Minnesota Statutes 609.596 – Killing or Harming Public Safety Dog
Subdivision 1.Felony.
It is a felony for any person to intentionally and without justification cause the death of or great or substantial bodily harm to a police dog, a search and rescue dog, or an arson dog when the dog is involved in law enforcement, fire, or correctional investigation or apprehension, search and rescue duties, or the dog is in the custody of or under the control of a peace officer, a trained handler, or an employee of a correctional facility. A person convicted under this subdivision may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than two years or to payment of a fine of not more than $5,000, or both.
Subd. 2.Gross misdemeanor.
Attorney's Note
Under the Minnesota Statutes, punishments for crimes depend on the classification. In the case of this section:Class | Prison | Fine |
Gross misdemeanor | up to 1 year | up to $3,000 |
Misdemeanor | up to 90 days | up to $1,000 |
Terms Used In Minnesota Statutes 609.596
- Person: may extend and be applied to bodies politic and corporate, and to partnerships and other unincorporated associations. See Minnesota Statutes 645.44
- Restitution: The court-ordered payment of money by the defendant to the victim for damages caused by the criminal action.
- state: extends to and includes the District of Columbia and the several territories. See Minnesota Statutes 645.44
It is a gross misdemeanor for any person to intentionally and without justification cause demonstrable bodily harm to a police dog, search and rescue dog, or an arson dog when the dog is involved in law enforcement, fire, or correctional investigation or apprehension, search and rescue duties, or the dog is in the custody of or under the control of a peace officer, a trained handler, or an employee of a correctional facility.
Subd. 2a.Misdemeanor.
It is a misdemeanor for any person to intentionally and without justification assault a police dog, search and rescue dog, or an arson dog when the dog is involved in law enforcement, fire, or correctional investigation or apprehension, search and rescue duties, or the dog is in the custody of or under the control of a peace officer, a trained handler, or an employee of a correctional facility.
Subd. 2b.Mandatory restitution.
The court shall order a person convicted of violating this section to pay restitution for the costs and expenses resulting from the crime. Costs and expenses include, but are not limited to, the purchase and training of a replacement dog and veterinary services for the injured dog. If the court finds that the convicted person is indigent, the court may reduce the amount of restitution to a reasonable level or order it paid in installments.
Subd. 3.Definitions.
As used in this section:
(1) “arson dog” means a dog that has been certified as an arson dog by a state fire or police agency or by an independent testing laboratory;
(2) “correctional facility” has the meaning given in section 241.021, subdivision 1, paragraph (f);
(3) “peace officer” has the meaning given in section 626.84, subdivision 1, paragraph (c); and
(4) “search and rescue dog” means a dog that is trained to locate lost or missing persons, victims of natural or other disasters, and human bodies.