1. The department of social services shall address the needs of homeless, dependent and neglected children in the supervision and custody of the children’s division and to their families-in-conflict by:

(1) Serving children and families as a unit in the least restrictive setting available and in close proximity to the family home, consistent with the best interests and special needs of the child;

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Terms Used In Missouri Laws 210.001

  • Dependent: A person dependent for support upon another.
  • State: when applied to any of the United States, includes the District of Columbia and the territories, and the words "United States" includes such district and territories. See Missouri Laws 1.020

(2) Insuring that appropriate social services are provided to the family unit both prior to the removal of the child from the home and after family reunification;

(3) Developing and implementing preventive and early intervention social services which have demonstrated the ability to delay or reduce the need for out-of-home placements and ameliorate problems before they become chronic.

2. The department of social services shall fund only regional child assessment centers known as:

(1) The St. Louis City child assessment center;

(2) The St. Louis County child assessment center;

(3) The Jackson County child assessment center;

(4) The Buchanan County child assessment center;

(5) The Greene County child assessment center;

(6) The Boone County child assessment center;

(7) The Joplin child assessment center;

(8) The St. Charles County child assessment center;

(9) The Jefferson County child assessment center;

(10) The Pettis County child assessment center;

(11) The southeast Missouri child assessment center;

(12) The Camden County child assessment center;

(13) The Clay-Platte County child assessment center;

(14) The Lakes Area child assessment center;

(15) The Ozark Foothills child assessment center; and

(16) The North Central Missouri child assessment center;

provided the other approved assessment centers included in subdivisions (1) to (14) of this subsection submit to the department of social services a modified funding formula for all approved child assessment centers, which would require no additional state funding.