Subdivision 1.Stay of service.

If the court finds there is no arrearage in child support or maintenance as of the date of the court hearing, the court shall stay service of the order under section 518A.53 if the obligor establishes a savings account for a sum equal to two months of the monthly child support or maintenance obligation and provides proof of the establishment to the court and the public authority on or before the day of the court hearing determining the obligation. This sum must be held in a financial institution in an interest-bearing account with only the public authority authorized as drawer of funds. Proof of the establishment must include the financial institution name and address, account number, and the amount of deposit.

Subd. 2.Release of stay.

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Terms Used In Minnesota Statutes 518A.58

  • Escrow: Money given to a third party to be held for payment until certain conditions are met.
  • Obligation: An order placed, contract awarded, service received, or similar transaction during a given period that will require payments during the same or a future period.
  • state: extends to and includes the District of Columbia and the several territories. See Minnesota Statutes 645.44
  • verified: when used in reference to writings, means supported by oath or affirmation. See Minnesota Statutes 645.45

Within three working days of receipt of notice of default, the public authority shall direct the financial institution to release to the public authority the sum held under this subdivision when the following conditions are met:

(1) the obligor fails to pay the support amount to the obligee or the public authority within ten days of the date it is ordered to be paid;

(2) the obligee transmits a notice of default to the public authority and makes application to the public authority for child support and maintenance collection services. The notice must be verified by the obligee and must contain the title of the action, the court file number, the full name and address of the obligee, the name and last known address of the obligor, the obligor’s last known employer or other payor of funds, the date of the first unpaid amount, the date of the last unpaid amount, and the total amount unpaid; and

(3) within three working days of receipt of notice from the obligee, the public authority sends a copy of the notice of default and a notice of intent to implement income withholding by mail to the obligor at the address given. The notice of intent shall state that the order establishing the support or maintenance obligation will be served on the obligor’s employer or payor of funds unless within 15 days after the mailing of the notice the obligor requests a hearing on the issue of whether payment was in default as of the date of the notice of default and serves notice of the request for hearing on the public authority and the obligee.

Subd. 3.Duties of public authority.

Within three working days of receipt of sums released under subdivision 2, the public authority shall remit to the obligee all amounts not assigned under section 256.741 as current support or maintenance. The public authority shall also serve a copy of the court’s order and the provisions of section 518A.53 and this section on the obligor’s employer or other payor of funds unless within 15 days after mailing of the notice of intent to implement income withholding the obligor makes a proper motion pursuant to section 484.702 and the rules of the expedited child support process. The public authority shall instruct the employer or payor of funds pursuant to section 518A.53 as to the effective date on which the next support or maintenance payment is due. The withholding process must begin on said date and shall reflect the total credits of principal and interest amounts received from the escrow account.

Subd. 4.Hearing.

Within 30 days of the date of the notice of default under subdivision 2, clause (2), the court must hold a hearing if a motion is brought by the obligor as set forth in subdivision 2. If the court finds that there was a default, the court shall order the immediate withholding of support or maintenance from the obligor’s income. If the court finds that there was no default, the court shall order the reestablishment of the escrow account by either the obligee or obligor and continue the stay of income withholding.

Subd. 5.Termination of stay.

When the obligation for support of a child or for spousal maintenance ends under the terms of the order or decree establishing the obligation and the sum held under this section has not otherwise been released, the public authority shall release the sum and interest to the obligor when the following conditions are met:

(1) the obligor transmits a notice of termination to the public authority. The notice shall be verified by the obligor and contain the title of the action, the court file number, the full name and address of the obligee, specify the event that ends the support or maintenance obligation, the effective date of the termination of support or maintenance obligation, and the applicable provisions of the order or decree that established the support or maintenance obligation;

(2) the public authority sends a copy of the notice of termination to the obligee; and

(3) the obligee fails within 20 days after mailing of the notice under clause (2) to request a hearing on the issue of whether the support or maintenance obligation continues and serve notice of the request for hearing on the obligor and the public authority.