purpose, reimburse counties 50 percent of the costs not paid by federal and other available state aids and grants. Reimbursement shall be prorated if the appropriation is insufficient.

The commissioner of corrections shall establish procedures for reimbursement and certify to the commissioner of management and budget each county entitled to receive state aid under the provisions of this subdivision. Upon receipt of a certificate the commissioner of management and budget shall issue a state payment to the county treasurer for the amount due, together with a copy of the certificate prepared by the commissioner of corrections.

Subd. 3.Court expenses.

The following expenses are a charge upon the county in which proceedings are held upon certification of the judge of juvenile court or upon such other authorization provided by law:

(1) the fees and mileage of witnesses, and the expenses and mileage of officers serving notices and subpoenas ordered by the court, as prescribed by law;

(2) the expense of transporting a child to a place designated by a child-placing agency for the care of the child if the court transfers legal custody to a child-placing agency;

(3) the expense of transporting a minor to a place designated by the court;

(4) reasonable compensation for an attorney appointed by the court to serve as counsel.

The State Guardian Ad Litem Board shall pay for guardian ad litem expenses and reasonable compensation for an attorney to serve as counsel for a guardian ad litem, if necessary. In no event may the court order that guardian ad litem expenses or compensation for an attorney serving as counsel for a guardian ad litem be charged to a county.

Subd. 4.Legal settlement.

The county charged with the costs and expenses under subdivisions 1 and 3 may recover these costs and expenses from the county where the minor has legal settlement for general assistance purposes by filing verified claims which shall be payable as are other claims against the county. A detailed statement of the facts upon which the claim is based shall accompany the claim. If a dispute relating to general assistance settlement arises, the responsible social services agency of the county denying legal settlement shall send a detailed statement of the facts upon which the claim is denied together with a copy of the detailed statement of the facts upon which the claim is based to the commissioner of human services. The commissioner shall immediately investigate and determine the question of general assistance settlement and shall certify findings to the responsible social services agency of each county. The decision of the commissioner is final and shall be complied with unless, within 30 days thereafter, action is taken in district court as provided in section 256.045.

Subd. 5.Attorney fees.

(a) In proceedings in which the court has appointed counsel pursuant to sections 260C.163, subdivision 3, and 611.14, clause (4), for a minor unable to employ counsel, the court shall inquire into the ability of the parents to pay for such counsel’s services and, after giving the parents a reasonable opportunity to be heard, may order the parents to pay attorney fees.

(b) In proceedings in which the court has appointed counsel pursuant to section 260C.163, subdivision 3, for a parent, guardian, or custodian, the court shall inquire into the ability of the parents, guardians, or custodians to pay for such counsel’s services and, after giving these persons a reasonable opportunity to be heard, may order the appropriate person to pay attorney fees.

(c) The court may order the appropriate person or persons under paragraph (a) or (b), or both, to reimburse the governmental unit providing counsel for the cost of appointed counsel. In determining the amount of reimbursement, the court shall consider the appropriate person’s income, assets, and employment. If reimbursement is required under this subdivision, the court shall order the reimbursement when counsel is first appointed or as soon as possible after the court determines that reimbursement is required. The court may accept partial reimbursement from a person if the person’s financial circumstances warrant establishing a reduced reimbursement schedule. If the person does not agree to make payments, the court may order the person’s employer to withhold a percentage of the person’s income to be turned over to the court.

Subd. 6.Guardian ad litem fees.

(a) In proceedings in which the court appoints a guardian ad litem pursuant to section 260C.163, subdivision 5, paragraph (a), the court may inquire into the ability of the parents to pay for the guardian ad litem’s services and, after giving the parents a reasonable opportunity to be heard, may order the parents to pay guardian ad litem fees.

(b) In each fiscal year, the commissioner of management and budget shall deposit guardian ad litem reimbursements in the special revenue fund and credit them to a separate account with the State Guardian Ad Litem Board. The balance of this account is appropriated to the State Guardian Ad Litem Board and does not cancel but is available until expended. Revenue from this account must be spent in the judicial district in which the reimbursement is collected.