Subdivision 1.Revocation of license, permit, or certificate.

If any person fails to comply with this chapter or the rules adopted under this chapter, without reasonable cause, the commissioner may give the person 30 days’ notice in writing, specifying the violations, and stating that based upon such violations the commissioner intends to revoke the person’s license, permit, or certificate. The notice shall also advise the person of the person’s right to contest the revocation under this section and the general procedures for a contested case hearing under chapter 14. The notice may be served personally or by mail in the manner prescribed for service of an order of assessment. A license, permit, or certificate is revoked when the commissioner serves a notice of revocation upon the person after 30 days have passed following the date of the notice of intent to revoke without the person requesting a hearing. If a hearing is timely requested and held, the license, permit, or certificate is revoked after the commissioner serves an order of revocation under section 14.62, subdivision 1.

Subd. 2.Suspension of license.

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Terms Used In Minnesota Statutes 296A.06

  • Bulk purchaser: means any person not principally engaged in buying and selling petroleum products or combustible gases who receives special fuel for storage and subsequent delivery into the supply tank of an aircraft or a licensed motor vehicle operated by the person. See Minnesota Statutes 296A.01
  • Commissioner: means the commissioner of revenue. See Minnesota Statutes 296A.01
  • Dealer: means any person, except a distributor, engaged in the business of buying and selling gasoline and other petroleum products in this state. See Minnesota Statutes 296A.01
  • Distributor: means any person who (1) receives petroleum products in this state for storage and subsequent distribution by tank car or tank truck or both, (2) produces, manufactures, or refines petroleum products in this state, or (3) imports petroleum products into this state via boat, barge, or pipeline for storage and subsequent delivery at or further transportation from boat, barge, or pipe line terminals in this state. See Minnesota Statutes 296A.01
  • Person: means any individual, firm, trust, estate, partnership, association, cooperative association, joint stock company or corporation, public or private, or any representative appointed by order of any court; or an officer or employee of a corporation, or a member or employee of a partnership, who as such officer, employee, or member is under a duty to perform any act prescribed by this chapter. See Minnesota Statutes 296A.01
  • Special fuel: means :

    (1) all combustible gases and liquid petroleum products or substitutes including undyed diesel fuel, except gasoline, gasoline blended with ethanol, and agricultural alcohol gasoline which are delivered into the supply tank of a licensed motor vehicle or into storage tanks maintained by an owner or operator of a licensed motor vehicle as a source of supply for such vehicle;

    (2) all combustible gases and liquid petroleum products or substitutes, except gasoline, gasoline blended with ethanol, and agricultural alcohol gasoline, when delivered to a licensed special fuel dealer or to the retail service station storage of a distributor who has elected to pay the special fuel excise tax as provided in this chapter;

    (3) all combustible gases and liquid petroleum products or substitutes, except gasoline, which are used as aviation fuel; or

    (4) dyed fuel that is being used illegally in a licensed motor vehicle. See Minnesota Statutes 296A.01

  • Tax: means any fee, charge, exaction, or assessment imposed by a governmental entity on an individual, person, entity, transaction, good, service, or other thing. See Minnesota Statutes 645.44

(a) Notwithstanding subdivision 1, the license of a distributor, special fuel dealer, or bulk purchaser that has not filed a tax return or report or paid a delinquent tax or fee within five days after notice and demand by the commissioner is suspended. The suspension remains in effect until the demanded tax return or report has been filed and the tax and fees shown on that return or report have been paid. If the commissioner determines that the failure to file or failure to pay is due to reasonable cause, then a license must not be suspended, or if suspended, must be reinstated.

(b) A licensee whose license is suspended under this subdivision may request a contested case hearing under chapter 14. Any such hearing must be held within 20 days of the issuance of the notice and demand issued under paragraph (a), unless the parties agree to a later hearing date. The administrative law judge’s report must be issued within 20 days after the close of the hearing record, unless the parties agree to a later report issuance date. The commissioner must issue a final decision within 30 days after receipt of the report of the administrative law judge and subsequent exceptions and argument under section 14.61. The suspension imposed under paragraph (a) remains in effect during any contested case hearing process requested pursuant to this paragraph.