§ 152.01 Definitions
§ 152.02 Schedules of Controlled Substances; Administration of Chapter

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  • Adult: means an individual 18 years of age or older. See Minnesota Statutes 645.451
  • Amendment: A proposal to alter the text of a pending bill or other measure by striking out some of it, by inserting new language, or both. Before an amendment becomes part of the measure, thelegislature must agree to it.
  • analog: means a substance, the chemical structure of which is substantially similar to the chemical structure of a controlled substance in Schedule I or II:

    (1) that has a stimulant, depressant, or hallucinogenic effect on the central nervous system that is substantially similar to or greater than the stimulant, depressant, or hallucinogenic effect on the central nervous system of a controlled substance in Schedule I or II; or

    (2) with respect to a particular person, if the person represents or intends that the substance have a stimulant, depressant, or hallucinogenic effect on the central nervous system that is substantially similar to or greater than the stimulant, depressant, or hallucinogenic effect on the central nervous system of a controlled substance in Schedule I or II. See Minnesota Statutes 152.01

  • Appropriation: The provision of funds, through an annual appropriations act or a permanent law, for federal agencies to make payments out of the Treasury for specified purposes. The formal federal spending process consists of two sequential steps: authorization
  • Artificially derived cannabinoid: has the meaning given in section 342. See Minnesota Statutes 152.01
  • Cannabis concentrate: has the meaning given in section 342. See Minnesota Statutes 152.01
  • Cannabis flower: has the meaning given in section 342. See Minnesota Statutes 152.01
  • Cannabis plant: has the meaning given in section 342. See Minnesota Statutes 152.01
  • Cannabis product: has the meaning given in section 342. See Minnesota Statutes 152.01
  • Caregiver: means a minor child's birth or adoptive parent or parents and stepparent who live in the home with the minor child. See Minnesota Statutes 256J.08
  • children: includes children by birth or adoption;

    (9) "day" comprises the time from midnight to the next midnight;

    (10) "fiscal year" means the year by or for which accounts are reckoned;

    (11) "hereafter" means a reference to the time after the time when the law containing such word takes effect;

    (12) "heretofore" means a reference to the time previous to the time when the law containing such word takes effect;

    (13) "judicial sale" means a sale conducted by an officer or person authorized for the purpose by some competent tribunal;

    (14) "minor" means an individual under the age of 18 years;

    (15) "money" means lawful money of the United States;

    (16) "night time" means the time from sunset to sunrise;

    (17) "non compos mentis" refers to an individual of unsound mind;

    (18) "notary" means a notary public;

    (19) "now" in any provision of a law referring to other laws in force, or to persons in office, or to any facts or circumstances as existing, relates to the laws in force, or to the persons in office, or to the facts or circumstances existing, respectively, on the effective date of such provision;

    (20) "verified" when used in reference to writings, means supported by oath or affirmation. See Minnesota Statutes 645.45

  • Cocaine: means coca leaves and any salt, compound, derivative, or preparation of coca leaves, including cocaine and ecgonine, the salts and isomers of cocaine and ecgonine, and the salts of their isomers and any salt, compound, derivative, or preparation thereof that is chemically equivalent or identical with any of those substances, except decocainized coca leaves or extraction of coca leaves, which extractions do not contain cocaine or ecgonine. See Minnesota Statutes 152.01
  • Commissioner: means the commissioner of human services or the commissioner's designated representative. See Minnesota Statutes 256J.08
  • Controlled substance: means a drug, substance, or immediate precursor in Schedules I through V of section 152. See Minnesota Statutes 152.01
  • Conviction: A judgement of guilt against a criminal defendant.
  • Corporation: A legal entity owned by the holders of shares of stock that have been issued, and that can own, receive, and transfer property, and carry on business in its own name.
  • Counted earnings: means the earned income that remains after applicable disregards under section 256J. See Minnesota Statutes 256J.08
  • Defendant: In a civil suit, the person complained against; in a criminal case, the person accused of the crime.
  • Department: means the Minnesota Department of Human Services. See Minnesota Statutes 256J.08
  • Disqualified: means being ineligible to receive MFIP due to noncooperation with program requirements. See Minnesota Statutes 256J.08
  • drug: includes all medicines and preparations recognized in the United States Pharmacopoeia or National Formulary and any substance or mixture of substances intended to be used for the cure, mitigation, or prevention of disease of either humans or other animals. See Minnesota Statutes 152.01
  • drug paraphernalia: means all equipment, products, and materials of any kind, except those items used in conjunction with permitted uses of controlled substances under this chapter or the Uniform Controlled Substances Act, which are knowingly or intentionally used primarily in (1) manufacturing a controlled substance, (2) injecting, ingesting, inhaling, or otherwise introducing into the human body a controlled substance, or (3) enhancing the effect of a controlled substance. See Minnesota Statutes 152.01
  • Drug treatment facility: means any facility in which a residential rehabilitation program licensed under chapter 245G or Minnesota Rules, parts Minnesota Statutes 152.01
  • Evidence: Information presented in testimony or in documents that is used to persuade the fact finder (judge or jury) to decide the case for one side or the other.
  • fentanyl: includes fentanyl, carfentanil, and any fentanyl analogs and fentanyl-related substances listed in section 152. See Minnesota Statutes 152.01
  • Fiduciary: A trustee, executor, or administrator.
  • Hallucinogen: means any hallucinogen listed in section 152. See Minnesota Statutes 152.01
  • Immediate precursor: means a substance which the state Board of Pharmacy has found to be and by rule designates as being the principal compound commonly used or produced for use, and which is an immediate chemical intermediary used or likely to be used in the manufacture of a controlled substance, the control of which is necessary to prevent, curtail, or limit such manufacture. See Minnesota Statutes 152.01
  • Income: means cash or in-kind benefit, whether earned or unearned, received by or available to an applicant or participant that is not property under section 256P. See Minnesota Statutes 256J.08
  • Marijuana: means :

