(a) A victim of any violation of sections 609.342 to 609.3453 may initiate a law enforcement investigation by contacting any law enforcement agency, regardless of where the crime may have occurred. The agency must prepare a summary of the allegation and provide the person with a copy of it. The agency must begin an investigation of the facts, or, if the suspected crime was committed in a different jurisdiction, refer the matter along with the summary to the law enforcement agency where the suspected crime was committed for an investigation of the facts. If the agency learns that both the victim and the accused are members of the Minnesota National Guard, the agency receiving the report must refer the matter along with the summary to the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension for investigation pursuant to section 299C.80.

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Terms Used In Minnesota Statutes 609.3459

  • Allegation: something that someone says happened.
  • Jurisdiction: (1) The legal authority of a court to hear and decide a case. Concurrent jurisdiction exists when two courts have simultaneous responsibility for the same case. (2) The geographic area over which the court has authority to decide cases.
  • Person: may extend and be applied to bodies politic and corporate, and to partnerships and other unincorporated associations. See Minnesota Statutes 645.44

(b) If a law enforcement agency refers the matter to the law enforcement agency where the crime was committed, it need not include the allegation as a crime committed in its jurisdiction for purposes of information that the agency is required to provide to the commissioner of public safety pursuant to section 299C.06, but must confirm that the other law enforcement agency has received the referral.