Subdivision 1.Application; contents.

(a) The office by rule shall establish forms and procedures for the processing of cannabis licenses issued under this chapter. At a minimum, any application to obtain or renew a cannabis license shall include the following information, if applicable:

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Terms Used In Minnesota Statutes 342.14

  • Bankruptcy: Refers to statutes and judicial proceedings involving persons or businesses that cannot pay their debts and seek the assistance of the court in getting a fresh start. Under the protection of the bankruptcy court, debtors may discharge their debts, perhaps by paying a portion of each debt. Bankruptcy judges preside over these proceedings.
  • Corporation: A legal entity owned by the holders of shares of stock that have been issued, and that can own, receive, and transfer property, and carry on business in its own name.
  • Obligation: An order placed, contract awarded, service received, or similar transaction during a given period that will require payments during the same or a future period.
  • Partnership: A voluntary contract between two or more persons to pool some or all of their assets into a business, with the agreement that there will be a proportional sharing of profits and losses.
  • Person: may extend and be applied to bodies politic and corporate, and to partnerships and other unincorporated associations. See Minnesota Statutes 645.44
  • state: extends to and includes the District of Columbia and the several territories. See Minnesota Statutes 645.44

(1) the name, address, and date of birth of the applicant;

(2) the disclosure of ownership and control required under paragraph (b);

(3) the disclosure of whether the applicant or, if the applicant is a business, any officer, director, manager, and general partner of the business has ever filed for bankruptcy;

(4) the address and legal property description of the business;

(5) a general description of the location or locations that the applicant plans to operate, including the planned square feet of planned space for cultivation, wholesaling, and retailing, as applicable;

(6) a copy of the security plan;

(7) proof of trade name registration;

(8) a copy of the applicant’s business plan showing the expected size of the business; anticipated growth; the methods of record keeping; the knowledge and experience of the applicant and any officer, director, manager, and general partner of the business; the environmental plan; and other relevant financial and operational components;

(9) an attestation signed by a bona fide labor organization stating that the applicant has entered into a labor peace agreement;

(10) certification that the applicant will comply with the requirements of this chapter relating to the ownership and operation of a cannabis business;

(11) identification of one or more controlling persons or managerial employees as agents who shall be responsible for dealing with the office on all matters; and

(12) a statement that the applicant agrees to respond to the office’s supplemental requests for information.

(b) An applicant must file and update as necessary a disclosure of ownership and control. The office by rule shall establish the contents and form of the disclosure. Except as provided in paragraph (f), the disclosure shall, at a minimum, include the following:

(1) the management structure, ownership, and control of the applicant or license holder, including the name of each cooperative member, officer, director, manager, general partner, or business entity; the office or position held by each person; each person’s percentage ownership interest, if any; and, if the business has a parent company, the name of each owner, board member, and officer of the parent company and the owner’s, board member’s, or officer’s percentage ownership interest in the parent company and the cannabis business;

(2) a statement from the applicant and, if the applicant is a business, from every officer, director, manager, and general partner of the business, indicating whether that person has previously held, or currently holds, an ownership interest in a cannabis business in Minnesota, any other state or territory of the United States, or any other country;

(3) if the applicant is a corporation, copies of the applicant’s articles of incorporation and bylaws and any amendments to the applicant’s articles of incorporation or bylaws;

(4) copies of any partnership agreement, operating agreement, or shareholder agreement;

(5) copies of any promissory notes, security instruments, or other similar agreements;

(6) an explanation detailing the funding sources used to finance the business;

(7) a list of operating and investment accounts for the business, including any applicable financial institution and account number; and

(8) a list of each outstanding loan and financial obligation obtained for use in the business, including the loan amount, loan terms, and name and address of the creditor.

(c) An application may include:

(1) proof that the applicant is a social equity applicant;

(2) a description of the training and education that will be provided to any employee; or

(3) a copy of business policies governing operations to ensure compliance with this chapter.

(d) Commitments made by an applicant in its application, including but not limited to the maintenance of a labor peace agreement, shall be an ongoing material condition of maintaining and renewing the license.

(e) An application on behalf of a corporation or association shall be signed by at least two officers or managing agents of that entity.

(f) The office may, by rule, establish exceptions to the disclosures required under paragraph (b) for members of a cooperative who hold less than a five percent ownership interest in the cooperative.

Subd. 2.Application; process.

(a) An applicant must submit all required information to the office on the forms and in the manner prescribed by the office.

(b) If the office receives an application that fails to provide the required information, the office shall issue a deficiency notice to the applicant. The applicant shall have ten business days from the date of the deficiency notice to submit the required information.

(c) Failure by an applicant to submit all required information will result in the application being rejected.

(d) Upon receipt of a completed application and fee, the office shall forward a copy of the application to the local unit of government in which the business operates or intends to operate with a form for certification as to whether a proposed cannabis business complies with local zoning ordinances and, if applicable, whether the proposed business complies with the state fire code and building code.

(e) Within 90 days of receiving a completed application and the results of any required criminal history check, the office shall issue the appropriate license or send the applicant a notice of rejection setting forth specific reasons that the office did not approve the application.