    (1) cannabis plants;

    (2) cannabis flower;

    (3) cannabis concentrate;

    (4) cannabis products;

    (5) cannabis seed; or

    (6) a mixture containing any tetrahydrocannabinol or artificially derived cannabinoid in a concentration that exceeds 0. See Minnesota Statutes 152.01

  • MFIP: means the assistance program authorized in this chapter. See Minnesota Statutes 256J.08
  • Minor child: means a child who is living in the same home of a parent or other caregiver, is not the parent of a child in the home, and is either less than 18 years of age or is under the age of 19 years and is a full-time student in a secondary school or pursuing a full-time secondary level course of vocational or technical training designed to fit students for gainful employment. See Minnesota Statutes 256J.08
  • Minority: means with respect to an individual the period of time during which the individual is a minor. See Minnesota Statutes 645.451
  • Mixture: means a preparation, compound, mixture, or substance containing a controlled substance, regardless of purity except as provided in subdivision 16; sections 152. See Minnesota Statutes 152.01
  • narcotic drug: as used in this chapter shall not include decocainized coca leaves or extracts of coca leaves, which extracts do not contain cocaine or ecgonine. See Minnesota Statutes 152.01
  • Opiate: means any dangerous substance having an addiction forming or addiction sustaining liability similar to morphine or being capable of conversion into a drug having such addiction forming or addiction sustaining liability. See Minnesota Statutes 152.01
  • Opium poppy: means the plant of the species Papaver somniferum L. See Minnesota Statutes 152.01
  • Orphan drug: means a drug for a disease or condition which is rare in the United States and has been designated as an orphan drug by the Secretary of Health and Human Services as provided in the Orphan Drug Act, Public Law 92-414, as amended. See Minnesota Statutes 152.01
  • Parent: means a child's biological or adoptive parent who is legally obligated to support that child. See Minnesota Statutes 256J.08
  • Park zone: includes the area within 300 feet or one city block, whichever distance is greater, of the park boundary. See Minnesota Statutes 152.01
  • Payee: means a person to whom an assistance payment is made payable. See Minnesota Statutes 256J.08
  • Person: includes every individual, copartnership, corporation or association of one or more individuals. See Minnesota Statutes 152.01
  • Poppy straw: means all parts, except the seeds, of the opium poppy, after mowing. See Minnesota Statutes 152.01
  • Public law: A public bill or joint resolution that has passed both chambers and been enacted into law. Public laws have general applicability nationwide.
  • School zone: means :

    (1) any property owned, leased, or controlled by a school district or an organization operating a nonpublic school, as defined in section 123B. See Minnesota Statutes 152.01

  • Sell: means :

    (1) to sell, give away, barter, deliver, exchange, distribute or dispose of to another, or to manufacture; or

    (2) to offer or agree to perform an act listed in clause (1); or

    (3) to possess with intent to perform an act listed in clause (1). See Minnesota Statutes 152.01

  • state: extends to and includes the District of Columbia and the several territories. See Minnesota Statutes 645.44
  • Statute: A law passed by a legislature.
  • Unearned income: has the meaning given in section 256P. See Minnesota Statutes 256J.08